Duo op - sanji zoro PDF

Title Duo op - sanji zoro
Author Jal Al
Course Civil Engineering
Institution Notre Dame University
Pages 2
File Size 94.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 34
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sanji and zoro...


Roronoa Zoro (ロロノア・ゾロ, spelled as "Roronoa Zolo" or "Roronoa Zollo" in some English adaptations), nicknamed "Pirate Hunter" Zoro (海賊狩りのゾロ, Kaizoku-Gari no Zoro), is a fictional character in the One Piece franchise created by Eiichiro Oda. In the story, Zoro is the first to join Monkey D. Luffy after he is saved from being executed at the Marine Base. He is the crew's combatant, and one of the two swordsmen of the Straw Hat Pirates, the other being Brook. As a native to the East Blue, he came from the town known as Shimotsuki, where he trained in a dojo and learned the one and two-sword styles (ittōryū and nitōryū). Zoro is uniquely known as an expert of Santōryū (Three Sword Style), where he wields a third sword with his mouth in combat. Throughout the series, his primary sword is Wado Ichimonji, a sword that he inherited from a childhood friend, and is frequently the sword that he wields in his mouth.

Myboss woul dn' t hav el i k ed i t .Fi xat ed ont he by gone gr udgeof my c hi l dhood day s. . .He' d havebeen s hoc kedat howsmal la manI ' d becomei f hesawme att hedeat h ofmyown bl ood.I won' tl i vei n awayt hat won' tl etme l ookhi mi n t heey e!I r ef us ed!I r anaway f r om t he Ger ma13 y ear sago. Vi nsmok e Sanj i di ed atseaand t hat ' swhat y ouwant ed!

Soadmi ti t ! TELLME YOU' RE NOTMY FATHER, VI NSMOKE J UDGE! AND DON' T YOUDARE SHOW YOUR FACETO USAGAI N! ~ Sanji to Judge as he officially disowned the Vinsmoke Family as his family and thrown his surname and status as a prince once again.

Sanj i ,bor nasVi nsmokeSanj iandal soknownas" Bl ackLegSanj i " ,i sapi r at eand t hechefoft heSt r awHatPi r at es.Hei st hefif t hmemberoft hecr ewandt hef our t ht o j oi n. Hei st het hi r ds onoft heVi ns mok eFami l y ,whi c hmak eshi m apr i nce,buther enounced hi st i t l eanddi s ownedhi sf ami l yt wi ceaf t erl eav i ngGer ma13y ear sagoandaf t erBi g Mom' st r eacher yt owar dt heVi nsmok eFami l y .Si ncehewasbor natNor t hBl ue,Ger ma Ki ngdom.hei st hefi r stSt r awHatnott oor i gi nat ef r om Eas tBl ue.Hei soneoft het op f ourfight er si nt hec r ewal ongs i deLuffy,Zor o,andJi nbe.Hi sdr eam i st ofindt he r umor edAl l Bl ue,whi chi swher eEastBl ue,Wes tBl ue,Nor t hBl ue,andSout h Bl uemeetal ongwi t ht hei rwi l dl i f e,ac hef ' spar adi se. Hi sfir s tbount ywas77, 000, 000Ber r i esaf t erdef eat i ngJ abr aofCP9buthi sphot ogr aph f ai l edandr epl ac ewi t hDuv alphot o.Hi ss econdbount ywas177, 000, 000,butonl yal i ve byt her equestofhi sf at herVi ns mok eJudge.Af t erescapef r om Tot t oLand,Sanj i ' s cur r entbount yi s330, 000, 000ber r i esbutchangedt het extf r om " onl yal i v e"backt o " DeadorAl i v e"andpr i nthi ss ur nameduet ohi sconnect i onsf ort heVi ns mok eFami l y des pi t eoft hr ownhi ssur name" Vi nsmok e" ....

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