ELEC 275 Final Outline 2022 PDF

Title ELEC 275 Final Outline 2022
Author Ghaith _Adnan
Course Principles of Electrical Engineering
Institution Concordia University
Pages 5
File Size 234.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 44
Total Views 142


The course outline for winter 2022 for elec 275....


CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ELEC 275 – Principles of Electrical Engineering Course Outline –Winter 2022 Instructors:

Section JJ: Tuesday 5:45pm-8:15pm Dr. Manijeh Khataie Classroom: Office: EV 16-189 Telephone: 848-2424 x 7579 Office hours: Friday 3:00-4:00pm or by appt. e-mail: [email protected] Lecture notices: On Moodle Section SS: Thursday 5:45pm-8:15pm Classroom: FG B040 Dr. John X. Zhang Office: EV 5.155 Telephone: 848-2424 x 4107 Office hours: Thursday 3.00-4.00pm e-mail: [email protected] Lecture notices: On Moodle


G. Rizzoni and J. Kearns, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, McGraw Hill, 2015, ISBN 978-0073529592 (6th edition), or 7th edition, ISBN 978-1260258042.


The course provides a survey of topics inherent to the electrical and computer engineering discipline to non-electrical engineering majors. It addresses the underlying concepts and methods behind various applications ranging from electronic to electromagnetic systems. The weekly breakdown of topics is: 1. Circuit Concepts – Sections 2.1 to 2.7 2. Nodal and Mesh Analysis – Sections 3.1-3.6 3. Thévenin’s and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems – Section 3.6, 3.7 4. Inductors and Capacitors – Section 4.1 5. Complex Numbers – Appendix A 6. Sinusoidal Sources – Section 4.2 7. Phasor representation, nodal and mesh analysis – Sections 4.4.-4.6 8. Complex power and power factor – Sections 7.1-7.3 9. Transformers and impedance matching – Section 7.4 10. Three-phase circuits – Section 7.5 11. Magnetic circuits – Sections 18.1 and 18.2 12. Energy conversion – Section 18.5 13. Electric machines – Sections 19.1-19.8, 20.4

ELEC 275 – Principles of Electrical Engineering Course Outline – Winter 2020


The tutorial classes will start from week 1 Section JJJA, Wednesday, 9:45 – 11:25, REMOTE (Tutor: Samuel Little [email protected]) Zoom Meeting ID: via email Section JJJB, Monday, 11:45 – 13:25, REMOTE (Tutor: Zhiyang Deng, [email protected]) Zoom Meeting ID: via email Section SSSA, Wednesdays, 8:45 – 10:35 Tutor: ZADSAR, Masoud, [email protected] Classroom: H544 Section SSSB, Monday, 8:45 – 10:35 Tutor: SAYED, Mohammad Ali, [email protected] Classroom: H540 During the last 15 minutes of almost every tutorial class, one problem will be set as quiz. The topic covering the problem will correspond with the material taught in the previous tutorial session(s). You will need to submit your solutions (steps on how you solved the problem)

Laboratory Work:

Grading Scheme:

The lab coordinator ([email protected]) will send to each student registered, before starting the semester, complete information concerning rules and operation of lab ELEC 275. A laboratory information sheet is posted on Moodle. ANY QUESTIONS RELATED TO THE LABORATORY, DIRECT THEM TO THE LAB COORDINATOR. Laboratory Quizzes (~10 quizzes) Mid-term examination Final Examination Total

20 % 5% 15 % 60 % 100 %

Note: The above setup will not be changed under any circumstance. If a student misses the midterm test, those marks will be added to the final exam. During tests and examinations, only University approved calculators with approved stickers will be permitted. The midterm exam will be held in the lecture time around the winter break. Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completing this course students will able to: 1. Analyze the basic properties of a DC circuit using the nodal and mesh analysis techniques. 2. Develop the Thévenin equivalent circuit of a DC circuit and identify the maximum deliverable power to a load. 3. Understand the operation of inductors and capacitors. 4. Analyze the basic properties of an AC circuit using the nodal and mesh analysis techniques in the phasor domain. 5. Develop the Thévenin equivalent circuit of an AC circuit and identify the maximum deliverable power to a load. 2

ELEC 275 – Principles of Electrical Engineering Course Outline – Winter 2020

6. Understand the concepts of active and reactive power in an AC circuit (and to calculate these values). 7. Analyze the behavior of an AC circuit with an ideal transformer. 8. Analyze the behavior of 3-phase balanced AC circuits. 9. Analyze the behavior of magnetic circuits and evaluate energy conversion. 10. Understand the basic properties of electric machines through their circuit models. Soft skills:


Problem analysis

A knowledge base for engineering

Use of engineering tools

The Faculty regulations require that all engineering courses have some components of soft skills under which each student will be required to develop certain skills relevant to engineering professional practice. For ELEC 275, the following table summarizes attributes, indicators, and the level of each attribute:



Course leaning outcome

Problem identification and formulation






Problem solving



Analysis (uncertainty and incomplete knowledge)











Knowledge base of natural sciences Knowledge base in a specific domain Ability to use appropriate engineering tools, techniques and resources Demonstrate awareness of limitations of tools, create and extend tools as necessary Cooperation and Work Ethics

Individual and team work


Contribution: Practical/Conceptual


Initiative and Leadership


Delivering Results


The achievement goal of the above is incorporated in the laboratory/lab-test and classroom/tutorial components of the course. Where relevant, in particular the following are emphasized: (i) solution of simultaneous equations having real and/or complex numbers and (ii) algebra of complex numbers. Final note:

It is strongly recommended that students attend all classes and tutorial sessions. Students should also organize their time to practice solving as many problems from the textbook as possible. Students should solve the 3

ELEC 275 – Principles of Electrical Engineering Course Outline – Winter 2020

previous test and examination papers as well. Do not neglect to start practicing problem solutions from the very beginning of the course:

A SUPPLEMENTARY N OTE ABOUT EXPECTATIONS OF PROFESSIONALISM In addition to preparing students for the technical requirements of a career in Engineering, we sincerely feel that our program at Concordia University also prepares students for a wide variety of non-technical elements Engineering careers require. An aspect of this non-technical training is the maintaining of clear expectations of professionalism in the classroom, tutorials, and laboratories. We expect that students treat one another, their TAs, lab demonstrators, specialists, and professors with respect and act honestly. It is imperative that students do not talk or make other noise during lectures, when the teaching assistants are presenting material in tutorials, or when lab demonstrators and staff are addressing lab sections. Another important component of professionalism is academic integrity. The copying of labs and assignments is not permitted, and will be dealt with seriously. Please review Concordia’s guide to academic integrity: https://www.concordia.ca/students/academic-integrity.html A NOTE ON PLAGIARISM: The following is taken from the website of the office of Provost. The most common offense under the Academic Code of Conduct is plagiarism which the Code defines as “the presentation of the work of another person as one’s own or without proper acknowledgement.” This could be material copied word for word from books, journals, internet sites, professor’s course notes, etc. It could be material that is paraphrased but closely resembles the original source. It could be the work of a fellow student, for example, an answer on a quiz, data for a lab report, a paper or assignment completed by another student. It might be a paper purchased through one of the many available sources. Plagiarism does not refer to words alone - it can also refer to copying images, graphs, tables, and ideas. “Presentation” is not limited to written work. It also includes oral presentations, computer assignments and artistic works. Finally, if you translate the work of another person into French or English and do not cite the source, this is also plagiarism. In Simple Words: Do not copy, paraphrase or translate anything from anywhere without declaring where you obtained it from!


ELEC 275 – Principles of Electrical Engineering Course Outline – Winter 2020

Course Timetable (tentative) Date Week 1 Ch. 2.1-2.7, 2.8

Week 2 Ch. 3.1-3.4

Week 3 Ch. 3.6-3.7 Week 4 Ch. 4.1 Week 5 Appendix A


Suggested Problems in the 6th edition Basic Circuit Concepts 2.1-2.3, 2.7-2.9, 2.13, 2.16, 2.18, 2.21, 2.23, 2.24, 2.28, 2.31, 2.36, 2.37, 2.42, 2.48, 2.49, 2.58, 2.59, 2.61, 2.63, 2.66; Nodal and Mesh Analysis 3.1 – 3.7, 3.8-3.12, 3.14, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.30, 3.32, 3.40, 3.44, 3.47, 3.49, 3.50; Thévenin’s and Maximum Power Transfer 3.51, 3.52, 3.53, 3.54, 3.57, Theorems 3.58, 3.73-3.75; Inductors and Capacitors 4.1-4.25; Complex Numbers


Week 6 Ch. 4.2

Sinusoidal Sources; Midterm review

4.27, 4.30, 4.31, 4.32, 4.33, 4.34;

Week 7 Ch. 4.4-4.6

Phasor representation, impedance

4.37-4.41, 4.42b, 4.46, 4.47, 4.48, 4.51, 4.52, 4.54-4.60, 4.63, 4.68-4.74, 4.81;

Midterm; All material from Week 1 to Week 7 Week 8

Winter break

Week 9 Ch. 7.1-7.3 Week 10 Ch. 7.4

Phasor AC analysis; Complex power and 7.1-7.21, 7.23-7.32; power factor Transformers and impedance matching 7.41-7.44, 7.46, 7.47, 7,48, 7.49, 7.52, 7.55, 7.57;

Week 11 Ch. 7.5

Three-phase circuits

7.58, 7.59, 7.61, 7.62-7.67, 7.72, 7.73;

Week 12 Ch. 18.1-18.2

Magnetic circuits

Week 13 Ch. 18.5 Week 14 Ch. 19.1-19.8, 20.4

Energy conversion

18.1, 18.9-18.17, 18.34 (read over example regarding relays) 19.3-19.13

Electric machines; Exam review



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