Endocrine System Practice Questions NSU nursing PDF

Title Endocrine System Practice Questions NSU nursing
Author ALI Brandy
Course Advanced Anatomy & Physiology For Health Professions
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 7
File Size 88.9 KB
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I AM a previous teacher and I made these self prepared exams! they helped ALOT for the real thing!...


Endocrinee & Repro Reproduc ductiv tivee Syste System Endocrin duc tiv m Practice Exam 1. The function of the endocrine system is to___________________________. a) b) c) d) e)

To only store hormones necessary for bodily functions Maintains homeostasis and to secrete chemical signals into the circulatory system. Secrete hormones that act on specific target organs to influence its’ activity Only secrete hormones from ductless glands B and C

2. Endocrine glands are_________________________________ a) Structures that release hormones via ducts b) Structures that are duct-less c) Can be found on the pancreas d) Can be found in the pineal gland e) B and C 3. The pineal gland is involved with___________________. a) Insulin production b) Metabolism c) Circadian rhythm d) The anterior part of the brain, inferior to infundibulum e) B and C 4. The ________________________________ is involved with the secretion of insulin and glucagon. 5. The Pineal gland is found in all of the following except______________________________. a) b) c) d) e)

Between both cerebral hemispheres Posterior to mid brain Posterior to corpus callosum Lateral to the anterior lobe C and D

6. Which of the following have both endocrine and exocrine functions? a) b) c) d) e)

Pineal, pituitary, ovaries Pineal, testes and ovaries Pancreas, pituitary and pineal Pancreas, ovary, and testes None of the above

7. The Pituitary gland___________________________. a) b) c) d) e)

Sits in the sella turcica of the ethmoid bone Is located superiorly to the hypothalamus Is located inferiorly to the hypothalamus Sits in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone C and D

8. The adenohypophysis and the neurohypophysis______________. a) b) c) d) e)

Sit in the anterior and posterior part of the pineal gland, respectively Sit in the anterior and posterior part of the pituitary gland, respectively Both produce their own hormones Each have different roles B and D

9. What structure connects the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus? ___________________. 10. The infundibulum appears to be a continuation of which of the following structures? a) b) c) d) e)

Neurohypophysis Adenohypophysis Thyroid gland Hypothalamus Larynx

11. The primary function of the hypothalamus is ____________. a) b) c) d) e)

To control the pituitary gland To store hormones before being transported to various parts of the pituitary gland To connect the infundibulum to the pituitary A and C B and C

12. TRUE/FALSE: The anterior and posterior pituitary both produce and secrete hormones. 13. Hormones like oxytocin and ADH that are stored in the posterior pituitary are referred to as ______________________________________. 14. Adenohypophysis_________________. a) b) c) d) e)

is located in the anterior aspect of brain similar roles to the neurohypophysis produce its’ own hormones has a different role than the posterior pituitary more than one answer of the above

15. The ______________________ stores, creates, produces, and secretes hormones. a) b) c) d) e)

Exocrine glands Infundibulum Hypothalamus Isthmus of the thyroid gland neurohypophysis

16. TRUE/FALSE: The neurohypophysis does not produce its’ own hormones. It secretes hormones that are produced in the hypothalamus.

17. TRUE/FALSE: The lobes of the thyroid gland are anterior to the trachea and the isthmus of the thyroid is lateral to the trachea. 18. The thyroid gland sits (superior/inferior) to the larynx. 19. The recurrent laryngeal nerve is a branch of the ________________________nerve (provide the roman numeral for this nerve here: ___________). 20. Parafollicular cells are ______________________________. a) b) c) d) e)

Found between follicles Produce calcitonin and oxytocin Produces calcitonin Seen in pairs A and B only

21. The parathyroid gland releases _____________________________ during times of (high/low) calcium levels in the body. 22. Calcitonin is released by the ______________________________ during times of (high/low) calcium levels in the body. 23. The body of the pancreas is most closely associated with the ___________________. 24. The head of the pancreas is most closely associated with the _______________________. 25. Parathyroid glands are found in the (anterior/posterior) aspect of the thyroid gland and have a (joint/separate) role than the thyroid gland itself. 26. The pancreas’ exocrine functions is primarily playing a role in what metabolic process of the body? ____________________________

27. The pancreas’ endocrine functions is primarily playing a role in what metabolic process of the body? ___________________________________

28. The ______________________ gland is most active and is the largest in fetal-childhood development.

29. The thymus is positioned (anterior/posterior) to the sternum and (anterior/posterior) to the pericardial sac.

30. The __________________ adrenal gland sits laterally to the inferior vena cava.

31. The thymus gland secretes T-cells and secretes ____________________. 32. What is the main function of the adrenal glands? ___________________________.

33. The functions of the cortex of the adrenal gland includes all of the following except: a) b) c) d) e)

Production of catecholamines Conversion of proteins, fats, and carbs Produce androgens and epinephrine Controls blood pressure and fluid balance A and C.

34. The left adrenal gland sits (medial/lateral) to the __________________________. 35. Male reproductive system’s exocrine function is to produce ___________________ and the endocrine function is to produce _____________________. 36. Maturation of the sperm occurs in the _____________________. a) b) c) d) e)

Head of epididymis Body of epididymis Tail of epididymis Seminal vesicles Urethra

37. The epididymis is located (inside/outside) the scrotum and is (anterior/posterior) to the testis. 38. Structures found within the spermatic cord include all of the following except_________. a) b) c) d) e)

Cremaster muscle Epididymis Testicular artery Ductus deferens Pampiniform plexus

39. The vas deferens is a (short/long) tube that courses from the (head/tail) of epididymis to the (ejaculatory duct/ urethra/ seminal vesicles.) 40. Structures found in the scrotum are: ________________________, ______________________, and _______________________. (it’s possible that a part of the cremaster muscle is also found in scrotum since it raises/lowers testes, so don’t list that structure here. Simply list the obvious ones.) 41. The male ____________________ produce sperm and testosterone. 42. The genitofemoral nerve is housed in the ____________________________. 43. TRUE/FALSE: The testes are positioned externally during fetal development. 44. The two accessory glands of the male reproductive system are _______________________ and ________________________.

45. The pathway of sperm is best described as ____________________. a) Vas deferens- seminal vesicles-ejaculatory duct- prostatic urethra, spongy urethra, membranous urethra-OUT b) Vas deferens- ejaculatory duct-prostatic urethra-membranous urethra-spongy urethra-OUT c) Vas deferens-ejaculatory duct- seminal vesicles-epididymis, prostatic urethra-spongy urethra-OUT d) Ejaculatory duct-vas deferens-seminal vesicles-prostatic urethra-epididymis-membranous urethra spongy urethra-OUT e) None of the above is correct 46. The bladder is (inferior/superior) to the prostate, while the pubic bone is (anterior/posterior) to the ejaculatory duct. 47. There are two of each of the following structures except ____________. a) b) c) d) e)

Seminal vesicle Ampulla Ejaculatory duct Ureter Urethra

48. The _______________________ is an enlargement of the ductus deferens. 49. The seminal vesicles and the vas deferens join to form the _______________________. 50. The ejaculatory duct and the prostatic urethra join to continue down to form the ____________________________. 51. The fluid that is produced by the prostate is (thick/thin) milky fluid. 52. The fallopian tube enters the uterus at the________________. a) b) c) d) e)

Fornix Body Fundus Cervix Vagina

53. The exocrine role of the ovary is ______________________, while the endocrine role is ___________________________. 54. The space around the cervix is called the _____________________. 55. Fertilization officially occurs in _______________________. a) b) c) d) e)

The vaginal canal The fornix The ovary The fimbriae The Oviducts

56. The Ovarian ligament attaches the _____________________. a) b) c) d) e)

Uterine tube to ovary uterus and ovary uterus and suspensory ligament uterus and ovarian vessels uterine artery and ovary

57. The Suspensory ligament attaches the ____________________. a) b) c) d) e)

Ovarian vessels to uterus Ovarian vessels to ovary Ovary to lateral aspect of pelvic wall Ovary to uterus Ovary to uterine tube

58. Where are the ovarian vessels contained? a) b) c) d) e)

Within the ovarian ligament Within the uterine tube Within the ovarian tube Within the suspensory ligament Within the ovarian ligament

59. When considering a hysterectomy, a surgeon must consider “this” landmark which is part of the female reproductive system and is closely associated with the ureter: ________________ 60. __________________ helps give breasts its’ shape. a) b) c) d) e)

Ovarian ligaments Nipples Areola Fat lymphatics

Answer Key 1. E 2. E 3. C 4. Pancreas 5. D 6. D 7. E 8. E 9. Infundibulum (aka: pituitary stalk) 10. D. hypothalamus 11. A. 12. False

13. Neurohormones 14. E 15. C 16. TRUE 17. FALSE 18. Inferior 19. Vagus Nerve (CN X) 20. E 21. PTH (parathyroid hormone, low) 22. Parafollicular cells, high 23. Stomach 24. Duodenum 25. Posterior, separate 26. Digestion 27. Maintaining blood sugar levels 28. Thymus 29. Posterior to sternum and anterior to pericardial sac 30. Right adrenal gland 31. Thymosin 32. Respond to stress 33. E 34. Lateral to abdominal aorta 35. Produce testosterone-endocrine & produce sperm is exocrine 36. C 37. Inside/posterior 38. B 39. Long, tail of epididymis, seminal vesicles 40. Dartos muscle, testes, epididymis 41. Testes (referring to both) and Testis (referring to one) 42. Spermatic Cord 43. FALSE, they are positioned by an area close to the kidneys during fetal development. 44. Seminal gland and prostate gland 45. B 46. Superior, anterior 47. E. (urethra) 48. Ampulla 49. Ejaculatory duct 50. Membranous urethra 51. Thin milky consistency 52. C. Fundus 53. Exocrine: production/release of ovum; Endocrine: production of estrogen and progesterone 54. Fornix 55. E. Oviducts (aka uterine tube/aka fallopian tube) 56. B attaches ovary to uterus 57. C (attaches ovary to lateral/pelvic wall) 58. D 59. Uterine artery 60. D. fat...

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