EME2040 Chapter 4 - Lecture notes 4 PDF

Title EME2040 Chapter 4 - Lecture notes 4
Course Introduction to Technology for Educators
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 6
File Size 303.1 KB
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Lisa Gustinelli is the professor for this course. This is the third lecture. ...


EME2040 Chapter 4 Monday, September 3, 2018

12:06 PM

Designing Lessons and Developing Curriculum with Technology Unit 3 • •

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What are the benefits of integrating technology into instruction? Possible Responses ○ Gain and focus students attention ○ Motivate students ○ Students relate to 21st century learning tools Approaches to Lesson Planning: Using Understanding by design ○ Instructional Design Model with 3 stages: § Stage 1: identify desired results (standards/objectives and essential questions) § Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence (assessment strategies) § Stage 3: Plan learning experiences and instructions (teaching strategies/lesson plan) Stage 1 ○ Identify desired results Identifying desired results ○ Mastery of florida standards (Cpalms) ○ Mastery of relevant NETS/ISTE technology standards ○ What is the essential question driving your webquest? Identifying desired Results ○ Student learning objectives plan by outcome not by activity § Objectives are: □ Tell who □ Is going to do what □ When □ How much or how often and □ How it will be measured or evaluated § "As a result of instruction students will be able to …" Step 2: Determine acceptable evidence

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Step 2: Determine acceptable evidence Assessing Assessments First ○ Ensure that the assessment strategy is aligned with the standards of the lesson ○ Make sure that we don’t focus on "irrelevant" or "off-topic" content Formative vs. Summative Assessment ○ Formative ass. § Diagnostic use of assessment to provide feedback to teachers and students over the course of instruction § Takes place during the work process § Focus is on improving the process ○ Summative Assessment § Takes place after a period of instruction and required making a judgement about the learning that has occurred § Students are evaluated upon completion of the work § Focus is on the final product Formative Assessment Examples: ○ Interviewing students (questioning) ○ Assign a few problems ○ Have students submit an outline for a paper or presentation ○ Journal reflection ○ Learning logs/notes ○ Concept maps ○ Directed summarization ○ Mini presentation ○ Quizzes ○ 56 examples of formative assessments ○ In unit 8 we will focus on how to use technology for formative assessment Summative Assessment Examples ○ Assigning a grade to a final exam ○ Photo presentations ○ Powerpoint presentations (e.g. giving the students the responsibility to teach their class members about a specific topic) ○ Products (e.g., Scaled Models, videos, etc. ) ○ Experiments/Field Research with reports on the results of the research ○ Essays/ Papers requiring critical analysis ○ Stories ○ Individual /Group projects Th t h l b d fi l j t l i f b ti

The technology -based final project you are planning for your webquest is an example Test Assessments vs. performance assessments ○ Test assessments § Also known as traditional assessments § Quantity student knowledge ○ Performance assessments § Also known as alternative or authentic assessments § More truly demondtate knowledge and proficiency with tangible evidence § The technology -based final project you are planning for your webquest is an example Students Performance Rubrics ○ Used to evaluate performance assessments: § Establish known-in-advance criteria for assessment ○ Rubrics provide: § Clear framework for evaluation/assesment § A list of specific activities accomplishments to complete Do Now Activity ○ Discussion Forum on Canvas (Unit 3) ○

Share the technology -based final project you proposed students will create as a result of your WebQuest and describe how the assessment will enable students demonstrate acceptable evidence of learning of the standards selected for your unit. Stage 3: Plan learning experienes and instructions ○ Teaching strategies ○ Lesson plans ○ Technology integration The role of attention in forming knowledge ○ The process involves moving information from sensory register to LTM ○ 3 pts at which information may be lost ○ Technology can grab students attention and engage them in instruction §

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Question ○ How can I integrate technology into instruction Integrating technology into instruction ○ Design activities alighted with lesson objectives ○ Choose the right tool/resource for the job § Warm up activity § Core activates/main lesson § Exercise practice ○ Do not use technology for the sake of using technology Idea #1: Warm Up Activity ○ Complete "K-W" (of K-W-L) chart on an IWB ○ Complete "L" during Closure activity ○ Example: Smart Board One Board K



Idea #2 Warm Up / Core ○ Show a short video clip as a warmup activity (less than 2 minuites ○ Show a longer video as a core activity ○ Brain Pop ○ Discovery education ○ Teacher Tube ○ Youtube Idea #3 Core Activity ○ Conduct internet research for inquiry based learning § Webquest is one model that may be used Introduction Idea #4 : Core activity ○ Send students on a QR code savenger hunt § Scavify Idea #5 : Exercise/Practice ○ Create a digital scrapbook § Pintrest

§ Skrappy § Lino sticky note photo sharing Idea #6 Exercise Practice ○ Reflection questions in electronic journals § Google drive § Idiary for kids § Live journal Idea #7 Exercise Practice ○ Create a word cloud § Wordle § Cloudart

Zunal Assignment ○ Activity: go to zunal and create an account for not ! We will use zunal for our webquest in this class ○ Using your plan from the WQ proposal , complete the Welcome, Introduction, and Task Pages of your WQ...

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