Ece190 syllabus f2019 final PDF

Title Ece190 syllabus f2019 final
Author shaurya jain
Course ECE Practice
Institution University of Waterloo
Pages 13
File Size 398.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 99
Total Views 153




ECE 190: Engineering Profession and Practice Course Syllabus Fall 2019

Course Description In this course, you will explore the engineering profession. You will learn about tools and techniques used by professionals practicing the discipline of electrical and computer engineering. You will also be exposed to concepts from other engineering disciplines. You will be taught the engineering design process and the role of the engineer in protecting public safety. You will learn about business and entrepreneurship in the context of electrical and computer engineering. Through the seminar series on Co-operative Fundamentals for Engineering, (CFE) you will develop skills necessary for career development and co-op employment. This course will also give you skills and tools to help you throughout your undergraduate program in that you will “learn how to learn”. There will be an emphasis on group work, which is the norm in the engineering profession.

Calendar Description “Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering with an emphasis on the profession of engineering and engineering design. Topics include: engineering design, safety, risk analysis, engineering data analysis, project management, sustainability, business, entrepreneurship, and intellectual property. Additional topics include co-op fundamentals for engineering students, professional development, and diversity training. ” Prereq: Level at least 1A Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Antireq: ECE 100A

Class Schedule Class Section


SEC 001

SEC 002

SEC 003

David Wang

Class Day

Class Time

Class Room

Tuesday Thursday Makeup Day (see 4)

8:30 am to 9:20 am 8:30 am to 9:20 am 1:30 pm to 2:20 pm

E7 5353

Tuesday Thursday Makeup Day (see 4)

2:30 pm to 3:20 pm 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm 10:30 am to 11:20 am

E7 5353

Tuesday Thursday Makeup Day (see 4)

12:30 pm to 1:20 pm 12:30 pm to 1:20 pm 9:30 am to 10:20 am

E7 5343

NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Classes start: Wednesday, September 4. Thanksgiving holiday (no lectures): Monday, October 14th. Study days (no lectures): Tuesday, October 15th to Friday, October 18th. Makeup day: Thursday, September 26th and Thursday November 14th. Midterm days (no lectures): Thursday, October 10th to 11th and Monday, October 21st to October 23rd. Classes end: Tuesday, December 3rd.

ECE 190 Course Syllabus for Fall 2018

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Content Course Description ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Calendar Description .................................................................................................................................................1 Class Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 Contact Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Course Instructors ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Engineering Instructional Support Tutors ..................................................................................................................3 Teaching Assistants ....................................................................................................................................................4 Course Objectives ..........................................................................................................................................................5 Course Textbook and Lecture Slides ..........................................................................................................................5 Assigned Textbook Readings ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Lecture Schedule ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Course Deliverables .......................................................................................................................................................7 Grading of Course Deliverables .................................................................................................................................7 Late Submission Policy for Course Deliverables ........................................................................................................7 Rules for Collaboration ..............................................................................................................................................7 Use of the Top Hat Classroom Response System ......................................................................................................8 Attendance ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Course Workload Expectations ..................................................................................................................................8 Overall Grade Calculation ..........................................................................................................................................8 Co-op Fundamentals for Engineering ............................................................................................................................9 Important Co-op Dates ............................................................................................................................................ 11 University Expectations and Policies ...........................................................................................................................12 Academic Integrity ...................................................................................................................................................12 Grievance .................................................................................................................................................................12 Discipline..................................................................................................................................................................12 Appeals ....................................................................................................................................................................12 Note for Students Requiring Accommodations .......................................................................................................12 Intellectual Property ................................................................................................................................................13

ECE 190 Course Syllabus for Fall 2018

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Contact Information The discussion forum on LEARN is the most effective way to contact the teaching team to ask questions related to the course material. If you have a question about the course material, other students will likely have the same question as well. By posting your question on the discussion forum, the question and the answer will be accessible to all students. If you need to contact David Wang, who is the First Year Academic Advisor, directly for more personal matters, please send an email to him with a subject line of “ECE 190 Course Question”.

Course Instructors Students may visit an instructor to inquire about any aspect of the course. Questions regarding course topics, course materials, deadlines, and grading should be directed to the instructor teaching that lecture. Each instructor has set aside an hour each week for meeting with students. An appointment is not needed to meet with the instructor during regularly scheduled office hours. If for any reason, a meeting outside of regularly scheduled office hours is required, an individual appointment with an instructor may be booked by contacting your instructor via email or via phone. The phone number for the main campus of the university is (519) 888- 4567. Instructor

Office Location

E-mail Address

Office Hours

David Wang

E7 5324

[email protected]

Wednesday 11:30 pm to 1:30 pm

Engineering Instructional Support Tutors Students may visit with an engineering instructional support tutor to discuss concerns about the conduct of teaching assistants or to discuss concerns about the conduct of fellow students. Appointments with an engineering instructional support tutor may be booked by contacting a tutor via e-mail or via phone. The phone number for the main campus of the university is (519) 888-4567. Engineering Instructional Support Tutor David Lau

ECE 190 Course Syllabus for Fall 2018

Office Location Campus Extension E2 1786E

Ext. 33888

E-mail Address [email protected]

Page 3

Teaching Assistants Students may visit the teaching assistants to discuss course materials, assignments, and questions on course content. An individual appointment with a teaching assistant may be booked by contacting a teaching assistant via e-mail. Teaching Assistant

E-mail Address

Chun-De David Hu

[email protected]

Anisa Thomas

[email protected]

Ziqian Charlie Liu

[email protected]

Yi Hong Liu

[email protected]

Yi Fan Yu

[email protected]

Michael Li

[email protected]

ECE 190 Course Syllabus for Fall 2018

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Course Objectives In this course, you will have an opportunity to achieve the following goals: • • • • • •

Prepare for entering the profession of electrical and computer engineering, Learn how to learn and how to work together in groups, Learn about the cooperative education system at the University of Waterloo, Understand the structure of the electrical and computer engineering program, Develop a proficiency with engineering tools and techniques, and Gain experience working as part of an engineering design team.

Course Textbook and Lecture Slides G. C. Andrews, J. D. Aplevich, R. A. Fraser, and C. G. MacGregor, Introduction to Professional Engineering in Canada, 5th Edition, Pearson Education Canada, 2018.

Assigned Textbook Readings The assigned textbook readings have been carefully selected to complement the lectures presented in the course. The readings provide additional examples and details that will be examined by quizzes throughout the term. All ECE 190 students are expected to read the following chapters of the course textbook: Completion Date



September 10th

Chapter 5: Learning Strategies

p. 69 – p. 77

September 17th

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Engineering Chapter 2: The Licensed Professional Engineer

p. 3 – p. 15 p. 19 – p. 33

Chapter 3: Professional Engineering Ethics

p. 37 – p. 52

October 24th

Chapter 11: Measurement Error

p. 165 – p. 172

October 29th

Chapter 4: Engineering Societies

p. 57 – p. 65

October 31st

Chapter 15: Fundamentals of Engineering Design

p. 225 – p. 250

November 12th

Chapter 16: Project Management and Scheduling

p. 255 – p. 266

November 19th

Chapter 17: Safety in Engineering Design Chapter 18: Safety, Risk, and the Engineer

p. 269 – p. 279 p. 283 – p. 292

November 21st

Chapter 19: Environmental Sustainability

p. 295 – p. 314

November 26th

Chapter 20: The Engineer in Business

p. 321 – p. 330

November 28th

Chapter 21: Intellectual Property

p. 333 – p. 345

October 1st

ECE 190 Course Syllabus for Fall 2018

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Lecture Schedule The table provided below summarizes the lectures being held this term. Unless otherwise stated, the information applies to all sections (LEC 001, LEC 002, and LEC 003) of the course. Week

Tuesday Lecture

Thursday Lecture [Makeup Lecture] Course Introduction / Using LEARN/ Essential Study Skills 1 September 5th

September 2nd

September 9th

Essential Study Skills 2 September 10th

CFE Session 1* September 12th

September 16th

The Engineering Profession (Mental Wellness Lecture week 1)^ September 17th

CFE Session 2* September 19th

September 23rd

Essential Study Skills 3 September 24th

Essential Study Skills 4 [ECE Program Overview] September 26th

September 30th

Engineering Ethics (Mental Wellness Lecture week 2)^ October 1st

CFE Session 3* October 3rd

October 7th

Team Activity 1 (Mental Wellness Lecture week 3)^ October 8th

Midterm Days No classes October 10th

October 14th

Thanksgiving/Reading Week

October 21st

Midterm Days No classes Oct 22nd

Engineering Data Analysis October 24th

October 28th

Eng. Societies and networking October 29th

Engineering Design October 31st

November 4th

Team Activity 2 November 5th

CFE Session 4* (Section 1, 2 only) November 7th

November 11th

Project Management November 12th

WatPD (Section 1, 2 only) [Workplace Harassment and Your Rights] November 14th

November 18th

Safety and Risk Analysis November 19th

Sustainability November 21st

November 25th

Business and Entrepreneurship November 26th

Intellectual Property November 28th

December 2nd

Team Activity 3 December 3rd

*For more information, check the Co-op Fundamentals for Engineering section of the syllabus below ^For more information, check the Mental Wellness Lectures section of the syllabus below

ECE 190 Course Syllabus for Fall 2018

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Course Deliverables All ECE 190 students are required to submit the following deliverables:




Submission Format

Co-op Fundamentals for Engineering (CFE)

Coop Sessions (CFE on schedule)



Course Activities

Team Activities 1-3

30 % (Equal Weighting)




50 % (Equal Weighting)

Top Hat

Academic Integrity Mini-Course



Bonus (Based on Group Performance)

10% bonus


100% (cannot go over)

Diversity Course Quizzes or End of Class Deliverables

Submissions Required During Lectures

Grading of Course Deliverables All electronic submissions will be assessed by the teaching team using rubrics posted on LEARN. Students are strongly encouraged to review the rubrics prior to submitting their course deliverables for assessment. Feedback will be provided on LEARN. Classroom deliverables will also be assessed using the Top Hat classroom response system.

Late Submission Policy for Course Deliverables Late submissions will not be permitted for any course deliverables. Exceptions may be granted in certain circumstances (e.g. Coop interviews, illness) but must be accompanied by a note and an explanation sent to the instructor of that lecture.

Rules for Collaboration Students are expected to collaborate with their colleagues. Collaboration between students in the form of sharing ideas and discussing design alternatives is encouraged. Each student must contribute to team activities and each student must construct his/her own solution to individual assignments, if directed to do so. Students or groups are not permitted to share designs electronically or share designs in written form with other students or groups unless such design sharing has been clearly documented and acknowledged within the submitted work. If a design fragment has been copied from a classmate or group, the design fragment will not be considered in the grading of the work. The student or group that received the design fragment will not otherwise be penalized for its use provided that the use of the design fragment has been properly acknowledged by ECE 190 Course Syllabus for Fall 2018

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comments within the description of the design. These comments should include the name of the collaborators and the date of the collaboration.

Use of the Top Hat Classroom Response System We will be using the Top Hat ( classroom response system in class. You will be able to submit answers to in-class questions using Apple or Android smartphones and tablets, laptops, or through text message. You can visit the Top Hat Overview ( within the Top Hat Success Center which outlines how you will register for a Top Hat account, as well as providing a brief overview to get you up and running on the system. An email invitation will be sent to you by email, but if don’t receive this email, you can register by simply visiting the course website: SEC 001: ECE 190- Section 1- Fall 2019 JC: 738573

Course Join Code: 738573

SEC 002: ECE 190- Section 2- Fall 2019 JC: 040435

Course Join Code: 040435

SEC 003: ECE 190- Section 3- Fall 2019 JC: 645119

Course Join Code: 645119

Top Hat will require a paid subscription, and a full breakdown of all subscription options available can be found here: Should you require assistance with Top Hat at any time, due to the fact that they require specific user information to troubleshoot these issues, please contact their Support Team directly by way of email ([email protected]), the in app support button, or by calling 1-888-663-5491.

Attendance Course engagement is graded in ECE 190 through the use of the Top Hat classroom response system. If you feel ill, you should contact a physician immediately to have an assessment conducted. A verification of illness form is required if you miss any deliverable deadline for health reasons: • •

Forms can be completed by the physicians at Health Services or by off-campus physicians Forms should be presented to the First-Year Engineering Office (CPH 1320) for verification

If you anticipate missing a deliverable deadline for a non-medical reason, you should contact your instructor as soon as you are aware of the problem. Given sufficient notice, alternate arrangements may be possible. Alternate arrangements are rare and subject to the discretion of the instructor.

Course Workload Expectations It is expected that students will perform approximately 5 hours of work per week for a total of 60 hours of work to complete this course. This course has a lighter workload than most other courses you will take.

Overall Grade Calculation The final course grade appearing on your transcript wi...

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