EDSE359 Assignment 1 une PDF

Title EDSE359 Assignment 1 une
Author sar foster
Course English Pedagogy in the Primary Curriculum
Institution University of New England (Australia)
Pages 7
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EDSE359 Assignment 1 une teaching course, example...


EDSE 359 Assignment 1

EDSE 359 – Assignment 1 Part A – Reader Is uploaded separately.

Sara foster

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EDSE 359 Assignment 1

Part B – Lesson plan Lesson Title: Seasons.

Duration: 60-65

Outcomes (not counted in word limit) The Science and Technology Outcomes and related Contents that you are addressing in this lesson plan 1. Observes, questions and collects data to communicate ideas STe-1WS-S - respond to questions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS014) -

engage in discussions about observations represent ideas based on results of investigations (ACSIS233)

2. Identifies how daily and seasonal changes in the environment affect humans and other living things STe-6ES-S -

identify daily and seasonal changes that occur in our environment, such as day and night, and changes in the weather (ACSSU004) explore how living things respond to regular changes in their environment, observe, ask questions about and describe changes in objects and events (ACSHE013)

Assumed students prior knowledge and experiences Students should understand how to use google to find images to answer questions. Students should be taught previously how to use a computer and google search to find the images, as well as the ability to copy and past images into a word document to create a poster like page.

Sara foster

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EDSE 359 Assignment 1

Difficulties and Misconceptions that students may have in this area 1. Students may become confused as there are exceptions to what they are learning e.g. - Some trees do not lose their leaves in Autumn. - Some days in Winter may not be cold, and some days in Summer may not be hot. - Some locations do not have snow in Winter. - Some animals may not have their babies during Spring. 2. Students may become confused as the seasons are at different times of the year in countries on the other side of the world.


Teaching and learning Activities . Activity 1 – Read the reader.

Assessment and Evidence of learning related to outcomes & contents:

15 mins The teacher is to read the Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, reader to the children whilst discussing and explaining the images and the meaning, for example on the Spring page the teacher might read the page and then ask the students if they can see the calf and the baby bird.

Activity 2 – Finding pictures on the computer to show a season.

Assessment strategy would be listening to the student’s contribution to the discussion to gauge their understanding of the concepts so far. This would relate to the content in both the outcomes. As it would show the understanding of the season changes on humans and other living things, as well as their ability to observe, question and collect data to communicate ideas on the given information in the reader. Assessment and Evidence of learning related to outcomes & contents:

The teacher asks the students to pick a season and conduct a Google search to find pictures to create a poster that shows that season. The teacher can give prompting questions such as the

Assessment strategy would be looking at the students their understanding of the concepts of the seasonal changes and their effect on living things. For example, do their pictures

15 mins

Sara foster

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EDSE 359 Assignment 1



weather during that season, ‘Is it sunny or cold?’. ‘What do animals do during this season will they be out enjoying the sun or in shelter?’ For this activity the teacher would place the students into groups of two or three.

show the chosen season (Autumn has the coloured leaves, the leaves falling and the animals getting ready for Winter such as growing a longer coat. This would relate to the content, in both outcomes, as it would show the understanding of the season changes on humans and other living things as well as their ability to observe, question and collect data to communicate ideas.

Activity 3 – Recording what we can see today.

Assessment and Evidence of learning related to outcomes & contents:

The teacher will go with the whole class outside, the students will work in the groups they were put in for the previous activity, they must record the season, what the weather is ‘today’ and what things they can notice about the living things. The teacher can help by giving prompting questions such as’ Do the trees have leaves on them?’, ‘Do they have flowers?’, ‘Can you hear lots of birds or see other animals?’ or, ‘Did I have to wear a jumper to go outside?’.

Activity 4 (optional)– Whole class discussion. The teacher will then lead a whole class discussion about what they have learnt about the seasons. The teacher will ask the students questions such as, ‘What have they learnt?’. And then clarifying that Summer is hot and there will be lots of animals happily enjoying the sun, Autumn is when the trees have yellow/orange or brown leaves, and they lose their leaves and the animals start to get ready for Winter animals, for e.g., cows and horses get longer fur. Winter is when it is cold and possibly snowing, the animals will try to keep warm by finding shelter

Sara foster

In this activity each student’s ability to observe and record data is assessed. This is gauged by looking at the students recording sheet and monitoring if they have recorded the correct information in the correct place. As the students are observing the effect which the season changes have on humans and other living things, it would be assessing the content in both outcomes. Assessment and Evidence of learning related to outcomes & contents: Assessment strategy would be listening to the student’s contribution to the discussion to gauge their understanding of the concepts. This would be assessed by asking questions and observing if they are answering the questions given correctly. This would relate to both outcomes. As it would show the understanding of the season changes on humans and other living things as well as their ability to observe, question and collect data to communicate ideas on the whole topic they have just Page 4

EDSE 359 Assignment 1

and the trees have no leaves and Spring is when there are lots of baby animals and the tree has fruit and everything is green again.


Rationale for the use of ICT in the lesson plan

The ICT tools used for this lesson is a computer, (and associated programs) and the internet; being able to research a topic to find information as well as performing basic word processing skills e.g., copy paste and to add text, are important skills to have as they are becoming a part of daily life thus, having these foundation skills gives the ability to build on them and become more proficient. I found that personally that I use computer skills in almost every aspect of my life from my work, to my study and my free time. This is why, I believe that technology, such as computers is becoming almost unavoidable part of life. I believe that there are advantages to learning these foundation skills at a young age. 1. It enables individuals to have a foundation understanding of on skills and technology that are becoming a big part of every day. In this case early stage one students will be able receive a basic understanding of these skills. Which they can only build on to help them as they go through school and out into the work force. 2. It enables individuals to effectively find required information in any situation. In this case it will help them to find the pictures they wish to use for their poster for example sunny pictures for Summer. However, there are also disadvantages to these skills being taught at a young age such as; 1. Individuals may become reliant on the internet and technology and unable to find information through other means. As we are stating the teaching at a young age early stage 1, they may become too reliant on being able to google to find the information or pictures they want and not understand that they can use books or other resources to find what they are looking for. 2. Individuals may not take the time to accurately source the information and may have information that is outdated or not relevant to the time or place. In this case they could search Christmas pictures to show summer as in Australia Christmas is in Summer however they find winter pictures as in the northern hemisphere have Christmas in Winter.

Sara foster

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EDSE 359 Assignment 1

Part C - Bibliography NSW Government, NESA. (2021). Earth And Space Early Stage 1. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from Education Standards NSW: https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/k-10/learning-areas/science/science-and-technology-k-6-new-syllabus/content/2756 Thomas , R., & Sydenham, S. (2021). Seasons in Australia. Retrieved from kid cyber: https://www.kidcyber.com.au/seasons-in-australia Universtly OF New England (UNE) . (2021). Trimester 1 2021 EDSE359 Teaching Primary Science and Technology. Retrieved from UNE Moodle : https://moodle.une.edu.au/course/view.php?id=22663

Sara foster

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EDSE 359 Assignment 1

Part D - Appendices The main text must provide the substance of your assignment, and markers will expect the assessment criteria to be addressed within the main text. However, you are encouraged to include appendix materials as supporting evidence for your main text. The use of an appendix is not a requirement, but appendices may be necessary for you to clarify the details of your lesson plan. For instance, you might include here the worksheets referred to in the lesson plan, or some handouts, templates, supplementary activities, follow on activities, a detailed risk assessment if needed for a particular activity, and/or, details of any background extra material that supports the activities. In the instance where an appendix is not used, you could lose marks if the marker feels that the details provided in the lesson plan are insufficient to clarify what the activity is all about. All appendices must be clearly labelled and unambiguously referred to in the main text. Appendix materials will not be included in the word count.

Sara foster

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