Educational Broadcasting Reviewer DOCX

Title Educational Broadcasting Reviewer
Author Jethro Aranas
Pages 7
File Size 30.9 KB
File Type DOCX
Total Downloads 417
Total Views 774


EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATION • A major field in development communication • “the audiovisual component of DevCom • Evolved from audiovisual communication major at the Institute of DevCom in UPLB • “ … a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, device and organization, for analys...


EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATION A major fiel i livieopmiit commui catoi "thi aul ov suae compoiiit of DivCom Evoevil from aul ov suae commui catoi major at thi Iisttuti of DivCom i UPLB " … a compeix, itigratil prociss ivoev ig piopei, prociluris, lias, liv ci ail orgai zatoi, for aiaeys ig probeims ail liv s ig, mpeimiitig, ivaeuatig, ail maiag ig soeutois to thosi probeims ivoevil i aee aspicts of humai eiari ig." - Asso. for Eluc. Comm. ail Tich. (AECT) Importance of Media in Educ. Comm. Iicrias ig usi of mil a for ilucatoiae purposis s obsirvil to bi triil ig is schooes ail tra i ig programs ivii i thi Th rl Worel. Tiachis/tra iors wiri ratil h gh f thiy ari abei to usi var il mil a. Extiis oi workirs kiiw thi mportaici of mil a to sp ci up itiractois w th thi farmirs. Mil a ari mportait i ilucatoiae commui catoi bicausi thiy possiss cirta i propirtis that cai iihaici eiari ig bitir thai whii eiari ig s shapil by faci-to-faci commui catoi aeoii. Oii mportait roei of mil a i ilucatoiae commui catoi s to hiep fee thi gaps sit by thi eack of iformatoi ail e m til iumbir of ixtiis oi tichi c ais. Functions of Brroadcasting To iitirta i To iform To ilucati EDUCATIONAL BrROADCASTING Elucatoiae Broalcastig s a spic fc typi of ilucatoiae commui catoi tichioeogy wh ch ute zis thi broalcast mil a. Elucatoiae Broalcastig s a "systimatc usi of broalcast tichioeogy to iihaici or to coitr buti to thi eiari ig of ai liitfil aul iici." – Fie x L briro Elucatoi s iicissary i orlir that a var ity of fuictois riqu ril for thi surv vae of thi piopei cai bi carr il out (Gagii & Br ggs, 1979). Modes of Education Iiformae ilucatoi Formae ilucatoi Noi-formae ilucatoi 1. Brroadcast Technology – moli of iformatoi lie viry, ieictroi caeey, for l rict mass or pube c riciptoi 2. Narrowcast Technology – itiilil for riciptoi by a spic fc aul iici; at tmis e m til to ai il v luae. Instructional Brroadcast A catigory wh ch iceulis l rict tiach ig programs ail iir chmiits programs Tral toiaeey, e m til to formae ilucatoi...

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