Ellen Moore case study PDF

Title Ellen Moore case study
Course International Hrm
Institution Griffith University
Pages 6
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Ellen Moore Case study...


Total mark: ________/30 (+10 for Improvement) 3004IBA WORKSHOP PREPARATION – NO REFERENCING NECESSARY

Workshop campus, week and time: Student name and ID number: Practice Case: Ellen Moore Goal of analysis: IMPLEMENT THE PROJECT SUCCESSFULLY AND ON TIME Case introduction

Andrew Kilpatrick and Ellen Moore are Americans working for Systems Consulting Group (SCG) in a joint venture project in South Korea. The consulting project is one of the largest undertaken to date in the country; having both important deliverables and clear deadlines. Andrew & Ellen grow increasingly concerned about the team’s ability to implement the project successfully and on time, as there is a clear disconnect. Jack Kim is the South Korean lead consultant reporting directly to Mr. Park, Jack is appointed co-manager of the project alongside Ellen. Andrew and Ellen believe that Jack is the obstacle in the system implementation, due to his inexperience in the area, the team is being led astray. There is a disagreement between Andrew and the Korean management of the Joint Venture regarding who is at fault, with JVI believing it to be Ellen; stating she is not effective in her position, due to assigning work incorrectly and lack of credible instruction. They must decide how to proceed.


B. Identify at least 3 critical management issues, evident from A, that need to be in order to achieve the specified goal: ____ / 3 ____solved /5 each issue 1% 1. Transparency around the hierarchical structure/ Organizational structure 2. Communication barriers/ interpersonal and communication skills between management

3. Lack of clarity around expectations of the client. 4. Projection direction

C. Choose the most critical issue from B (which needs to be solved as priority) and justify why it has priority:

Projection direction; the most critical issue towards the goal of the Joint Venture project is that there is a severe misunderstanding on the overall direction, which has led to the serious possibility of being unsuccessful or implemented after the deadline. There is must be addressed, making sure everyone has the same definition of ‘time’ and deadlines relevant to a successful implementation, as well as, a scope on the deliverables of the project.

D. Key players involved in the most critical management issue discussed in C ____ / 2 Andrew Kilpatrick – Principal SCG Ellen Moore – Senior Consultant SCG Mr. Song – Director JVI Mr. Park – Manager JVI Jack Kim – Consultant JVI Team 1 – SI project Team Robert Brown – Co-Managing Director JVI


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E. Identify appropriate cultural dimensions (they can be from different models) that impact the 3 most critical management issues listed in B: use of Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck model 2% + use of other models 2% + linking dimensions to 3 management issues from B 2%

As the SI project is already in operation within Korea, it is essential that all members of the project understand the differences between their respective cultures and set a goal to understand and overcome the issues raised by uncertainty/avoidance in order achieve a successful outcome.

High power distance

Short term orientation



Ascription vs Achievement (Past orientated) of the Korean consultants, placing more emphasis on Jack Kim’s directions than Ellen Moore’s.

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Neutral vs Affective model- Korean culture is based on a neutral model where there is a tendency to show little emotion. Andrew showing tendencies towards the affective model, Koreans less responsive. Needs to respect business model.

Strong Hierarchical relationships among people in Korean culture

F. Describe how are these 3 most critical management issues perceived by each key player from their cultural perspective, interpreted with above cultural dimensions as appropriate (interpret using appropriate cultural dimensions, identified in E): each issue 2%


Ellen Moore- individualistic culture, with a low power distance and is predominantly achievement oriented. Hence why adjusting to a culture which is more or less opposite to her orientation, she is having a difficult time asserting her directions over the team. The unclear hierarchical structure leads to undefined power between team members. Andrew Kilpatrick- Understands the importance of keeping the project moving forward in order to be completed successfully and on time. Andrew clearly places an emphasis on the importance of Ellen to the project and here capabilities as a consultant. However, he has not conveyed this effectively to the Korean team as a result of lack of persuasive communication; influencing the key players to see the benefits of his strategy implementation in greater detail.

Jack Kim- past-oriented, collectivistic, high power distance which is predominantly ascription-oriented. Holds traditional view that women should not be taken as seriously as men. Jack sees Ellen as incapable compared to himself, and his untrusting of her directions; blind to how his own perception has led the team astray. Places importance on irrelevant tasks to the current project at hand; jeopardizing the on-time completion of the project. The Korean team (Mr. Park, Mr. Song, consultants) must be more open-minded to Ellen Moore, and her experience in team coaching and SI. Trusting and allowing her to take a more open lead of the team to best utilise her skills. They must establish a better working relationship with Andrew. The team need to dvest themselves of their natural perspective of gender roles; placing more importance on Ellen’s competency in system implementation, rather than her gender.

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G. Use your conclusions from F to propose effective solutions to your 3 most critical issues, justified with the same cultural dimensions used in F. Explain how your solutions will make the achievement of the goal (see p. 1) possible. Explain how it will be handled by each key player and why the solutions will be accepted 4

by them (use conclusions from your cultural analysis described above to justify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed solution). each issue 2%

Andrew Kilpatrick in conjunction with Mr. Song, Mr. Park and Jack Kim, must address and resolve the ongoing personal interaction problems, design strategies and organizational structural issues at hand; in order to structure events with efficiency and keep the project moving forward; adhering to a tighter, defined schedule which adequately outlines when deliverables and deadlines must be met.

A face-to-face presentation of this business outline on Andrew and the Korean side’s behalf to the team; with clearly defined terms and recognition of Ellen’s position and authority would raise her status in the eyes of her peers, and place value on her importance as a leader of the consultant team.

There needs to be transparency between the team members, with agreed upon plans being adhered to without variation that is harmful to the completion of the project. Trust must be formed between Jack and Ellen for not only the benefit of their relationship, but also the project; as it is unlikely to succeed in its current state. Jack should be given more training in the area if time is available, which in this case it may not be. Open communication should be a given, with timely and frequent business meetings to break down current barriers.

Overall, a better understanding and tolerance of each other’s cultural differences with benefit the working relationship and effectiveness of the Joint-Venture.


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