IRHR1002 - 2020 - Assessment 2 Part B Guidelines Ver1 PDF

Title IRHR1002 - 2020 - Assessment 2 Part B Guidelines Ver1
Author William Lee
Course Human Resource Management
Institution University of New South Wales
Pages 3
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Download IRHR1002 - 2020 - Assessment 2 Part B Guidelines Ver1 PDF


IRHR1002 Dynamics of People and Work in Organisations Semester 2 - 2020

Assessment 2 Written Assignment – Part B - Guidelines Overview: The broad aims of the assignment overall are for you to analyse the ‘dynamics of work and employment’ by (a) exploring one person’s personal experience of work over a sustained number of years, and (b) reflecting on how this person’s experiences compare with the concepts and evidence of trends in work and employment. Part A concentrated on using research to gather the information you need to complete the assignment. Part B (which is the subject of this guideline) concentrates on analysing the information you gathered in Part A and using it to develop an argument. [Note that the overall assignment addresses a number of the substantive course learning outcomes (especially 1, 2 & 3) as well as some of the generic skills listed in outcome 5: critical analysis; interviewing as a data-gathering technique; and the use of evidence to support an argument.]

Due Date (Part B): 11.59pm, Sunday 25th October 2020. Length (Part B): 2,000 words (maximum) References NOT included in word count. No appendices. Weighting (Part B): 30% of the total marks for the course. Submission: Through turnitin. The Task: Using the interview and references discussed in Part A (and others), the task in Part B is to reflect on the interviewee’s work / employment experience, based on selected concepts and readings from Weeks 2 - 7 of the course.

Format: Essay style, according to Newcastle Business School’s Gold Guide to Academic Quality (August 2014), page 2: The use of headings is recommended, but do not use more than 6-7 in such a short assignment and the headings must accurately describe the content of the section they head. Referencing of sources should be according to APA (6th ed.), as summarised in the Gold Guide (above, page 3). Confidentiality is important, so you must not reveal the identity of your interviewee. The best way to ensure this is to refer to your interviewee throughout by a ‘pseudonym’. A pseudonym is a ‘fictious name’. For example, if your interviewee were Julia Gillard, you might cite the interviewee as Gladys or Susan. Following this example through, in Part B of this assignment, you would cite the interview just like any other reference with an “author” and “year”; eg. “Interview with Gladys (2018)” of “Gladys (2018)” in the text and then in the list of References at the end enter something like this:

Gladys (2018) Interview with 45-year old female, - plus give date All assignments should include a UoN Cover Sheet, which can be found at this address: [Or search for “Assessment Item Cover Sheet” in the University search engine.] Or find it in the ASSESSMENT folder on Blackboard.

Detailed Advice: Choose, say, two or three of the themes / topics from Weeks 2-7 (see table below for a summary) and compare your interviewee’s personal experiences with the concepts and empirical trends in work and employment you studied in the first six weeks of the course. Your analysis might include discussion of these kinds of issues:  Was your interviewee’s experience typical of his/her times, the occupation he/she pursued or the industry in which he/she worked? In other words, was your interviewee’s experience what you would have expected given the relevant theory and/or the general trends revealed in your readings?  Or was your interviewee’s experience contrary to what you would have expected from the ‘theory’? In what ways?  Why do you think this might be the case? Is your interviewee’s experience (whether consistent with theory/trends or contrary) explained by the specific occupations, industries, types of employment, geographical region or historical period in which he/she worked?  Does your interviewee’s experience lead you to better understand or to question the broader concepts and/or empirical evidence studied in Weeks 2-7? Weeks 2-7 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Broad topic The many meanings of work What people/organisations want, occupations & skills Employee voice Security of employment, casual/permanent, part-time/full-time Independent contracting and ‘freedom’ at work Changing industries, types of work and employment

A suggested structure for the essay (although it is not compulsory to follow this example), along with indicative word lengths, could be: Introduction (100 words) Summary of Interviewee’s Story (400 words, do not reveal your interviewee’s identity.) Theme 1:… (700 words) The interviewee’s experience compared to the concepts/evidence Reflecting on this comparison Theme 2:… (700 words) The interviewee’s experience compared to the concepts/evidence Reflecting on this comparison Conclusion (100 words) References A minimum of five (5) additional references from quality academic journals, plus other sources is required. Failure to meet these expectations will breach the assessment criteria about research skills.

Assessment Criteria: As indicated in the Course Outline, the essay will be assessed according to the following criteria: • • • • •

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Extent to which the Introduction provides a clear (but brief) description of the aims of the report and how you will achieve those aims. Quality and succinctness of the summary of your interviewee’s work story. Research skills that produce appropriate scholarly references on the topic. Capacity to locate your interviewee’s story accurately and thoughtfully in the concepts and references discussed in the IRHR1002 course. Development of a logical and well-structured argument. Conclusion which draws the threads of the argument together and reminds the reader how you have achieved the aims of your report. Clarity of expression with respect to language and grammar. Appropriateness of citation methods.

Feedback on submitted work will be provided in this form:



Extent to which the Introduction provides a clear (but brief) description of the aims of the report and how you will achieve those aims. Quality and succinctness of the summary of your interviewee’s work story. Research skills that produce appropriate scholarly references on the topic. Capacity to locate your interviewee’s story accurately and thoughtfully in the concepts and references discussed in the IRHR1002 course. Development of a logical and well-structured argument, including a Conclusion which draws the threads of the argument together and reminds the reader how you have achieved the aims of your report. Clarity of expression with respect to language and grammar. Appropriateness of citation methods. General Comments/Mark


Mark: /30...

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