PHY 127 F2019 syllabus - past exams PDF

Title PHY 127 F2019 syllabus - past exams
Author fr ftr
Course General Physics I With Algebra
Institution Berea College
Pages 2
File Size 126 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 66
Total Views 151


past exams...


Berea College Fall 2019

PHY 127  General Physics PHY 127 is about things in motion. First we describe the motion of particles (kinematics), then we learn why they move the way they do (dynamics), and then we move from particles to extended objects and describe the additional ways they can move (rotation), and finally we discuss how solids and fluids behave. Instructor: Charlie Wilton [email protected] Office: MAC 441 Office hours: I'm in the building pretty much all day MWF, and available to speak with you except when I am teaching (10:40-11:50am and 2:40-3:50pm) Teaching Assistants: Brady Bateman [email protected] Jose Zapata [email protected] Classroom: MAC 230

Lecture: MWF, 10:40am - 11:50am

Textbook: Physics, 6th edition, by Giancoli You should keep up with reading the textbook on your own as we move through chapters 1 – 10. The Lab portion of this class is taught on Tuesdays by Prof. Martin Veillette Homework will be assigned weekly, typically due on Fridays. The assignments will be posted on Moodle, so check there regularly. Tests There will be three tests, tentatively scheduled for September 27, November 4, and December 12. Note that Test #3 will be held during the scheduled final exam period. Any changes to these dates will be posted on Moodle. Calculation of Final Grade Your final grade will be based on four components: Three tests (15% each): 45% Lab total: 25% Homework total: 25% Class participation: 5% A: ≥85% ; B ≥ 75% ; C ≥ 65% ; D ≥ 55%

Academic Honesty (From the student handbook) “Students are expected to be scrupulous in their observance of high standards of honesty in regard to tests, assignments, term papers, and all other procedures relating to class work. Academic dishonesty as used here includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating on examinations, theft of examinations or other materials from an instructor’s files or office or from a room in which these are being copied, copying of an instructor’s test material without the permission of the instructor, theft of computer files from another person, or attributing to one’s self the work of others, with or without the others’ permission.” Suspected cases of academic dishonesty will result in loss of credit for the assignment and will be referred to the Director of Academic Services. It is understood that students must participate in the collection of all data submitted under their name. All data submitted must be collected in the lab, during the current semester. Collaboration on data collection is permitted and encouraged. While students are encouraged to discuss the ideas of the lab with whomever they wish, submitted discussions of the lab results must be written independently and reflect each student's own understanding of their own lab results, however that understanding was developed. Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Berea College values diversity and inclusion and seeks to create a climate of mutual respect and full participation. The goal is to create learning environments that are accessible, equitable, and inclusive. If you encounter barriers based on the impact of a disability or health condition, please let me know immediately so that it can be determined if there is a design adjustment that can be made to the course or if accommodations might be needed to overcome the barriers. I am committed to supporting the learning of all students in my class. I will provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities to make all learning experiences accessible. Students are welcome to discuss sensitive topics, including disability-related concerns, with me, which will be kept confidential. However, you must go through DAS procedures to obtain accommodations. Please contact Lisa Ladanyi (Director of DAS – Disability & Accessibility Services, 111 Lincoln Hall, 859-985-3237, [email protected]) to initiate a conversation about your options. Accommodations are not retroactive, so please make the appointment today....

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