EDST100 0 Assessment 1 Guidelines S2 2020 v8 August PDF

Title EDST100 0 Assessment 1 Guidelines S2 2020 v8 August
Course Exploring Australian Education: Social and Historical Contexts
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 7
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Download EDST100 0 Assessment 1 Guidelines S2 2020 v8 August PDF


EDST1000'ASSESSMENTS'(1a'&'1b)'FOR'ONLINE'STUDENTS'' SEMESTER'2,'2020' ASSIGNMENT'1'(1a'&'1b):'ENGAGEMENT! Due!dates:!!! For!Assignment!1a-!Presentation!!


For!assignment!1b-!!Participation!:!!! ! According!to!the!topics!you!have!chosen.! §




! Weight:!!

Total!of!30%:!!15%!Presentation!and!tutorial!leadership!! 15%!Tutorial!participation!


LEADING'&'FOLLOWING'COMMUNITIES'OF'LEARNING'' (TUTORIAL'LEADERSHIP'AND'PARTICIPATION)' BACKGROUND:'! The! sociology! of! education! is! most! enjoyable! and! best! understood! in! a! high! quality! social,!interactive!educational!environment!where!peers!share!experiences!and!ideas!in! a! community! of! learning.! Online! discussions! come! alive! if! we! all! share!! Engagement! is! part!of!being!a!teacher,!a!sociologist,!and! of! other!professions.!Contributing!sensitively! to!communities!of!diverse!views!is!a!skill!best!gained!by!practice.!! The!!Groups!we!will!be!forming!are:! 1. Age!! ! 2. Gender!!


! !

! !

(Module!2)! (Module!3)!

3. Sexuality!! ! 4. Social!Class!! ! 5. Race/Ethnicity!!

! ! !

(Module!4)! (Module!5)! (Module!6)!


6. Media!(Part!1)!! 7. Media!(Part!2)!!!

! !

(Module!7)! (Module!7)!

8. Popular!Culture!(Part!1)! 9. Popular!Culture!(Part!2)!

(Module!8)! (Module!8)!

10. !Technology! ! !



TASK:'! There!are!two!components!in!the!task!designed!to!encourage!and!assess!the!quality!of! ongoing!student!engagement.!They!are:! 1(a)'





GUIDELINES:'' 1a'(15'marks)'–''

TUTORIAL'LEADERSHIP-'THE'GROUP'PRESENTATION' • Students!have!been!invited!to!nominate!their!area(s)!of!interest!in!the!Module!topics! early!in!the! unit.!Groups!of! around!3!to! 4!students!will! be!finalised!prior! to!the! first!“on-campus”!day!to!be!held!using!Zoom!technology!on!Saturday!22!August.! Participation!in!the!“on-campus”!day!is!a!requirement!of!the!unit.! • All!groups!(1-10)!will!begin!preparing!their!presentation!in!the!time!leading!up!to!the! second!“on-campus”!day!to!be!held,!again!using! Zoom! technology,! on!Saturday,! 5!September.!Participation!in!the!“on-campus”!day!is!again!a!requirement!of!the! unit.!!! One! or! two! groups! covering! topics! 1! to! 5! who! volunteer! may! be! invited! to! present!their! work!on! ! the!5! September!“on! campus”! day!as! the!basis! for!class! discussion.! • All'groups'(1-10)' will'finalise'and' post'their'presentations'to'the'relevant'section'of'



the'unit'website,'as'advised'by'the'Unit'Convenor,'by'13'September.' The!group!presentation!is!intended!to!highlight!some!key!issues!and!stimulate!! discussion!in!the!class!on!the!chosen!Module!Topic.! The'online'group'presentation'should'have'two'components:!!! 1. A' section' that' provides!engagement' with' the' topic' based' on' one' to' three' of' the' module' focus' questions.' (The! module! focus! questions! are! available! at! the! end!of!the!module!notes!for!each!topic!on!iLearn).!This!part!of!the!presentation! can!be!presented! however!you!like:!PDF,! Prezi,!Google!slides,! PowerPoint!(with! text!or!text!and!audio),!video,!podcast!etc.!! ! The! presentation! should! cite! at' least' three' scholarly' sources' (this! can! include! Tait,! Jones,! other! suggested! readings! on! iLearn! for! your! module,! and/or!your! own! investigations)! in! order! to! critically! reflect! on! the! module! focus! questions! you!cover.!! ! Focus! on!identifying!key! points! and! concepts,! critically! reflecting!on! your! topic,! and! clearly! communicating! with! your! peers! rather! than! creating! a! long,! dense! presentation.! ! (As! a! guide,! this! section! is! equivalent! to! 12! minute! oral! presentations! by! Internal! students! in! the! unit-! 4! minutes! per! person! with! 4! minutes!roughly!equalling!500!words-!so!your!online!presentation!should!reflect! that!sort!of!length).! ! Also!as!a!guide,!PowerPoint!presentations!should!be!a!maximum!of!12!slides!(or! the! equivalent! for! other! modes! of! presentation).! Use! of! voice-overs! is! encouraged,!but!not!mandatory.! ! 2. An'activity'to'engage'your'peers'on'the'Discussion'Boards.'' ! This!can!be!whatever!you!like;!!eg.!a!set!of!discussion!questions,!an!online! activity!via!Google!docs!or!another!online!platform,!a!discussion!based!on!a! newspaper!article!or!video!etc.!Be!creative!!! ! !



INDIVIDUAL'PARTICIPATION' • An! individual! grade! will! also! be! awarded! for! contributions' to' online' discussions' on' the'discussion'board'that!demonstrate!an!engagement!with!the!issues!raised!in! the!group!presentations!(through!discussion!of!the!presentation!content!and/or! participation! in! the! group’s! activity).! Responses! that! integrate! ideas! from! lectures!and/or!the!required!and!recommended!readings!are!highly!encouraged.! !! • You' will' need' to' contribute' three' online' posts' in! response! to! the! group! presentations! and/or! activities! throughout! the! semester,! which! should! each! be! approximately'250'words'in'length'(Approximately!750!words!total!across!your! three!1b!responses).!!! Please!Note:!!! • At!least!one!of!your!three!online!posts!needs!to!be!posted!in!response!to!Groups!1-5,!! • At!least!one!of!your!three!online!posts!needs!to!be!posted!in!response!to!Groups!6-10.! • Your!third!and!final!online!post!is!free!choice;!it!can!respond!to!either!an!earlier!group! (Groups!1-!5)!or!a!later!groups!(Groups!6-10).!! Put! simply,! you! can! either! do! two! 1b! responses! for! Groups! 1-5! and! then! one! 1b! response!to!Groups!6-10!OR!one!1b!response!for!Groups!1-5!and!then!two!1b!responses! to!Groups!6-10.'' Please!note!that!you!cannot!respond!to!the!topic!on!which!your!group!presented.! This!prescribed!spread!of!responses!is!to!ensure!that!all!students!engage!with!a!range!of! topics!and!demonstrate!ongoing!online!engagement!throughout!the!semester.!!! You!can!prepare!your!responses!at!any!time!after!the!presentations!are!available,!noting! the!due!date!for!final!submission.!




Summary'of'Key'Dates'for'Postings' Group'Presentations' Sunday,'13'September' Tutorial'Participation' • For!Topics!1-5:!!By!11.59pm!Monday,' 28' September!!(The!discussion!board!for!each! topic!will!open!on!Monday'14'September)! • For!Topics!6-10:! By! 11.59pm! Monday,' 2' November! ! (The! discussion! board! for! each! topic! will! open!on!Monday'19'October)! ASSESSMENT' Both! components! (1a! and! 1b)! are! assessed! by! the! tutors! utilising! purpose-designed! rubrics.!In!this!assessment! you!are!assessed!on!your!ability!in!breadth!and/or!depth! of! reading;!focus!and!relevance!of!ideas;!logic!of!argument;!critical!analysis/!engagement;! and!presentation!and!structure.!!



















' '



1a'Tutorial'Leadership'(Running'a'tutorial'session'in'a'group'of'3) In this assessment you F Below 49% are assessed on your ability in: 1. Breadth and/or depth of Nil or reading. inadequate relevant (Minimum of 3 references used references to address required) issues. Weighting 5% 2. Focus and relevance of ideas

P 50-64%

Cr 65-74%

Satisfactory use of relevant references to address issues that meets minimum requirements.

Effective use of Well- considered a range of use of relevant relevant references to references to address issues. address issues.

Highly effective use of a range of relevant references to address issues.

Limited or no Adequate effort at effort at maintaining the maintaining the focus. focus.

Well- considered Effective effort effort at at maintaining maintaining the the focus. focus.

Highly effective effort at maintaining the focus.

Weighting 10% 3. Logic of Limited or argument absent clarity and logic. Weighting 10% 4. Critical Limited Analysis/ commentary, Engagement analysis and method Weighting 40% relevance. Limited use of 5. Presentation structure, and Structure expression, words, time and Weighting 35% space.

Adequate clarity and logic.

HD Above 85%

Effective flow of Highly effective Well- considered clear logical flow of clear clarity and logic. ideas. logical ideas.

Adequate commentary, analysis and relevance of methods.

Well- considered commentary, analysis and relevance of methods. Well- considered Adequate use of use of structure, structure, expression, expression, words, words, time and time and space. space.

Grade:'HD''D''C'''P''F' Mark'out'of'15:_!! Comments:!

' ' ' ' !

D 75-84%


Effective commentary, analysis and relevance of methods. Effective use of structure, expression, words, time and space.

Highly effective commentary, analysis and relevance of methods. Highly effective use of structure, expression, words, time and space.






Student'Number:'''''''''''''''' 1b'Ongoing'Participation'(Contributions'to'group'face-to-face'or'online'discussions)' In this assessment you F Below 49% P 50-64% are assessed on your ability in: 1. Breadth Citation/use of and/or depth No reference reference relevant to the of reading. relevant to the issues cited in issues was response. adequate. Weighting 5% 2. Focus and Limited or no Adequate effort relevance of effort at at maintaining ideas maintaining focus and focus or relevance. Weighting 10% relevance. 3. Logic of argument Limited or absent Adequate clarity clarity and logic. and logic. Weighting 10% 4. Critical Limited or no Adequate Analysis/ commentary, commentary, Engagement analysis and analysis and relevance of relevance of contributions. Weighting 40% contributions. 5. Presentation Limited use of and Structure structure, expression, words, time and Weighting 35% space.

Adequate use of structure, expression, words, time and space.

Cr 65-74%

HD Above 85%

Citation/use of Citation/use of reference reference relevant relevant to the to the issues was issues was well considered. effective.

Citation/use of reference relevant to the issues was consistent and highly effective.

Well- considered Effective effort effort at at maintaining maintaining focus focus and and relevance. relevance.

Highly effective effort at maintaining focus and relevance.

Effective flow of Highly effective Well- considered clear logical flow of clear clarity and logic. ideas. logical ideas. Well- considered commentary, analysis and relevance of contributions.

Effective commentary, analysis and relevance of contributions.

Highly effective commentary, analysis and relevance of contributions.

Well- considered use of structure, expression, words, time and space.

Effective use of structure, expression, words, time and space.

Highly effective use of structure, expression, words, time and space.

Grade:'HD''D''C''P''F'' Mark'out'of'15:_!! Comments:!


D 75-84%


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