Elem4 Week 4 Questions for Reflection Pedagogy PDF

Title Elem4 Week 4 Questions for Reflection Pedagogy
Author Thalia Melville
Course Teaching Elementary School Social Studies
Institution University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Pages 6
File Size 191.3 KB
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Reflection on questions requiring citations of articles based on weekly topic...


1. Choose a current event related to this topic or social studies education. (You may choose any current event that relates social studies). Write a short summary of the event/article and provide a link to the article. Add your view or comment on the topic/article. The purpose of this assignment is help you keep current with news as this is a requirement for all teachers and especially teachers of the Social Studies. a. Current Event Summary: To sum up the video, it talks about Student centered learning and how to use it in the classroom. It mainly discusses how it’s beneficial to the students and their development of learning. Also, the video discusses how teachers can support classrooms who use student centered learning. b. My Response: After watching this video, I like how they provided background information on how student based learning is extremely beneficial to the students and to the teachers. Also, I love how the video discusses how student centered learning is supposed to look like within the classroom. Lastly, when I love how the video provided tips for the teacher on how to successfully execute a student centered learning classroom environment. c. Citation: https://youtu.be/WvzVAQkuSqU

2. Teacher Centered or Student Centered: Describe your overall “Approach to learning” and explain how you plan to align your classroom configuration, lesson planning and instruction, assessments, and classrooms to your “approach to learning?” (Are you more Teacher Centered or more Student Centered). You could also address how your approach aligns with the new NV Social Studies Standards. i. My Response: My main focus on teaching to encourage student centered learning in the classroom. I am a believer that while educators are the main source or mentorship within the majority of the students life, we should be a guide instead of the leader of their education path. We as educators should not instill our personal beliefs on education and work ethic however, we should support our students in their education and provide all the resources for them to succeed. It’s the matter of letting them decide how they want to use it. ii. Citation: https://teach.com/what/teachers-know/teaching-methods/

3. Discuss the most important things you learned about “Evidenced based teaching methods.” Also discuss your views on “teaching with inquiry” and Project Based Learning (PBL) as a shift in Nevada standards. Please include anything you want to share with your classmates regarding effective online teaching and teaching thru video conferencing. i. My Response: I think that project based learning is super important not only for the students to learn teamwork and communication, but its super important for students to practice different form of learning and understanding content. Also, on the topics of active learning, I love how its main focus is to use real world issues to incorporate in the classroom and relate it to the student in order for them to learn.

ii. Citation: in restructuring schools & https://youtu.be/dFySmS9_y_0

4. Special Focus Questions: i. Describe the Planning Documents you reviewed and your views on their usefulness to you? (Yearly Resource Plans, Scope and Sequence Documents, C3 Inquiries, MiniInquires, ready-made lesson plans). 1. My Response: I think that all these documents in its essence is super important to use you to help build the foundation of a successful classroom and successful students. When it comes to yearly resource plans, I love how they break down the outlook of the school year as well as holidays, birthdays, etc. to address the topics of the class and what’s going o happen in the classroom. On the topic of ready made lesson plans, I am very two sided with this approach of teaching. My current mentors teachers use this type of method to ensure all the students are learning at the same pace and to keep a guide on what need to be covered. However, I wish it was more flexible n the topic how to teach this content. Mainly, they use workbooks and textbooks to guide the teaching. There isn’t really room for teacher creativity and making their own activities or project to help strengthen the topics being taught. 2. Citation: "Authentic" Assessment at School of the Future

ii. Describe the “Global Teaching Prize” and your thoughts on the “Best Teachers in the World.” List and describe the characteristics you think are most important and shared by the “Highly Effective Teachers” and anything else about highly rated teachers you would like to share with others. 1. My Response: When I think of all the teachers I had back when I was in elementary school, I think they had bits and pieces of a top notch here teacher but, some of their negative characteristics outweighedfd everything else. What makes a high effective performance teacher mainly comes down to how in touch they are with their inner child while at the same time, how open and close they try to be with their students and the parents. Having the close connection with your inner child is perfect for determining what you would want to see from your teachers to make learning fun and pleasurable. On the topic of being connected with both the students and the parents, without the teacher-student-parent relationship, you can’t create that storong foundation of trust and confort with he parent to let them know that their children will be in good hands for the rest of the school year. 2. Citation: https://www.learningforjustice.org/classroom-resources/lessons/anexercise-in-kindnes iii. Describe your views on “Teacher Wellbeing” and how you think teachers, administrators and you yourself should deal with this issue: (Note: The YRP Template has links for Summer Activities for Teacher Wellbeing)/ 1. My Response: On the topic of the teacher wellbeing, i think that all faculty should take into consideration on how much work and pressure is placed of

the teachers to succeed. While I know that the pressure on teaches is essentially important for the success of the students and the school, sometimes I think that people don’t realize that this high amount a pressure should have an equal share of pysial and mental realignment. For example, when I was back in elementary school we had to full recesses on our full days of school and a lunchtime. Those times were educated for the teachers to have time for themselves and recollect themselves to finish the day. While the students are having there time so do the teachers. 2. Citation: https://www.edutopia.org/article/prioritizing-self-care-whileworking-home

iv. Teaching Online: The COVID 19 Pandemic changed schools for at least the short term. If it becomes necessary for you to teach at least sometime online, based on the resources and your experiences – How will you approach designing your curriculum and instruction to teach online? 1. My Response: 2. Citation: https://www.edutopia.org/article/prioritizing-self-care-whileworking-home

5. Disciplinary Skill #3: Gathering and evaluating sources: Check the NVACS for the grade level requirement for this skill. Describe the purpose of “gathering and evaluating sources” in an inquiry and what makes good supporting questions. i. My Response: The main purpose for gathering and evaluating sources is to determine the differences between credible resources and non credible. Also, its discusses the difference between primary and secondary sources. Some supporting questions that would make understanding the standard easier is identification questions with graphics to determine the differences. ii. Citation: https://doe.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/nde.doe.nv.gov/content/Standards_Instructional_ Support/Nevada_Academic_Standards/Social_Studies/NVACSforSocialStudies.pdf 6. 7. Describe anything you learned from any of the resources this week not covered in the questions above. i. My Response: The one thing I learned from the teacher wellness section, was the different versions of work life balance metaphors. I like how the author provided different ways to explain the importance of work life balance. The glass cup metaphorI really did love the most. It made me realize that spreading myself too thin even now I would have some water for myself. This kinda made me look more into my current life and what’s going on right now. I haven’t really had the time to work on my hobbies and such. After reading this article, I kind of want to reevaluate my current routine and have a time where I can take time for myself.

ii. Citation: https://www.edutopia.org/article/new-way-think-about-work-life-balance 8. Describe one thing you did this week to help you become a “highly qualified” - great teacher? . Each week try to focus on at least one aspect of the 3 areas below and one or more specific standards from the NEPF teaching and professional standards to help you become a great teacher. Please discuss your efforts to become a ‘highly effective – great teacher” in your response to this question – See the Nevada NEPF Professional Standards Rubric below). i. My Response: Address 1 or more of the following: The two main standards that resonated with me the most was the dissuading on collaboration and the teacher support for students to self monitoring their process. I have an average amount of knowledge of this type of teaching due to the fact that these past two semesters have been filled with this type of teaching strategies. With this teaching strategy, it ties heavily with my goals for the class in being their own guide. 1. Knowledge about your content: 2. Knowledge about learning theories and pedagogy: 3. Knowledge about your students: 4. NEPF Instructional Standards: 5. NEPF Professional Standards (1-5): ST 3 LV 4: Teacher structures the classroom environment to enable collaboration, participation, and a positive affective experience for all students ST 4 LV 3: Teacher supports all students to take actions based on the students’ own self-monitoring processes

ii. Citation: none 9. Estimated time it took you to review course materials and complete this week’s reflection 7 hours..

For Reference only on Question #8 Self-Assessment Rubric Meeting NEPF Teacher Instructional Standards (60% of Teacher Annual Review) Note: 20% of your annual review is based on Student performance with 10% based on statewide performance data (schoolwide aggregate) and 10% on student progress toward Student Learning Goals (SLG’s). For explanations and more details see TEACHER INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE STANDARDS AND INDICATORS) Note: Lesson Plans and student work are “Confirmatory Evidence Sources for Instructional Practice” EPF Standards (1-5)




STANDARD 1 ew Learning is nnected to Prior earning and Experience:

Teacher activates all students’ initial understandings of new concepts and skills

Teacher makes clear the purpose and relevance of new learning for all students

STANDARD 2 ning Tasks have High Cognitive mand for Diverse Learners:

Tasks purposefully employ all students’ cognitive abilities and skills

Teacher makes connections explicit between previous learning and new concepts and skills for all students Tasks place appropriate demands on each student

Tasks progressively develop all students’ cognitive abilities and skills

LEVEL 4 “Highly effective” Teacher provides all students opportunities to build on or challenge initial understandings

Estimate your level points

Teacher operates with a deep belief that all children can achieve regardless of race, perceived ability and socio- economic status

From 1-4

From 1-4 Your estimate ____

Your estimate ____

STANDARD 3 dents Engage in eaning-Making ough Discourse and Other Strategies:

Teacher provides opportunities for extended, productive discourse between the teacher and student(s) and among students

Teacher provides opportunities for all students to create and interpret multiple representations

STANDARD 4 dents Engage in Metacognitive vity to Increase derstanding of d Responsibility or Their Own Learning:

Teacher and all students understand what students are learning, why they are learning it, and how they will know if they have learned it

Teacher structures opportunities for selfmonitored learning for all students

STANDARD 5 Assessment is ntegrated into Instruction:

Teacher plans ongoing learning opportunities based on evidence of all students’ current learning status

Teacher aligns assessment opportunities with learning goals and performance criteria

Teacher assists all students to use existing knowledge and prior experience to make connections and recognize relationships Teacher supports all students to take actions based on the students’ own self-monitoring processes

Teacher structures the classroom environment to enable collaboration, participation, and a positive affective experience for all students

Teacher structures opportunities to generate evidence of learning during the lesson of all students

Teacher adapts actions based on evidence generated in the lesson for all students

From 1-4 Your estimate ____

From 1-3

Your estimate ____

From 1-4

Your estimate ____

Max Total 19 Your estimate _____ eloped by RPDP: For a more full explanation of each indicator go to the RPDP website here:

Rubric for meeting NEPF Teacher Professional Responsibilities Standards and Indicators (20% of Teacher Annual Review) 1. (For explanations and more details see TEACHER PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES STANDARDS AND INDICATORS) 2. Note: Teacher Notes and student data are “Optional Evidence Sources of Professional Responsibilities”

STANDARD 1 mmitment to the ool Community

Indicator 1 e teacher takes ctive role on the tructional team nd collaborates h colleagues to rove instruction or all students.

Indicator 2 e teacher takes n active role in building a

STANDARD 2 Reflection on Professional Growth and Practice Indicator 1 The teacher seeks out feedback from instructional leaders and colleagues, and uses a variety of data to self- reflect on his or her practice.

Indicator 2 The teacher pursues aligned professional

STANDARD 3 Professional Obligations

STANDARD 4 Family Engagement

STANDARD 5 Student Perception

Estimate your level points

Indicator 1 The teacher models and advocates for fair, equitable, and appropriate treatment of all students and families.

Indicator 1 The teacher regularly facilitates two-way communication with parents and guardians, using available tools that are responsive to their language needs, and includes parent/guardian requests and insights about the goals of instruction and student progress. Indicator 2 The teacher values, respects, welcomes, and encourages students and

Indicator 1 The students report that the teacher helps them learn.

From 1-4

Indicator 2 The teacher models integrity in all interactions with

Indicator 2 The students report that the teacher creates a safe and

Your estimate ____

From 1-4

Your estimate

fessional culture supports school and district initiatives.

Indicator 3 ighly Effective” e teacher takes n active role in tivating a safe, rning-centered ool culture and mmunity that maintains high ectations for all students.

supportive learning environment.


Indicator 3 “Highly Effective”

families, of all diverse cultural backgrounds, to become active members of the school and views them as valuable assets to student learning. Indicator 3 “Highly Effective”

Indicator 3 “Highly Effective”

From 1-4

The teacher follows policies, regulations, and procedures specific to role and responsibilities.

The teacher informs and connects families and students to opportunities and services according to student needs.

The students report that the teacher cares about them as individuals and their goals or interests.

Your estimate ____

learning opportunities to support improved instructional practice across the school community Indicator 3 “Highly Effective”

colleagues, students, families, and the community.

The teacher takes an active role in mentoring colleagues and pursues teacher leadership opportunities.

Max Total 12 Your estimate _____ eloped by RPDP: For a more full explanation of each indicator go to the RPDP website here:...

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