Elliott 4e tb ch04 - MCQ for chapter 4 PDF

Title Elliott 4e tb ch04 - MCQ for chapter 4
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MCQ for chapter 4...


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Marketing 4th edition

© John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2018

Marketing 4th edition

Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 1. The term used to describe the analysis of the behaviour of individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption is known as: a. social behaviour. b. external behaviour. *c. consumer behaviour. d. customer behaviour. e. target market behaviour. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.1: explain why marketers require a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and its major influences. Consumer behaviour is the term used to describe the analysis of the behaviour of individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption. 2. Consumer behaviour is the analysis of the behaviour of ____________ and ____________ who buy goods and services for ____________ consumption. a. individuals, businesses, private b. businesses, households, public *c. individuals, households, personal d. businesses, households, conspicuous General Feedback: Learning objective 4.1: explain why marketers require a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and its major influences. Consumer behaviour is the analysis of the behaviour of individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption. 3. While shopping with a good friend, you decide to buy a new pair of jeans; your friend helps you to decide which pair to buy. This interaction with your friend at the time of purchase is known as a: a. physical situational influence. *b. social situational influence. c. motivational situational influence. d. mood situational influence. e. time situational influence. General Feedback:

© John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2018

Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 2

Marketing 4th edition

Learning objective 4.1: explain why marketers require a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and its major influences. Social situational influences include the interactions with others at the time the purchase decision is made (e.g. asking your partner how you look in the pair of jeans you are trying on). 4. Characteristics of the location in which the purchase decision is made are known as: a. material. b. motivational. *c. physical. d. social. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.1: explain why marketers require a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and its major influences. Physical: the characteristics of the location in which the purchase decision is made. 5. A person's demographic characteristics would be best described as a(n) ___________ influence on their behaviour as a consumer. a. situational b. group *c. individual d. cultural e. social General Feedback: Learning objective 4.1: explain why marketers require a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and its major influences. Demographic characteristics such as age, occupation and income are an individual influence on a person's behaviour as a consumer (see figure 4.1). 6. As a situational influence, the concept of 'time' refers to: a. the average time consumers take to make a purchase decision. *b. the time available for a purchase decision. c. the time it takes to make a purchase decision. d. the number of times a purchase decision is made. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.1: explain why marketers require a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and its major influences. Time: the time available for a purchase decision (e.g. a person who has left all of their Christmas shopping until Christmas Eve may not have the time to contemplate many options).

© John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2018

Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 3

Marketing 4th edition

7. John is a 35 year old, working full-time as a builder, earning roughly $90,000 per year. John's demographic characteristics would be best described as a(n) ___________ influence on his behaviour as a consumer a. situational b. group *c. individual d. cultural e. social General Feedback: Learning objective 4.1: explain why marketers require a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and its major influences. Demographic characteristics such as age, occupation and income are an individual influence on a person's behaviour as a consumer (see figure 4.1). 8. While shopping for a pair of jeans, you ask your friend "how do I look in these?" This influence on your purchasing decision is a: a. physical. b. personal influence. *c. social influence. d. motivational influence. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.1: explain why marketers require a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and its major influences. The interactions with others at the time the purchase decision is made are known as social situational influences. 9. Culture, family and social class are all examples of which broad influence on consumer behaviour? a. Situational. b. Individual. *c. Group. d. Psychological. e. Motivational. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.1: explain why marketers require a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and its major influences. People's purchasing decisions are profoundly affected by group factors. Group influences comprise social factors (the influence of other people) and cultural factors (the influence of the values, beliefs and customs of the person's community). 10. The system of knowledge, beliefs, values, rituals and artefacts by which a society or other large group defines itself is called: © John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2018

Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 4

Marketing 4th edition

*a. culture. b. long term orientation. c. law. d. social identity. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. We shall define culture as the system of knowledge, beliefs, values, rituals and artefacts by which a society or other large group defines itself. 11. Which of the following would not potentially be considered an aspect of a person's culture? a. Clothing. b. Food. c. Beliefs. d. Customs. *e. Age. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. Culture is the system of knowledge, beliefs, values, rituals and artefacts by which a society or other large group defines itself. Culture is multidimensional and includes both tangible and intangible elements: tangible elements include housing, clothing, food and artworks, and intangible elements include laws, religious beliefs, customs, education and institutions. 12. You play as part of your local football team. For training, you choose to focus on your own goal of increasing your fitness, rather than the team goal of improved game strategy. In doing so you are displaying a culture of: a. masculinity. b. uncertainty avoidance. c. independence. *d. individualism. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. Individualism: the extent to which people focus on their own goals over those of the group. Western societies are generally 'individualistic', whereas Asian societies are more 'collectivist'. 13. Which country or countries below would score lower than Australia or New Zealand on Hofstede's 'individualism' dimension of culture? a. India. © John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2018

Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 5

Marketing 4th edition

b. Thailand. c. United States. *d. Both a and b. e. None of the options listed. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. Individualism is the extent to which people focus on their own goals over those of the group. Western societies are generally 'individualistic', whereas Asian societies are more 'collectivist'. 14. Which of these is defined as a group comprising individuals of similar social rank within the social hierarchy? *a. Social class. b. Subculture. c. Multiculturalism. d. Reference group. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. A social class comprises individuals of similar social rank within the hierarchy. 15. On Hofstede's dimension of culture scale, which country or countries below is most likely to have the highest score for being 'individualistic'? a. United States. b. Australia. c. New Zealand. *d. Malaysia. e. United Kingdom. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. Individualism is the extent to which people focus on their own goals over those of the group. Western societies are generally 'individualistic', whereas Asian societies are more 'collectivist'. 16. Family decision making roles are classified into four types. When a product is purchased by a husband and wife acting jointly, this is known as a(n): a. wife-dominant decision. b. husband-dominant decision. c. autonomic decision. *d. syncratic decision.

© John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2018

Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 6

Marketing 4th edition

General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. Syncratic decisions: Some products are purchased by a husband and wife acting jointly. Typically such decisions would be the major household purchasing decisions such as purchasing a home and mortgage, a holiday, entertainment product or other significant investment. 17. A person's socioeconomic status can be dependent upon: a. income. b. education. c. occupation. d. None of the options listed. *e. a, b and c. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. A social class comprises individuals of similar social rank within the social hierarchy. Social ranking forms the basis of social prestige and respect. In Australia and New Zealand, an individual's social class - and socioeconomic status - is defined by values and lifestyles, but often rests on indicators such as income, occupation and education. 18. You share common attitudes, values and behaviours with a group of individuals which distinguishes the group from the broader culture in which you live. This is: a. your long-term orientation. b. multiculturalism. *c. a subculture. d. a social class. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. A subculture is a group of individuals who differ on some dimensions from the culture in which they are immersed. 19. A teenager purchases clothing that will enable her to "fit in" with the fashion style favoured by her friends. In a marketing sense, this could best be described as an example of the teenager's purchase being influenced by: a. her social role. b. her social status. c. her personality. *d. her reference group. e. her culture.

© John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2018

Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 7

Marketing 4th edition

General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. A reference group is any group to which an individual looks for guidance as to what are appropriate values, attitudes or behaviours. 20. An individual who considers themselves an 'Emo' adopts the characteristics, appearance, clothing, attitudes and music of the group. This is an example of a _____________ reference group. a. social b. aspirational *c. membership d. dissociative General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. Membership reference groups are groups to which the individual belongs. Individuals take on the attitudes and behaviours that define the members of the group. 21. Which of the following would best describe an opinion leader from a marketing perspective? a. A person of high standing in the community. *b. A reference group member who provides relevant and influential advice. c. A family member. d. Media commentators who have a large audience. e. The habits of a person from the same culture and social class as the individual. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. An opinion leader is a reference group member who provides relevant and influential advice about a specific topic of interest to group members. Opinion leaders are regarded by other group members as experts in a particular field or topic, such as politics, music, sport or community values. In a marketing context, opinion leaders often influence group members in relation to appropriate purchases of such products as technology, cars, houses, holidays, education, fashion, food and beverages. 22. Demographic factors include: a. age, income and personality. *b. age, gender and income. c. lifestyle and personality. d. internal drive to satisfy goals. General Feedback:

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Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 8

Marketing 4th edition

Learning objective 4.3: analyse the major individual factors that influence consumer behaviour. Demographic factors are the vital and social characteristics of populations, such as age, education and income. 23. As an opinion leader within many of the groups you socialise with, marketers are keen for you to buy their products, believing that you will convince others to also buy their products. With regard to the diffusion of innovations theory; to which of the following groups would a marketer most prefer that you belong to? *a. Early adopter. b. Early majority. c. Late majority. d. Laggard. e. Growth. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. Because opinion leaders are influential for other members of a reference group, from a marketing perspective, the earlier they adopt a product, the better. 24. During each university semester you find your life includes mainly study and work with the occasional party. Subsequently, you dream of a more unpredictable life full of excitement and travel. You are dreaming of your: a. psychographic lifestyle. b. aspirational lifestyle. c. actual lifestyle. *d. preferred lifestyle. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.3: analyse the major individual factors that influence consumer behaviour. Consumers often purchase products to enhance or express their preferred lifestyle. Such products are aspirational in nature. 25. During the dissolution stage of the family life cycle, consumers are focused on health, security and financial independence. An example of this stage is: a. a single person living apart from parent/s. b. a couple without children. *c. a single surviving spouse. d. a divorced couple. e. none of the options listed. General Feedback: © John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2018

Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 9

Marketing 4th edition

Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. Dissolution is the fifth stage of the family life cycle. An example of this stage of the family life cycle is a single surviving spouse (see table 4.1). Buyers in this stage of the family life cycle have a focus on health, physical security and continuing financial independence. 26. The term used to describe the individual's internal drive to act to satisfy unfulfilled needs or achieve unmet goals is known as: a. behaviour. b. expectation. *c. motivation. d. drive. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.3: analyse the major individual factors that influence consumer behaviour. The term 'motivation' is used to describe the individual's internal drive to act to satisfy unfulfilled needs or achieve unmet goals. 27. The influence of children on their parents' purchasing decisions has come to be known as: *a. pester power. b. autonomic power. c. syncratic power. d. the family life cycle. e. None of the options listed. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. Pester power is the term used to describe children's influence over their parents' purchasing decisions. About one-quarter of parents take their children with them when they shop, so it is very common for children to be present when purchasing decisions are being made. The most common purchases made in response to pester power are fairly small (e.g. chips, biscuits and a preferred brand of toothpaste), but children can also influence or indeed initiate major purchases as well, such as gaming consoles, home swimming pools and holidays. 28. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of these lists is in the correct order from lower level needs to higher level needs? a. Thirst, money, intimacy, success, recognition. *b. Hunger, housing, intimacy, respect, success. c. Thirst, housing, success, intimacy, respect. d. Hunger, intimacy, housing, respect, achievement. General Feedback: © John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2018

Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 10

Marketing 4th edition

Learning objective 4.3: analyse the major individual factors that influence consumer behaviour. Lower order, physiological needs are the most basic: food, water, and shelter. These are followed by the need for physical and emotional safety, then social needs such as affection. Beyond social needs are ego or esteem needs, which relate to self-esteem and the individual's need to be recognised and respected by others. At the top of the hierarchy, self-actualisation needs refer to an individual's need for improvement, achievement and success. 29. Which of the following statements is correct? a. People's individual purchasing decisions can be influenced by groups. b. Group influences on consumer behaviour comprise social and cultural factors. c. Social factors in consumer behaviour are the influences of other people on an individual's purchasing decisions. d. Cultural factors in consumer behaviour are the influence of values, beliefs and customs of the person's cultural community on an individual's purchasing decisions. *e. All of the options listed. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.2: understand the major group factors that influence consumer behaviour. People's purchasing decisions are profoundly affected by group factors. Group influences comprise social factors (the influence of other people) and cultural factors (the influence of the values, beliefs and customs of the person's community). 30. An individual is exposed to a potentially limitless array of stimuli via their senses. The tendency to actively seek out messages that are pleasant and agreeable is known as: a. selective distortion. *b. selective exposure. c. selective attention. d. selective retention. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.3: analyse the major individual factors that influence consumer behaviour. Selective exposure is the tendency to actively seek out messages that are pleasant and agreeable and to avoid messages that are threatening or disagreeable. Consumers may, for example, actively shut out messages from political parties with which the individual disagrees. 31. Demographic characteristics are often the best indicators of consumer behaviour. They are also easy to measure and define. Whilst doing some market research into your customer base, the demographic characteristics you ask about include: a. lifestyle, age, and personality. *b. age, education level, and income. c. personality, income, and age. © John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2018

Chapter 4 Consumer behaviour 11

Marketing 4th edition

d. income, age, and lifestyle. e. None of the options listed. General Feedback: Learning objective 4.3: analyse the major individual factors that influence consumer behaviour. Demographic factors describe the general make-up of the population in terms of existing objective, measurable characteristics that are either assumed or demonstrated to be related to the purchase or consumption of products. Demographic characteristics include age, education and income. 32. Which personal characteristic is influenced by characteristics such as age, income and education? a. motivation. b. demographics. c. perso...

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