Syllabus for PHY 221 PDF

Title Syllabus for PHY 221
Author Juan Martinez
Course University Physics I
Institution University of Miami
Pages 3
File Size 140.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 39
Total Views 151


Syllabus for University Physics I of Fall 2020...


PHY$221$ $



Syllabus$$ $

Lecture:! ! ! Course$instructor:! ! Office$hours:$$ ! Office:!! ! ! Webpage:$ $ $ E-mail:! ! ! Discussion$Sections:$ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Mandatory$text:! !





Mon,!Wed!and!Fri!10:10!–!11:00!am!or!11:15!am!–!12:05pm!! Dr.!He!Wang! Tuesday!4:30!pm!–!6:30!pm,!Zoom!remote! Knight!Physics!Building!315!!! [email protected]! Remote!on!Tuesday! 1O:!9:30!am!–!10:20!am,!Prof.!Alexandru!Mezincescu! 1P:!11:00!am!–!11:50!am,!Prof.!Alexandru!Mezincescu! 1Q:!12:30$pm!–!1:20!pm,!Prof.!Stewart!Barnes$ 1R:$2:00!pm!–!2:50!pm,!Prof.!Stewart!Barnes! 1S:$3:30!pm!–!4:20!pm,!Prof.!Mason!Klein! Physics!for!Scientists!&!Engineers!with!Modern!Physics! Volume!I,!4th!Edition,!by!Douglas!C.!Giancoli! ! ! ! ! ! Course$ description:$ First! of! a! three! course,! calculus! based,! introductory! physics! sequence,! covering!mechanics,!intended!for!science!and!engineering!students.! ! Lecture:$ Face-to-face;! synchronous! delivery! using! Zoom;! recorded! video! lecture! posted! on! blackboard!for!asynchronous!delivery.!! ! Discussion:$Remote!discussions!are!held!on!Tuesday!and!used!for!problem!solving! and!students’! questions!of!homework.!Details!follow!the!discussion!instructor.! ! Quiz:$ 15!min!quizzes!are!given!weekly!through!Mastering!physics!on! Tuesday.!Quizzes!cover!the! material! of! the! previous! several! lectures! testing! the! students! on! basic! understanding! of! current! material.!! ! Homework$and$assignment:$ - Weekly!online!homework!through!Mastering$physics!is!due!on!Tuesday$by$11:59$pm.!! - Weekly!online!assignment!through!Blackboard!is!due!on!Tuesday$by$11:59$pm.!! Late!homework!and!assignment!is!not!accepted.!! ! Exams:$ Midterm!exams! will!be! held!on! September$ 16,$ October$ 14,$ and$ November$ 11,$ 6:357:50PM.! The! final! online! exam! is! held! on! Dec$ 2,$ 8:00AM-10:30AM.! In! case! of! the! student’s! absence! on! the! exam! without! a! valid! excuse! zero! grade! is! given.! In! case! of! emergency! with! documented! proof! the! missing! student’s! exam! grade! is! substituted! by! the! average! of! other! midterm!test!grades!at!the!end!of!the!semester.!The!final!exam!may!not!be!missed.! Useful$Dates:! Aug!26,! last!day!to!add!a!course;! Sept!1,!last!day!to!drop!a!course!without!a!“W”;!Oct!21,!last!day!to! withdraw!from!a!course.!! $ $ $ $ 1"


Grading$policy:! - [20%]!Midterm!Exam!1! - [20%]!Midterm!Exam!2! - [20%]!Midterm!Exam!3! - [30%]!Final!Exam! - [30%]!Other:!online!assignment!(10%),!online!homework!(10%),!and!quiz!(10%).! ! You!might!notice!that!this!adds!up!to!120%.!At!the!end!of!the!semester,!the!following!formula!will! be!used!for!calculation!of!the!final!course!grade:!! $ Final$Grade$ (%)!=Exam!1!+!Exam!2!+!Exam!3!+!Final!Exam!+!Other–MINIMUM![Exam!1;!Exam2;! ! ! Exam3;! Final!Exam;! Other].! !


! The!Honor!Code!is!enforced.!$ ! Notice:! Everyone! will! be! required! to! wear! a! face! covering! at! all! times! on! all! campuses.! Each! student! in! this! course! is! required! to! wear!a! face! covering! correctly! at! all!times!in! the! classroom! and!to!maintain! appropriate!physical!distancing.! Students!may!be! assigned!a! seat! for!the!entirety! of! the!semester,!and! will! be! required! to! sit! in! their! assigned! seat.! Students! not! adhering! to! these! requirements!will!be!asked!to!leave!class.! ! Students! are!expressly! prohibited! from! recording!any! part! of! this!course.! Meetings! of!this! course! might! be! recorded! by! the! University.! Any! recordings! will! be! available! to! students! registered! for! this! class! as! they! are!intended! to!supplement! the! classroom! experience.! Students! are! expected! to! follow! appropriate! University! policies! and! maintain! the! security! of! passwords! used! to! access! recorded! lectures.! Recordings! may! not! be! reproduced,! shared! with! those! not! in! the! class,! or! uploaded! to!other! online!environments.! If! the! instructor! or!a!University! of!Miami! office! plans!any! other! uses! for! the! recordings,! beyond! this! class,! students! identifiable! in! the! recordings! will! be! notified!to!request!consent!prior!to!such!use.!



2" "

Approximate$Schedule$ ! Week!1!August!

Monday! 17!Lecture!1! Chapter!1! Week!2!August! 24!Lecture!4! Chapter!2! Week! 3! August- 31!Lecture!7! September! Chapter!3! Week! 4! 7!Recess!! September! No!Lecture! Week! 5! 14!Lecture!12! September! Chapter!4! !

Tuesday! 18!No!discussion!

Week!6! September! Week! 7! SeptemberOctober! Week!8!October!

21!Lecture!15! Chapter!5! 28!Lecture!18! Chapter!6!

22!Discussion!5! Quiz!5,!HW!5! 29!Discussion!6! Quiz!6,!HW!6!

5!Lecture!21! Chapter!7! 12!Lecture!24! Chapter!8!

6!Discussion!7! Quiz!7,!HW!7! 13!Discussion!8! Quiz!8,!HW!8!


Week! October! Week! October! Week! November! Week! November!

Week! November! Week! November! Week! November! Week! December!

10! 19!Lecture!26! Chapter!8! 11! 26!Lecture!29! Chapter!9! ! 12! 2!Lecture!32! Chapter!10! 13! 9!Lecture!35! Chapter!11!

14! 16!Lecture!38! Chapter!12! 15! 23!Lecture!41! Summary! (remote!Zoom)! 16! ! 17! !

25!Discussion!1! Quiz!1,!HW!1! 1!Discussion!2! Quiz!2,!HW!2! 8!Discussion!3! Quiz!3,!HW!3! 15!Discussion!4! Quiz!4,!HW!4!

20!Discussion!9! Quiz!9,!HW!9! 27!Discussion!10! Quiz!10,!HW!10!

Wednesday! 19!Lecture!2! Chapter!1!and!Maths! 26!Lecture!5! Chapter!2! 2!Lecture!8! Chapter!3! 9!Lecture!10! Chapter!3! 16!Lecture!13! Chapter!4! Exam!1,!Ch.!1-3! 6:35-7:50PM! 23!Lecture!16! Chapter!5! 30!Lecture!19! Chapter!6!

Thursday! !

7!Lecture!22! Chapter!7! 14!Lecture!25! Chapter!8! Exam!2,!Ch.!4-7! 6:35-7:50PM! 21!Lecture!27! Chapter!9! 28!Lecture!30! Chapter!10!


3!Discussion!11! Quiz!11,!HW!11! 10!Discussion!12! Quiz!12,!HW!12!

! ! !

! !


! !

25!Lecture!17! Chapter!5! 2!Lecture!20! Chapter!7! 9!Lecture!23! Chapter!8! 16!Recess!! No!Lecture!

23!Lecture!28! Chapter!9! 30!Lecture!31! Chapter!10!

4!Lecture!33! Chapter!10! 11!Lecture!36! Chapter!11! Exam!3,!Ch.!8-10! 6:35-7:50PM! 17! Discussion! 13! 18!Lecture!39! Quiz!13,!HW!13! Chapter!14! ! !



20!Lecture!40! Chapter!14! !






Dec! 2! Online! Final! ! Exam,!Ch.!1-12,14!! 8AM-10:30AM!



3" "


Friday! 21!Lecture!3! Chapter!1!and!Maths! 28!Lecture!6! Chapter!2! 4!Lecture!9! Chapter!3! 11!Lecture!11! Chapter!4! 18!Lecture!14! Chapter!4!



6!Lecture!34! Chapter!11! 13!Lecture!37! Chapter!12!...

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