Elc script #26 - I hope it may help you guys do the elc 121 roleplay PDF

Title Elc script #26 - I hope it may help you guys do the elc 121 roleplay
Author 1A amirah Farzana
Course integrated language skills 1
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 3
File Size 58.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 24
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It just a normal day at dinner table until...Mom : (talk with dad) Dad : (talk with mom) Daughter : hey mom, hey dad I have something to say to both of you M; yeah sure honey what’s going on? Daughter; I had received an offer letter from Sunway to pursue my study Dad; oh really? what course did you ...


It just a normal day at dinner table until…

Mom : (talk with dad) Dad : (talk with mom) Daughter : hey mom, hey dad I have something to say to both of you M; yeah sure honey what’s going on? Daughter; I had received an offer letter from Sunway to pursue my study Dad; oh really? what course did you get? Is it medicine or dentistry? M; or is it engineering? Daughter; neither of that Mom ;wait what? haven't we talked about this? Dad : I had told you before, you need to be a doctor or an engineer! It is our dream to see you be one of that. Daughter ; I know dad but…. Dad; Tell me what you'd do if it wasn't between the two Daughter ; I want to be an interior designer dad. Mom; honey, I’m not quite agree with that Daughter; but why mom? It’s my passion Dad; honey, nobody cares about passion nowadays, money makes the world go round. its not the time to think about your interest. Daughter; so when? when can I think about my interests? Dad ; just making it as your hobby is enough. Daughter; no, dad, its not the same [sigh] okay…can I know why both of you against my decision Mom ; honey, mom and dad have our own specific reasons ,why we don’t let you to pursue your study in your preferences course. Daughter ; what’s the reason mom?! Dad ; honey, calm down! Don’t you remember about your cousin, Amelia, she chose interior design just same like you, and what she do now? be unemployed? Did you want to be like her? Daughter; but dad, not everyone is same.. Mom; honey, lets finish our meal and we will discuss about this later besides its not nice to argue in front of food.

Living room, days later…

Mom : How about your work today,dear? Dad: Same as always, dear (smiling). ………where is our daughter? Mom: She’s in her room, talking with someone on the phone. Dad: (sigh) I’m thinking about that talk at the table that night. Mom: About her decision to further her studies in Interior Design? Dad: Yes, dear. You know, my words may sound harsh that night, but I just want the best for her. She’s our only daughter. Mom: I know,dear. But, we must remember. She’s an adult now. She deserves to choose her own way. Dad: Its not that easy,dear. This is a difficult world. I don’t want her to gamble with her life. Mom: Dear, we cant predict the future. Sometimes what we think the best with her,may be the one that upsets her the most. Whats the use of all the money and fame, without all the happiness? Dad: (thinks for a while) Suddenly the daughter comes, Daughter: Mom! Dad! (calls happily) Dad and Mom: Yes honey…. (both answers) Daughter: I finally really knows what I should choose. Dad: What is it,honey? Daughter: I going to choose Interior Design for real. Dad: (disappointed) Are you really sure about this, honey? This is about your future. Daughter: I’m really sure, Dad. I just talked with Cousin Amelia about this. Dad: (uneasy) What did she try to convince you? Mom: Dear, listen to her first. Daughter: Like this, I know I maybe a bit young to make decision, so I ask her about this course and what are the opportunities that I can get. Dad: Then? Daughter: She told me about the pros and cons of Interior Design. And of course, about the career path for this course. Mom: Care to share with us, honey? Daughter: I think the course is the way to show my creativity. I mean, you always know that I’m passionate about Art. Dad: But honey, you are from Science Stream. Don't you feel a loss studying Science subjects for 2 years?

Daughter: Yes, Dad. But I doesn’t think this as a loss. Being Interior Designer still involving a lot of mathematics and geometry. And Dad, this course still needs me to score at least one of the Science subjects. Dad: Okey, honey. I get your point now. But how about the career path after you graduated? Did Cousin Amelia also tell you about that? Daughter: Yeah sure, Dad. In fact, the reason why she unemployed before this is because she choose to apply for the jobs near her hometown. She actually got several calls from KL during the MCO, but its not easy for her to go to large cities far from her home. Eventually, Thanks to God, she got the job at the capital city of her state. Mom: So what’s your next plan, honey? Daughter: I got some brilliant idea. As I notice that the prices for interior design is quite expensive, I think I will open the company that focused on B40 and M40 communities,with reasonable price. As the MCO really affect everyone’s finance, I think this will be a good idea. Mom: (smiling) Thats a noble idea,honey. Dad: (clear his throats) If you said like that, then I think I go along with this. But remember, honey, do your best in your studies. Daughter: Thanks, Dad, Mom. I feel so relieved that you guys accept my decision. Mom: Of course ,honey. We just want the best for you....

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