EGB270 Prac 1 Report Template 2021 PDF

Title EGB270 Prac 1 Report Template 2021
Course Civil Engineering Materials
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 14
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EGB270 Civil Engineering Materials Assessment Number XX - Short description of the assessment The title page of the report should be professionally presented.

Student no: Student name: : Lab date: Lab group no: e.g. PR1_6 Report date:

DECLARATION I am aware of the University rule that a student must not act in a manner which constitutes academic dishonesty as stated and explained in the QUT Manual of Policies and Procedures (Section C, Part 5.3 Academic Dishonesty, accessible via I confirm that this work represents my individual effort and does not contain plagiarised material. Signature ______________________________________________________

Date : ___________

Abstract Development of professional technical report is one of the expected learning outcomes of this unit. This document is produced by the unit coordinator of EGB270 to provide an instruction for students to prepare a laboratory report as a future civil engineer. The report should be accomplished in a concise and complete manner. You are encouraged to follow the instructions here when preparing your report; however, you can also refer to other resources on the subject of report writing in QUT library or the internet you can consult (e.g., Davis et al. 1982; Ebel et al. 1987; Handbook 2002; Writing 2002)

An Abstract should present the reader with a concise summary of the contents of the report, highlighting the objectives, methodology employed, observations, key findings, and major conclusions drawn. For this unit, the Abstract should be 1-2 paragraphs of approximately 100 to 200 words long.

Table of Contents Abstract........................................................................................................................................................i List of Tables...............................................................................................................................................iii List of Figures..............................................................................................................................................iii 1



Materials and Equipment....................................................................................................................1


Experimental Procedure......................................................................................................................1


Test Results..........................................................................................................................................1


Results Discussions..............................................................................................................................1


Conclusions and Recommendations....................................................................................................2


Formatting Requirements....................................................................................................................2 7.1



Font Style and Size.......................................................................................................................2




Page Numbers..............................................................................................................................3


Headers and Footers....................................................................................................................3


Tables and Figures........................................................................................................................3




Equations and Formulas...............................................................................................................5



References...................................................................................................................................................6 Appendices..................................................................................................................................................7 Appendix A - Concrete Mixing –Data Sheet.................................................................................................8 Appendix B - Concrete Compressive Testing –Data Sheet............................................................................9

List of Tables Table 1: Specimen details and test strength................................................................................................3

List of Figures Figure 1: Stress-strain curves of the ULCC with different curing conditions under various temperatures. (Liu et. al., 2016)..........................................................................................................................................4

EGB270 Civil Engineering Materials


Assessment Number ___


This section of the laboratory report briefly describes in paragraph form the purpose(s) of the experiment and the scope of the report. These are usually listed in the laboratory manual of the course you are taking. However, you should not just repeat what it is written in the laboratory manual, but rather show your own understanding of why the experiment was carried out. The use of action verbs such as “investigate”, “determine”, “measure”, “plot”, or “compare” is an effective way of achieving this goal.


Materials and Equipment

This section can be a brief list of the materials and equipment used in your lab practice. A simple drawing to the experimental set-up when it is necessary is also encouraged.


Experimental Procedure

You should describe step-by-step for your experimental procedure. If there is a standard, you can refer to the standard. If not, you should describe the method clearly but concisely.


Test Results

This section you should firstly present any data obtained from the experiment or with analysis. When reporting the results, you should include the details of the calculations and reference the theoretical formulae if there is any. Other raw data or calculations should be included into the Appendices. Remember to attach those signed Data Sheet(s) (See Appendices A and B) into the Appendices. Try to use Tables and Figures to demonstrate your results and always refer to those tables and figures in your report. Remember to number them sequentially and title them.


Results Discussions

In this section, you have to state the meaning and implication of your results. You need to demonstrate your understanding of the experiment beyond its mere completion. You can do this by analysing and interpreting the data presented in the previous section. At the end, you should be able to answer the question “What is the significance of the results?”    

Comparing your results with expected behaviour, and explaining any differences. Explaining your results in light of the theory you have learned in your lectures. Relating your results to the objectives of the laboratory experiment; and/or Analysing the strengths and limitations of the experiment.

This section should be no more than one page in length.

Student Number


EGB270 Civil Engineering Materials


Assessment Number ___

Conclusions and Recommendations

You should summarise the key findings using a few words from the lab experiment and their relevance. No new information should be included here and your conclusion should be based solely on your lab results and not on general knowledge. You can also provide your final comments and suggestions about any improvements for the laboratory practice. What did you learn from this practice?


Formatting Requirements

The heading for this section is an example of the style Heading 1 as included in this template . More information on heading styles can be found in section 7.1 below. Reports in this unit, and in professional practice, should be professionally presented. For this unit, your reports should be presented on A4 sheets.



The heading for this section is an example of the style Heading 2 as included in this template. Headings and sub-headings are used to break up the body of a report so the information is easy to locate and read. In this unit, use numbered headings that align with the numbered content items shown in the report structure summary included in the guidelines for each report. The headings used in this style guide are embedded in the template as: Heading 1 font: Calibri 14 point (pt) bold; paragraph spacing: 10 pt after; line spacing: multiple 1.15. Heading 2 font: Calibri 12 pt bold; paragraph spacing: 10 pt after; line spacing: multiple 1.15.


Font Style and Size

Please use a minimum font size of 11 for paragraphs of reports in this unit. The Normal style associated with this report template text is Calibri 11 pt, with 10 pt spacing after each paragraph and multiple line spacing set at 1.15 lines. You may choose to use a different font, but should select a font which looks professional. Please maintain the line and paragraph spacing in this template.



A quality report should be concise and at the same time contain precise presentation of detail. The Objectives and Conclusions section of reports for this unit should each be about ½ page in length (or shorter). The total page number should be no more than 25 pages including the title pages and the Appendices. Your report should be concise and addressing the key information.

Student Number


EGB270 Civil Engineering Materials


Assessment Number ___

Page Numbers

You should number each page in reports for this unit, barring the Cover Sheet and Title Page. For your convenience, this template includes page numbers in the footer of each section. Page numbers for the Abstract and the Table of Contents should be formatted as roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv…) while the body of the report should be numbered in standard numerals (1, 2, 3, 4…). Page numbers for the body of the report should start with 1 as is incorporated in this template.


Headers and Footers

For reports in this unit, each page after the Title Page should include a header which specifies the unit code and assessment number, and a footer that indicates your student number and the page number as described above. Please be sure to revise the red text in the header to reflect the assessment you are responding to, and the footer to reflect your student number.


Tables and Figures

All tables and figures should be presented with an appropriate caption and should be Remember that tables must be referenced in the text and should appear after they have been cited. This template document includes styles for captions for both tables and figures. Captions for tables should be positioned at the top of the table, and should be left aligned. You may choose an appropriate format for your table. You should acknowledge sources for information in your table as a footnote – see QUT Cite|Write for more information on footnotes. You will need to provide a citation in your reference list for these sources. Table 1: Specimen details and test strength Bea m

1a 2a 3a 4a

Widt h b (mm)

Section Depth Strength Number ' D of fc bars (mm) (MPa)

Tension Reinforcement Clear Lap Yield Bar diam. stress length spacing (mm) (mm) (MPa) (mm)


Failure stress

within lap length (MPa)

220 345 295

330 330 330

27.3 27.3 27.3

2 3 3

25.2 25.2 25.2

445 445 445

750 750 750

26.4 50.5 25.5

6 – 6.35 mm None 6 – 6.35 mm

488 412 454









4 – 6.35 mm


Captions for figures should be positioned at the bottom of the figure and centre aligned. All stand-alone single figures should be centre aligned (refer Figure 1 below). You should acknowledge the source of the figure as an in-text reference. The content of the figure must be clearly readable at a reasonable approximation of at least 8 point text– if a scanned image is illegible you should redraft it.

Student Number


EGB270 Civil Engineering Materials

Assessment Number ___

Figure 1: Stress-strain curves of the ULCC with different curing conditions under various temperatures. (Liu et. al., 2016)



When writing your laboratory report, you should allow time to edit and proofread your report before submission. As you edit your report, delete unnecessary words, rewrite unclear sentences, clean up grammatical errors, and look out for misspelled words. Some of things you should avoid when writing your report are listed in the following:     

   

Be as concise as possible, as it will make your report easier to read; Avoid excessive repetition when possible; Write in complete sentences with a subject and verb, and avoid run-on sentences; Do not begin a sentence with an abbreviation, such as “Fig. 1 illustrates ...” Write the entire word instead; Be consistent with verb tenses: use past tense for events or actions that are complete (e.g., laboratory procedures) and present tense for facts that were and are still true (e.g., laboratory results); Do not use personal pronouns (i.e., I, me, we, our, etc.). When writing a technical report, it is preferred to use third passive voice construction (e.g., “The equipment was set up ...”); Use plural subjects with plural verbs (e.g., the word “data” is a plural noun; its singular is “datum”); Use the spell-checker tool in your word-processing software; and, Do your final editing visually. Many common word confusions such as “there/their/they're” or “to/too/two”, and misspelled technical terms are not corrected by the spell checker. Visual editing is very important in catching all of these mistakes.. More information on the correct use of the English language as well as rules on proper grammar and correct punctuation can be found in Alley (1996).

Student Number


EGB270 Civil Engineering Materials


Assessment Number ___

Equations and Formulas

Equations represented in your reports should begin on a new line. All equations must be numbered and referred to in the text. For example, Eq. 1 shows the relationship between x and y parameters. 2 y = x +2 x (1)



This section should include a complete list of all the literature resources you have referred. One of them will be your laboratory guideline. There are several bibliographic formats used to cite literatures. In civil engineering, it is common to use the author-date method, in which a source is cited in the text by the last names of the authors followed by the publication year. The “References” section is prepared by listing all sources alphabetically by last name of the first author. You can also use other format as long as the format is consistent for the whole report.

Student Number


EGB270 Civil Engineering Materials

Assessment Number ___

References Alley, M. (1996). The craft of scientific writing. 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY. Davis, H.E., Troxell, G.E., and Hauck, G.F.W. (1982). Presentation of results. The testing of engineering materials. 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., 56-67. Ebel, H.F., Bliefert, C., and Russey, W.E. (1987). The art of scientific writing: from student reports to professional publications in chemistry and related fields . VCH, Weinhem, Germany. “Handbook: Laboratory reports.” (2002). Retrieved from handbook-lab.html Liu, X. et al. (2016) Mechanical properties of ultra-lightweight cement composite at low temperatures of 0 to −60 °C. Cement and Concrete Composites, 73: 289-298. University of Ottawa (2011), Guide for Writing Laboratory Reports. Department of Civil Engineering. “Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students.” (1997). Retrieved from

Student Number


EGB270 Civil Engineering Materials

Assessment Number ___

Appendices Each appendix should be acknowledged in the body of the report. This is so the relevance and purpose of the appendix is made clear to the reader. Appendices should be presented in the order in which they are referred to in the body of the report. The ordering of the appendices below reflects the ordering of references to such in section 4 of this template.

Student Number


EGB270 Civil Engineering Materials

Assessment Number ___

Appendix A: Concrete Mixing – Data Sheet Student Number:………………………..Prac Group:………………………………………………. Date: …………………………………………….Time: ………………………………………….……

The mix proportion selected for making concrete Cement =………………………… kg Water = …………………………kg Coarse Aggregate = ……………………….kg Fine aggregate (sands) = ……………………… Water reducing admixture used (if any) = …………………….ml Desired Slump = ……………………………mm Mix Purpose = ………………………………….. The actual ingredients put into pan mixer for making concrete

Cement =…………………………kg Water = …………………………kg Coarse Aggregate = ……………………….kg Fine aggregate (sands) = ……………………… Fineness modulus (FM) of fine aggregate = …………………. Water reducing admixture used (if any) = …………………….ml The measured concrete slump: first measurement = ……………………….. mm Second measurement (if any) =……………………………

Any others: ……………………………………..……………………………………………………


Signature of demonstrator:……………………………………….. Date: ………………………… Student Number


EGB270 Civil Engineering Materials

Assessment Number ___

Appendix B: Concrete Compressive Testing – Data Sheet Student Number:………………………..Prac Group:……………………………………….……. Date: …………………………..……………….Time: ………………………………………….…… Testing age = …………………………..Days The loading rate for all cylinders = ………………………… Diameter of the cylinder 1= …………………………mm Height of the cylinder 1 =…………………………mm The mass of cylinder 1 =…………………………kg The maximum load for cylinder 1 = …………………………N

Diameter of the cylinder 2= …………………………mm Height of the cylinder ...

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