ENG3111 - Technology Design Project 2014 PDF

Title ENG3111 - Technology Design Project 2014
Course Technology Design Project
Institution University of Southern Queensland
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ENG3111 Technology Design Project Report Submission Guidelines Document: April 8, 2014

Course Requirements The course is examined via written submission of work, and also team (group) participation. There are three weekly reports at the start, your weekly team reports, a project planning report, and a project final report. Weekly Reports(individual) Weekly Summary (team)

10 marks each=30 total 10 marks each=70 total

Planning Report

200 marks

3 individual 7 team summaries Team report

Final Report

700 marks

Team report

Due Wednesdays weeks 2,3,4 Due Wednesdays weeks 5-11 Mid-semester; advised in schedule End-semester; week 15

See also the Course Specification at http://www.usq.edu.au/course/specification/

Report Format – All Reports The following sections outline the requirements for report preparation. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in your work receiving zero marks. All reports are to be submitted in PDF format, as per Study Desk instructions. All reports should have a title and author(s) names on the first page. IMPORTANT: Leave a blank page after your title page for marking and feedback. Please using the file naming convention LastName-StudentID-task.pdf, for example Smtih0123456789-Week1Report.pdf Do not print out your report and scan it in. This produces very large files, and is difficult to annotate with feedback. Submit only one file for each report. That is, only one file for each weekly report, one for the planning report, and one for the final report. The Weekly Summary (team) are to be uploaded to your team discussion area in PDF format; use the heading “Team X report for Week Y”. All other reports are to be submitted to the assignment submission area on Study Desk. These will be labelled by the examiner as “Submit your Week 1/2/3 Report/Planning Report/Final Report Report Here”

Originality Declaration for Individual Reports All individually prepared reports shall each have a declaration of originality displayed prominently: The person submitting this report hereby certifies that no part of this report has been produced by any other person, known or unknown to the author, and that it is entirely the work of the author. The

author has not used any unfair or dishonest methods, nor attempted to gain any advantage, such as preparation or editing by another person. Appropriate citation has been used where other works have been referenced or quoted, or substantially drawn upon. The author is aware of the USQ policies pertaining to academic honesty, and agrees to abide by them. The author understands that any transgressions will be dealt with under the appropriate USQ statutes applicable at the time of submission, and that this may extend to academic penalties such as marking demerits and failure of the course or course sections, and additional financial penalties.

Originality Declaration for Team Reports All reports developed by a team shall each have a declaration of originality displayed prominently: The team members submitting this report hereby certify that no part of this report has been produced by any other person, known or unknown to the team or its members, and that it is entirely the work of the team members. Neither the team collectively, nor any member of the team acting as an individual, has used any unfair or dishonest methods, nor attempted to gain any advantage, such as preparation or editing by another person outside the team. Appropriate citation has been used where other works have been referenced or quoted, or substantially drawn upon. Each member is aware of the USQ policies pertaining to academic honesty, and agrees to abide by them. The team understands that any transgressions will be dealt with under the appropriate USQ statutes applicable at the time of submission, and that this may extend to academic penalties such as marking demerits and failure of the course or course sections, and additional financial penalties.

Report Disclaimer The Planning Report and Final Report shall each have a disclaimer of usage displayed prominently: The purpose of this report is to achieve an educational objective. This report, and any part thereof, shall not be used in any capacity such as professional reports, training works, or other material of a professional, business or public nature. Any such use of such reports is solely at the discretion of the individual, and USQ and its nominees shall take no responsibility whatsoever beyond using the report to satisfy the educational objectives of ENG3111 Technology Design Project.

Team Code of Conduct – for both Preliminary and Final Reports Include a table as follows, showing the relative contribution of each team member. Ideally, the team as a whole should agree on these figures. Replace each “Person” with the name of each team member (adjust according to the size of your team).

Category Followed code of conduct as agreed Made an effort to communicate with the team Made a genuine effort to contribute Completed tasks on time Completed tasks to a high standard Totals

Score out of 10 Person A Person B Person C

Report Format – Short Answer Short Answer – Weeks 1 & 2 (2x10 marks each) As directed in Week 1 & Week 2 assignments. Please use clear headings – Task 1, Task 2, Task 3 – and start each on a new page. Suggested page range: 2-4

Individual Report – Week 3 (10 marks) As directed in Week 3 assignments. Please use headings as given in the assignment. Suggested page range: 2-4 Weekly Report (Team Project) – 7 Weekly Reports (7x10 marks each) These reports as submitted via the Study Desk in your team discussion area. In each report, include:     

Team member names and student IDs, and emails Project Name Assessment of Progress Matters Raised (in bullet point form) Summary of Outcomes & Actions

Suggested page range: 1-2

Report Format – Preliminary/Planning Report Notes in italics are suggestions only; feel free to add to those given.     

First page: Project Name, Team member names and student IDs & emails Disclaimer Originality Declaration Leave a page blank for marking & feedback Table of Contents

 

Problem Statement – concisely define the problem. Design Criteria – what are the design constraints?

  

Design Options – what options are put on the table? Comparison of Options – compare the options, with justification. Recommended Options – state why some options are preferable (cost, ease of maintenance, etc) References- include references where you have drawn upon other’s work. Appendix A – Code of Conduct & Contribution Page (see below)

 

Suggested page range: 10-20

Mark Allocation Table This table shows how you will be marked for this assessment item. Project topic selection and accompanying justification Proposed project outline Project schedule with team member tasks identified Preliminary costing estimates Total

50 50 50 50 200

Report Format – Final Report Notes in italics are suggestions only; feel free to add to those given. Final project reports should include, as appropriate to the topic:          

First page: Project Name, Team member names and student IDs & emails Disclaimer Originality Declaration Leave a page blank for marking & feedback Table of Contents Problem Statement – concisely define the problem. Design Criteria – what were the design constraints? (building upon preliminary report) Design Options – what options were put on the table? (building upon preliminary report) Comparison of Options – compare the options, with justification. Recommended Options – state why some options are preferable (cost, ease of maintenance, etc)

 

Recommendations for Implementation – what have you come up with, and why? Risk Assessment – safety risk to individuals, financial risk to company, other risks identified. Resource Statement – what do you need to build this design? Maintenance Issues – does it require periodic/preventative maintenance? What about fault repairs? Legal and/or Intellectual Property – are there any patent issues? Could you patent your design? Project Timeline References Appendix A - Contribution page

     

Suggested page range: 40-60

Mark Allocation Table Marks are awarded as set out in the table below. Since this is a group report, the same mark is allocated to all group members, but with one exception. The “Appropriate Engineering Design” section mark is allocated on the design contribution evident for each individual member.

Presentation, structure and correct Harvard referencing Supported appropriate engineering drawings, figures, calculations and appendices Appropriate engineering design – Individual Assigned Mark Project Work - Group Assigned Mark Total

50 150 200 300 700...

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