PSY 221 Syllabus Social Psychology at Maryland PDF

Title PSY 221 Syllabus Social Psychology at Maryland
Author Anonymous User
Course Social Psychology
Institution University of Maryland
Pages 12
File Size 406.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 83
Total Views 131




1 Social Psychology: PSYC 221:001 Spring 2020 MW 2:00 2:00-2:50 -2:50 BPS 1250

F 2:00-2:50 BRB 1101

Instructor: Dr. Linda Zou

Course GTA: Adam Factor

Email: [email protected]

GTA Email: [email protected]

Office: BPS 3147E Office Hours: Tuesdays 3

GTA Office: BPS 3143

– 3:50 or by

GTA Office Hours: Wednesdays 1

– 1:50

appointment UTA: Wendy Kelman UTA Email: [email protected]

Course Page: The course webpage can be found at You must use your directory ID and password to access this page.

Course Objectives

This class explores how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by their social context. We will investigate diverse topics including the self, attribution, persuasion, conformity, stereotyping and prejudice, social identity, romantic attraction, and helping behavior.

Throughout this course, you will:


Learn about the theories, methods, and key concepts in the study of the social self (i.e., the ways in which we are shaped by the world around us and the ways in which we shape the world).


Strengthen your ability to use psychological research to help evaluate conflicting ideas, examine interesting phenomena, and reflect on the social world.


Strengthen your ability to discuss and write scientifically about psychological phenomena.

Expectations My Role as Instructor

I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and sharing in this learning process.

I am interested in

each of you achieving your personal goals for this course and I will help you in whatever way I can. I will do my best to make class time engaging for everyone. I will aim to create and enforce a learning atmosphere that is safe, comfortable, and respectful. I will communicate my expectations clearly and hold all learners to equitable standards. I welcome questions, comments, and suggestions. I may modify this syllabus as needed.

From your instructor (me), you can expect: clear expectations, respectful treatment, and assistance in achieving your goals.

Your Role as Learner

In this course, you are responsible for attending lecture and staying engaged, getting involved in discussions, reading the assigned textbook chapters and articles, thinking about what you read, and being prepared to discuss the ideas in class. I hope that our classroom can be a collaborative learning community. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas, get to know your classmates, and ask questions.

2 I expect from students (you):

your best effort in all coursework, respectful treatment of your peers and myself,

and willingness to ask for help when needed. You will be responsible for contacting me in a timely manner if any circumstances arise that interfere with your ability to participate fully in class.


In order to enroll in PSY 221, students must have already taken PSY 100.

Textbooks and Other Required Technology

OPTIONAL: Social Psychology by Gilovich, Chen, Keltner, & Nisbett, 5



All assigned readings, both textbook chapters and Issue Readings, will be made available on the ELMS course website. All readings are for educ educational ational use only and cannot be shared with others or posted in a public domain.

REQUIRED: Clicker keypad device or web-enabled device. Go to UMD ELMS/Canvas for information:

Course Operation

Lecture Sessions

On Mondays and Wednesdays, class sessions will consist of lecture-style teaching, aided by demonstrations, class discussions, videos, and/or activities.

Lectures will often introduce content not covered by the assigned

e’s material.

readings. This means you will have to come to class to lear learn n all of this cours

Friday Blended Learning

On most Fridays, class sessions will be in a blended learning format, which means that scheduled class time will either involve an in-class discussion of a specific issue, or an out-of-class writing assignment about that same issue (alternating every other week - see the course schedule).

The first day of class, you will be assigned to either Group 1 or Group 2 and will follow the Friday schedule for that group. Please note that on certain Fridays, both groups are scheduled to be in class, including the first Friday of the semester.

Deep Dive Discussions

On Fridays when your group is scheduled for an in-class discussion, you will attend class and participate.

Each Deep Dive issue will relate to a modern research area or recent controversy in

social psychology. These issues will be explained and elaborated in 1-2 assigned scientific or news articles. Read these articles before Friday in order to be prepared to discuss these issues.

Your Group (consisting of half of the class) will be divided into ~20 teams made up of 3-4 students. The discussion days will be structured as follows:

ONLY students in that week’s group will come to class on a given Deep Dive Day.



n teams, students will complete “deep dive”

questions on the Deep Dive Worksheet. These

will be turned in at the end of class for completion credit (See Deep Dive Worksheets section).

We will close with a class discussion in which students volunteer

to summarize their team’s


Writing Assignments

On Fridays when your Group is assigned an out-of-class writing assignment, this means you do not come to class that Friday. Instead, you work on this writing assignment outside of class (See Writing Assignments section).

Course Requirement Requirements s Exams (200 points)

There will be 2 non-cumulative, multiple-choice mid-term exams each covering approximately one-half of the course material presented (including lectures and readings), and 1 cumulative final exam covering

material from the entire semester (see “Course Schedule” for dates). Please come on exam days prepared with pencils and your ID.

Grade: Each of the three exams is worth 100 points and your lowest e exam xam grade will be dropped dropped. That means if something comes up and you are absent for an exam, that 0 will be dropped and your exam score will be based on the other two exams. You are allowed to drop any one exam, INCLUDING the final exam. Meaning, if you take both mid-term exams and are satisfied with your exam grade, you can skip the final exam.

If you take both mid-term exams and the final exam, then the lowest exam score will be dropped.

Exam Makeup Policy: Make-up exams will only be permitted if you have a University-approved excused absence (see university policies at end of syllabus).

Weekly Quizzes (40 points)

Each week, you will be given a short, open-note, multiple-choice quiz on the textbook chapters assigned for that week. These quizzes will be similar to questions used on the exams and will also ensure that students are keeping up on textbook readings. Quizzes will be administered online on the course website. . Each week, quizzes will open right after class on Wednesday, and you will have until 11:59PM that day (Wednesda (Wednesday) y) to complete the quiz. You will only be given 10 minutes to complete the quiz, so you should read and take notes in advance.

Grade: Each of the 9 quizzes are worth 5 points. You may skip one quiz without penalty (i.e., the lowe lowest st quiz grade will be dropped dropped). Quizzes can only be made up for University-approved excused absences (see university policies at end of syllabus).

Writing Assignments (90 points points))

Throughout the course, you will be assigned 4 short essays (~500 words) that will ask you to respond to a prompt related to a Deep Dive Issue

(see “Course Schedule” for dates). These assignments are due the

Sunday after they are assigned by 11:59PM 11:59PM. .

Grade: Each of the 4 assignments is worth 30 points and your lowest grade will be dropped.

If you

complete all four assignments, only the three with the highest points will be counted toward your grade. You must turn in assignments on their due date by 11:59PM 11:59PM, , online on the course website.

Late assignments will

not be accepted, unless you have a University-approved excused absence (see university policies at end of syllabus).

4 Deep Dive Worksheets (20 points)

When your Group is assigned to a Friday Deep Dive Discussion, this means you are required to ATTEND class that Friday.

All present team members who contribute to the Deep Dive worksheet of that day will

receive credit for that day’s work. Grade: Each of the 5 Deep Dive worksheets are worth 4 points each. Worksheets cannot be made up, unless you have a University-approved excused absence (see university policies at end of syllabus). You may

also be required to come to the other group’s Deep Dive day to make up for the absence. Final Paper (45 points) th

A 5-page, typed, double-spaced paper is due on May 13

before 11:59PM on the course website. The task

for the final paper is to identify a future personal or professional obstacle or goal, and then discuss a social psychological phenomenon that would inform your behavior in overcoming that obstacle or meeting that goal.

For example, you may have a personal goal of being a good parent. What knowledge from social

psychology can help you achieve that goal? As another example, if you want to be a top executive someday, you may envision yourself having issues with effectively leading others (a professional obstacle). What knowledge from social psychology can help you achieve that goal? You will have to incorporate at least four academic journal articles into your paper.

The requirements for this assignment will be discussed further in

the writing workshop.

Grade: The final paper is worth 45 points. Late papers will not be accepted, unless you have a Universityapproved excused absence (see university policies at end of syllabus) that covers an extensive amount of time (i.e., at least the entire week before the final paper was due).

Lecture Participation (5 points)

During Monday and Wednesday lectures, students will participate in several in-class activities, some of which will involve the use of clicker devices. Participation will be based on the number of days you used your

clicker (to answer at least 50% of the day’s questions) out of

the total number of lecture days.

You will NOT

be graded on the content of your answers, only on whether or not you participated.

It is considered cheating to ask another student to bring your clicker to class so you still get participation points when you are absent. Such an event will be treated as an honor code violation for both students involved.

Grade: Lecture participation is worth 1.25% of your grade (5 points). Every student can miss up to 3 days of

“excused absences” ). These three absences are automatically excused and may be

lecture without penalty (

used for University-defined excused absences or for some other reason, but you only get three either way. Clicker questions cannot be made up and forgetting to bring your clicker to class or experiencing technical malfunctions in class also count as absences.

Extra Credit Opportunities

This course offers the following extra credit opportunities:

2% on your overall grade for participating in 5 credits of SONA research.

No personalized requests for extra credit opportunities will be granted.

5 How to Do Well in This Course How can you do well in this class? Here are some tips based in research on pedagogy.

Engage with the material (both in class and while reading the textbook).

Examine concepts critically and ask lots of questions.

Recognize when you do not understand material & seek help early.

Apply class ideas to your current and real-world knowledge.

Take notes on lectures, class discussions, reading materials, and in-class activities.

Envision how material will support your career & personal learning goals.

6 Grading Rubric


Points Possible (%)

Exams, including the final exam (2 at 100 points each)*

200 (50%)

Quizzes (8 at 5 points each)**

40 (10%)

Writing Assignments (3 at 30 points each)

90 (22.5%)

Deep Dive Worksheets (5 at 4 points each)

20 (5%)

Final Paper

45 (11.25%) ††

Lecture Participation

5 (1.25%)


40 400 0 (100%)

*There are 3 exams, including the final exam. I drop the lowest grade out of the three exams, so only the top two exam grades are counted toward your final grade. **There are 9 quizzes. I drop the lowest grade, so only the top 8 quizzes count. † There are 4 writing assignments. I drop the lowest grade of the four assignments, so only the top three grades are counted toward your final grade. †† You may miss 3 days of lecture without penalty.


– Cut-off Points

The table below will be used to assign grades in the course based on the 400-point maximum. If you accumulate the total points listed below, you are guaranteed that grade in the course. Total points get rounded to the nearest whole number (e.g., 349.4 is 349 but 349.5 is 350) and there will be no final

—you have

adjustments adjustments. Imagine you are the professor assigning grades

to draw the lines somewhere.

Final Grade Conversions Number of points




388 or above




– 387 360 – 375 348 – 359 336 – 347 320 – 335 308 – 319 296 – 307 280 – 295 268 – 279 256 – 267 240 – 255

94% 94%-96.9% -96.9%



90% 90%-93.9% -93.9%



87% 87%-89.9% -89.9%



84% 84%-86.9% -86.9%



80% 80%-83.9% -83.9%



77% 77%-79.9% -79.9%



74% 74%-76.9% -76.9%



70% 70%-73.9% -73.9%



67% 67%-69.9% -69.9%



64% 64%-66.9% -66.9%



60% 60%-63.9% -63.9%



239 or less

0% 0%-59.9% -59.9%




7 Course Schedule Day



Group 1

Group 2



Intro to Social Psychology

Attend Class

Attend Class



Attend Class

Attend Class



Writing Workshop

Attend Class

Attend Class

The Social Self

Attend Class

Attend Class



How do we see

Clicker Attendance

Clicker Attendance




Attend Class

Attend Class

Methods of Social Psychology

Readings Due

Chapter 2 pgs. 39-57

The Social Self What motivates our selfWednesday


evaluation? Quiz on Chapters 2 & 3

Chapter 3 pgs. 63-77

Quiz due at 11:59 PM

Deep Dive 1 Friday


Are generations psychologically different?

Stay Home Writing Assignment

Attend Class

1A due Sunday at


Issue 1 Readings


Social Cognition Monday


How do we make

Attend Class

Attend Class

Attend Class

Attend Class

Are our judgments about

Attend Class

Writing Assignment

other people accurate or


1B due Sunday at

judgments about other people? Social Cognition What shortcuts do we use



to make judgments? Quiz on Chapter 4 due at

Chapter 4 pgs. 99 99-1 -1 -117 17

11:59 PM

Deep Dive 2 Friday


Stay Home Issue 2 Readings


inaccurate? Social Influence Monday


Why and when do we

Attend Class

Attend Class

Attend Class

Attend Class

conform? Social Influence Why and when do we Wednesday


comply and obey? Quiz on Chapter 9 due at

Chapter 9 pgs. 269 269-286 -286

11:59 PM



Deep Dive 3

Stay Home

What is the scientific value

Writing Assignment

Attend Class

of the Stanford Prison

2A due Sunday at




Issue 3 Readings

8 Day



Group 1

Group 2

Attend Class

Attend Class

Attend Class

Attend Class

Readings Due

Attitudes and Behavior Monday


Do attitudes influence behaviors? Attitudes and Behavior Do behaviors influence



attitudes? Quiz on Chapter 7 due at

Chapter 7 pgs. 213 13-2 -2 -226 26

11:59 PM Deep Dive 4 Friday


Stay Home

Does U.S. psychological

Attend Class

Writing Assignment

research generalize to


2B due Sunday at

other cultures?

Issue 4 Readings


Persuasion Monday


What kinds of cues do we

Attend Class

Attend Class

Attend Class

Attend Class

find persuasive? Persuasion What kinds of people do Wednesday


we find persuasive? Quiz on Chapter 8 due at

Chapter 8 pgs. 2 239 39 39-2 -2 -254 54

11:59 PM Deep Dive 5 How does technology Friday


affect our ability to communicate with people?

Stay Home Writing Assignment

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