Ella o Yo Translated PDF

Title Ella o Yo Translated
Course Advanced Spanish
Institution University of Arkansas
Pages 6
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Translated transcript of shirt film "Ello o Yo" ...


PHOTOGRAPHER I'm fed up with you. What are you looking at? I'm going to make you into a sweater, just wait and see... skip to MARCO Why won't Mom let us have a puppy, Dad? CARLOS Um... You know how Mom is, don't you? She doesn't like animals. MARCO Come on, a puppy, yes? CARLOS No, we can't, Marquito. MARCO A kitten? CARLOS I'm telling you, she doesn't like animals. I don't know why she doesn't like them. MARCO Why do you always do what Mom says? CARLOS No, not always. MARCO Yes, always. CARLOS That's not true. MARCO Look, a guanaco! CARLOS No, son, it's a vicuña. PHOTOGRAPHER No, sir, it's a llama. CARLOS Oh, well, llama, vicuña... it's more or less the same thing, isn't it? PHOTOGRAPHER No, sir; no, it's not the same thing. MARCO Dad, can I have my picture taken? CARLOS No, Marquito, let's go, let's go. MARCO Come on, yes... PHOTOGRAPHER Have a picture taken of the boy, sir. Have a picture taken... CARLOS How much does it cost? PHOTOGRAPHER Just ten pesos, no more. CARLOS How much? PHOTOGRAPHER Just ten pesos, sir. MARCO Come on... CARLOS If your mother found out I spent on a picture, she would kill me, Marco. MARCO Don't you see that you always do what Mom says? PHOTOGRAPHER Just get the picture; lift him up. Lift him up, sir, come on, lift him up. CARLOS Okay, let's do it... ...but quickly. I don't want the boy to fall off. PHOTOGRAPHER Lift him up; don't worry. Nothing will happen; it's obedient.

CARLOS No, no, forget it, forget it. PHOTOGRAPHER No, no, right now. Hold the llama for me. Right now I'm going to look for a stool here. I'm looking for a stool here across from us, okay? CARLOS A stool? PHOTOGRAPHER Anything, give it the bottle that's here. CARLOS But will it stay with me? PHOTOGRAPHER Yes, it's obedient, don't worry. CARLOS But listen to me... You're going to leave me with... Don't take long, eh! What did he say its name was? MARCO Coco. CARLOS Coco. Don't you worry, Coco... CARLOS Excuse me, sir, I want to ask you a question. CAROUSEL ATTENDANT I don't know, I don't know. CARLOS Don't you know the photographer, the boy with the llama? CAROUSEL ATTENDANT The animal always changes. MARCO Dad, may I go on the carousel? CARLOS Yes, yes. What's happening is that... CAROUSEL ATTENDANT One time he brought an ostrich. CARLOS And what do I do with the llama? He left me with the llama. CAROUSEL ATTENDANT That has nothing to do with me... It's going to break the carousel. CARLOS Don't you stop? Can I leave the llama? CAROUSEL ATTENDANT No, no, no. No! CARLOS What's his problem? Does the llama pay for a ticket? CAROUSEL ATTENDANT The llama doesn't. CARLOS Why doesn't it? CAROUSEL ATTENDANT What, the llama? CARLOS Ah, it doesn't pay? CAROUSEL ATTENDANT No, the lla... that it pays, yes, but... No, it doesn't pay... Not the llama on the carousel. CARLOS I'll pay you double. CAROUSEL ATTENDANT No, double, no. Get the llama down from the carousel. CARLOS Give it a chance; it comes from Jujuy. CAROUSEL ATTENDANT And why should it matter to me where it comes from? CARLOS It's pretty, isn't it? CARLOS Oh no! Your mom.

CARLOS Hello? CLARA Hello, Carlos. Yes, I just got home from work. Everything's a mess. But, listen to me, if I told you... ...to tidy up. Yes, I told you. Can you come? CARLOS We'll have to leave it tied to a tree, okay? MARCO No, Dad, they can steal it. CARLOS Who is going to steal it, Marquito? MARCO Please... CARLOS Poor thing, isn't it? CLARA Put on your skates. I just waxed the floor. CARLOS Okay. CLARA Since I arrived, I've been cleaning... No, the thing is that you don't know! He bought a foul-smelling guanaco! MARCO Someone ought to tell Mom that it isn't a guanaco, it's a llama. CLARA What a smell it has! CARLOS Yes, I'll tell her later, Marquito. CLARA It's not only that he doesn't have a job, but with my money. My money! He takes it and buys that pet. Disgusting! Him and the pet! CLARA Oh, Carlos! Don't be annoying. CARLOS What's going on? CLARA Move over. Move over! OH! OH! OH! CLARA Today, eh! Today! CARLOS Clara, don't be ridiculous. Take that thing off. CLARA Like I'm going to take this off? You don't see that that beast is giving me the plague. I can't take anymore. It's making me allergic... Look how it's staring at me. CARLOS Okay, okay, but please don't yell. CLARA Get it out of here then. Get it out of here. Look, Carlos, if you don't get this beast out of the house... ...you know what I'm capable of doing!

CARLOS Yes, I know already, you are going... ...to throw me out, I understand. CLARA Then, what are you doing, llama? Why are you looking at me? But, why!? Oh! MARCO What are you doing, Mom? CLARA Oh! Um... Nothing, honey, I'm... about to clean the windows. MARCO Did you already give it its bottle? CLARA Who? The llama? That's all that was missing, for me to be giving it milk. Let your dad give it. MARCO Good morning, Dad! CARLOS Hi, honey. Did you sleep well? MARCO Yes. CARLOS Hello, zoo? I have a llama in my house. Well, it's a long story... What do you mean, fifteen days? No, fifteen days, no. I can't wait fifteen days... No, no, I need you to take it away now... Hello? Yes, Society for the Protection of Animals? A llama, like a guanaco, but it doesn't spit, eh? And why didn't you tell me that it was wrong? Hello, Secondhand? Yes, I want to place an ad, please... Yes, "Free llama."ZWhat a dimwit... He hung up on me! Veterinarian? I will give it to you as a gift. It's a... Its name is Coco; it's a very good animal. Why don't you come to see it? Or I'll take it to you... But is it that you can't take charge of the llama...? Hello, Mom? Do you still have the garden, no Mom, in back? Wouldn't you like to have a little llama? A rabbit? And I don't think that they would fight... CARLOS I would keep you, Coco, really. I'd make space for you in the bathroom, anywhere, look... But you saw what Clara is like, didn't you? Okay... okay... okay... How awful that I'm leaving you! CARLOS Coco, this is easy... You're almost inside... Come on, I'll count to three, and let's go: One! Two! Three! Come on, Coco, come on!

Do it with feeling! Well, if you didn't want to get in, you should have told me... Taxi! They don't want us here inside...! Come on, come on. Easy, easy. Come on, come on. You aren't in the Maipo. One, two, three, let's go, that's it, Coco, good! You're a flop as a showgirl, my Coco... I forgot the key. Damn! You are going to find a family that is going to love you, you'll see. Besides, you have a better character than my wife... How are we doing? Look, to have a hard time of it, Coco... CLARA But why is it still here? CARLOS I did all that I could, Clara. CLARA You did all that you could? But I can't believe this, eh? You don't see that you are a good-for-nothing. You're an idiot, Carlos! CARLOS Okay, enough. Enough! That's enough! Do you understand? That's enough. CLARA Okay... we can, um... ...leave it outside, in the street. CARLOS Why don't you take me out to the street? Take me out to the street! That's the only thing you haven't done. We'll see if someone grabs me. CLARA I'm telling you flat out, Carlos:Zher... ...or me. CARLOS Just ten pesos for a picture with Coquito. Ten... WOMAN Hi! How's it going? How much does the photo cost? CARLOS Just ten pesos, ma'am. WOMAN Ten pesos is a lot, son. CARLOS Oh, make him happy. Make him happy; you're going to see such a lovely photo. WOMAN You're getting too big for this, aren't you? CARLOS Give me a second, give me a second. One second and I'll have it. Come on, put on the Coya cap, you'd look great... ...come on. Just ten pesos. Here it is. WOMAN Okay, I'll put him on, or how's this? CARLOS No, wait just a second, ma'am. What's happening is that I'm about to wet myself. Could you hold the llama just for a second? One minute, I'm going to the bathroom. One minute and I'll be back.

WOMAN But is the llama going to stay with me? CARLOS It will stay. It's tame; talk to it. Say "Coco, Coco." WOMAN Coco? CARLOS Yes. I'll be right back. WOMAN Hi, Coco. But sir, Coco is moving. CLARA Do you want a cookie? MARCO Hello? Hi, Dad! Are you okay? And is she okay? CLARA What she? Who is she? What do you mean she? Let's see. Hello, Carlos. Where are you? WOMAN And the man, where could he be? CLARA Who is she, Carlos? What are you doing, Carlos? CARLOS And here I am... ...taking charge. CLARA I've been cut off. Careful with the cup. You are going to hit yourself. CARLOS Thank you, ma'am. WOMAN 2 Will it take long? CARLOS No, that's it, that's it. Don't worry, form a line, one at a time, there's room for everybody. A photo with Coquito, and no one goes away without a photo with Coquito... That's it! One, two, three! Lift him up! That's it! Hold on, hold on! WOMAN Are we okay here? CARLOS A divine photo. Divine. You look great! Smile! That's it!...

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