Englisch LK Lernblätter PDF

Title Englisch LK Lernblätter
Author Selin Özsoy
Course Englisch
Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
Pages 48
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Englisch LK Zusammenfassung...




America! 2

! Major Steps in Immigration Policy!

The American Dream! -> The dream was for European immigrants, which were oppressed by the monarchs in their home countries.! • Everyone can make it and become wealthy, no matter which family they are from, if they are willing to.!


Working hard

-“from rags to riches”!


-equal chances to everyone!


-pursuit of happiness !


-brotherhood for all (multiculturalism)!

People who opposed old traditions


• Effort leads to reward! • People should have perseverance, they shouldn’t give up! • integrity=> having good morals! • Self-control! • Being hardworking! => Although the American Dream promised so many good things, it was not the reality.


What makes an American? - Letters from an American Farmer! EUROPE


-no food

-well-paid jobs


-non-oppressive churches

-power of religion/church

-freedom of mind

-ties to Europe:

-acceptance of all kind of people(whites)


-God´s chosen country

->community with friends&relatives

American Dream! • The chance to choose what you want to do(individual freedom)! • The idea that you can start with nothing and end up being rich(from rags to riches) and happy! • The concept that concentrates on individualism-> Its important to be yourself and to be independent.! • “no pain, no gain”-> hard work! • A set of values people agree on (system of laws, Bill of Rights, education, religion(faith))! • A dream for white people only! • The idea of equal chances for everybody! • Material wealth: it symbolizes the fact that one had the chance to develop and climb the social ladder of success.! • An idea that can be realized by some people but not by everybody->CONTRADICTION:! equaltiy cannot be achieved! • An idealistic manifestation of capitalism! • A competitive system of winners and losers +greed! —> too much competition leads to more competition and inhumane attitudes! • An idea that pampers a certain typeof people and disrespects others! • People are obsessed with the idea of self-reliance.! American Nightmare?! • Sometimes this is the reality especially when it comes to minorities: e.g.: black people, immigrants, women, natives, specific religious groups…! • Many people fail$


Great Migration Waves • 1609-1775: 1st immigration wave: Europans and African Slaves! • 1820-1870: 2nd immigration wave: Irish,German and Chinese! • 1870-1920: 3rd immigration wave: European and Japanese! • 1965-present: 4th immigration wave: Hispanics, Carribeans, Central America! American values and beliefs • Puritans !


English Protestants in 16th/17th Century who left England, seeking their luck in America! Seeked to purify the Church of England of Roman Catholic practices ! Puritans feared loss of their freedoms, they fled from the religious persecution! They saw America as their “New Canaan” (promised land given by god)! Shouldn’t fully be reformed but become more protestant! Puritanism had a significant role in England history!

• Patriotism!

- Feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment!

- Love for one´s native land$


Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

Decleration of Independence (1776) ! • Written by Thomas Jefferson! • Purpose: to announce that 13 colonies would no longer be British but independent and sovereign states! • Human rights are introduced! • All men are created equal and there are no certain unalienable rights that governments should never violate.(but in that time the ideas were different)->Only white men who owned property had the right to vote(only 8%). Laws didn’t recognize the equal rights of other groups(no women,Blacks or Native Americans)! • Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ->establishing a government which should protect these rights-> a new nation called “the United States of America”! • The new government has the right to levy war, make peace, make alliances ! • Jefferson showed that the colonists had the right to separate from the king and have their own government.! • The fact that the new American government was to radically different from that of the British king was pointed out in the preamble the American constitution.! American Constitution (1787)! • A document describing the new system of government and how it would work.! • New ideas of democratic state stated in the preamble of the constitution! • The central government needs more power if the country was to become and remain united instead of being a colony.! • Supreme Law in US! • Basic ideas:! -governing by agreement of the governed -> citizens have the power to elect the people who govern them! -belief in fundamental rights of people (civil right)! -a representative democracy! -federalism (power is divided between state and federal government)! -separation of power into three branches (legislative, executive, judicial)! -system of checks and balances -> government is limited by constitutional law (no branch can become too strong)! 6

-flexibility of the constitution -> amendments can be made to the Constitution as necessary ! Bill of Rights! • Written because some delegates feared that the new American government would threaten everyone’s ability to achieve personal freedom and the pursuit of happiness! • First ten amendments to the American Constitution! • Certain civil rights that every citizen should have! • Right to free speech, freedom of religion-> principle of American Life! • Right not to be arrested or searched without a good reason ! • Right to have free trial! • Only for white people! The Seneca Falls Delegation of Sentiments (1848)! • Focuses on women rights, modeled on Decleration of Independence! • Main Statements:! -in the past, men have ruled over women! -men and women have equal rights, the government should guarantee them! -in the past and present, men have injured women’s rights and men have a certain power on women! —>no suffrage for women so far, after marriage they don’t exist legally! -women have no property on her own! -in divorce, all power is given to the men(e.g. children’s custody)! ->Women demand to be treated like a normal human citizen.!

Civil War(1861-1865)! • The union fought against 11 southern states who had left the Union and confederated as the “Confederate States of America”! • Result: the abolition of slavery! Emancipation Proclamation(1863)! • Ended the slavery=> freed few people, enslaved African Americans! • Issued by Abraham Lincoln! • Main purpose: to encourage rebellious states to rejoin the Union! 7

American dream today:! • Multicultural society: a society where various ethnic groups and their cultural heritage are accepted in their own right! • SYMBOLS:! -Salad bowl:! -the various ethnicities in the US adding their own traditions, cultural values etc. to the American people; the various heritages do not merge into one, but stay distinct (“unity in diversity”)! -Melting Pot:! -the various ethnic groups do not retain their cultural heritage but amalgamate into one new nation! -the term first appeared in “Letters to an American Farmer”!

History of slavery and abolition ! • 1619-1808: Approximately 300.000 people were shipped from Africa to work as slaves win the US. They lives mainly in southern states and worked on the cotton, tobacco and sugar cane plantations -> crops made the plantation owners extremely rich, and were major products to export —>source of cheap labor! • After 1808: no more slaves were transported to the US, but many were born in the country! • 1833: the National Anti-Slavery Society, an abolitionist movement, was founded, although most of its supporters came from the northern states rather than the southern states, where most slaves lived! Moral questions about slavery and the treatment of blacks as second-class human beings triggered the American Civil War! • 1865: Slavery was abolished after the American Civil War->13th amendment! • 1868: 14th Amendment gave African Americans the status of citizens! • 1870: All male American citizens were given the right to vote, regardless of their race! • 1890: Jim Crow Laws were introduced -> slavery was replaced by segregation and racism!


The Civil Rights Movement ! • The struggle for quality! • Segregation in schools, busses, bathrooms, swimming pools, libraries…! • 1954: the NAACP won a famous court case, which ruled that it was illegal to separate schools because of different races -> “separate but equal” concept was unconstitutional! • 1955: Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to white passengers in a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama. As a result, she was arrested and convicted. The black people boycotted the buses for over a year until segregation on public buses ended.! • 1961: Student volunteers took trips on interstate buses in the south to try and end segregation on public transport —> Freedom Rides! • March 1963: Martin Luther Kings speech: I have a dream ->Although slavery was abolished 100 years ago, blacks still don’t have the same rights as whites! • 1964-> civil rights act: equal status for blacks in all social matters! • 1968: Martin Luther King was assassinated ! • Activists:! • Booker T. Washington:! -blacks should only pursue social equality once they had established their own economic security and independence.! -He doesn’t tell them that they are equal in his speech.! -too idealistic, unbiased, gives advice to white people not only to black people.! • Malcolm X! -his speech offers his views on violence and non-violence! -he doesn’t tries to incite someone to violate but advices people to stand up for themselves , if they don’t take an action and fight for liberty, nothing will change.! • Martin Luther King! -key role in the American Civil Rights Movement! -in 1960: he led various campaigns and protest marches, such as the demonstrations in Birmingham! -summer 1963: he delivered his famous speech: “I have a dream”! -in his speech, he talks about the civil rights movement! -his message was justice and reconciliation without violence. It's possible to win a person’s friendship and understanding with non-violence. But people still continue to use violence which will end up as tragic bitterness.! 9

Effects of the Civil Rights Act:! - protests%

- equal opportunities to everyone no matter the skin color% - signing a Civil Right Act (B. Johnson signed it on July 2nd 1964)% - public places were desegregated% - fair rights for gay people, black people and disable ones% - BUT: social injustices and inequalities remain a problem until today ! Jim Crow Laws(1890-1960)! • Laws to enforce segregation: the laws should protect the black community but in the reality, they were used to maintain the unfair treatment and the limitation of the rights of the the black! • “separate but equal”$


To Kill a Mockingbird Character list$

Aunt Alexandra! (Atticus´s sister)


Atticus Finch! (lawyer)

black cook


father Siblings Jem Finch! (Scout´s older brother)

Scout Finch! (narrator! +protogonist)

Neighbor for summer

Dill Harris

Ms Maudie Atkinson! (Finches´neigbour) saves him from Bob

Walter Cunningham! (Scout´s classmate) father


Mr Walter Cunningham! (a poor farmer)

Antagonist: The social expectations of Maycomb

Bob Ewell! (drunk,Maycomb´s poorest family)


Mayella Ewell

accuses from rape

Tom Robinson


Link Deas


Narrative perspective • First person narrator: Scout! • Two different versions are represented: child & adult Scout! • Young narrator perspective: ! -Scout doesn’t understand the full implication of thing that are happening in the novel! -unprejudiced point of view! -Scout gets mature due to all the thing she has been confronted throughout the story! Themes • Coexistence of Good/Evil:!

- Exploration of the moral nature of human beings -> essentially good or evil?! - Question is approached by dramatizing Scout and Jem´s transition (coming of age) from a perspective of childhood innocence (assuming people are good) to a more adult perspective (confronting evil & incorporating to world understanding)!

- Hatred, predijuce ignorance pose threat to the innocent (Tom Robinson, Boo Radley) -> aren’t prepared for evil = destruction of person! -> Jem is victimized by discovery of racism! -> Jem´s faith in justice and humanity gets badly damaged => state of disappointment!

- Atticus Finch = moral voice -> has experienced and understood evil without losing faith in humanity! ->understands that people don’t have either good or bad qualities but do have both! => appreciate good & understand bad -> treats others with sympathy & empathy!

- Scout´s progress as a character is defined by her development towards understanding Atticus´s lessons!

• The Importance of Moral Education!

- Plot: Scout´s moral education -> how children are thought to move from innocence to adulthood!

- School = counterpoint to Atticus´s effective education! - Most important lessons = sympathy & understanding!


• Prejudice!

- prejudice + racism = heart of to Kill a Mockingbird! - Racial conflicts cause two dramatic deaths in the novel (Tom Robinson, Bob Ewell)! - The novel represents simplistic/moralistic view of racial prejudice = white people who are racist are bad + white people who aren’t racist are good!

- Not only simplistic in terms of morality but also in terms of perspective! - Racism is represented as a problem that exists between educated, financially stable, moral white people and ignorant, dirty, poor, vicious white people!

- People are treated different based on their race and social status (parallels to Othello)! - Black characters are rarely given voice on the topic of racism! -> When they do speak it´s largely about their gratitude for the “good” white people! -> Black characters never respond actively to racism + if black character is critical of white people (Lula challenging Calpurnia for bringing them to the black church) they get excluded.!

- Arthur Radley as a victim of prejudice -> because he is different than the others -> he is used as scapegoat, the type of person which gets blamed when anything bad happens -> people always need someone to blame!

- Even though Atticus reveals facts about Tom Robinson’s innocence, no one gives attention to the disputability of innocence.! • Law!

- Trial of Tom Robinson = indictment of the legal system! -> procedurally judge carries out trial properly!

- Jury= all- white -> doesn’t interpret according to the law but applies prejudices ! - Verdict = guilty => displaying limitation of law! • Lying!

- Two lies in center of To Kill a Mockingbird:! 1) Mayella Ewell saying Tom Robinson raped her! 2) Heck Tate saying Bob Ewell stabbed himself! -1st lie destroys an innocent man! -2nd lie prevents destruction of an innocent man! => two lies reflect how deception can be used to harm or to protect!

- social status determines who can and cannot lie! - Tom Robinson can´t accuse Mayella of lying because her lies carry more weight than the truth told by a black man! 13

• Gender Roles! • Scout realizes what being female in the South in 1930s means-> But she identifies herself more with Atticus and her older brother than with any other female character in the novel-> Tomboy!

- Her primary female role models are Calpurnia and Miss Maudie-> both strong willed, independent and protective!

• Coming of Age (from innocence to maturity through experience)!

- Jem and Scout are confronted with the reality and they both learn important lessons throughout the novel.-> moral education by their father!

- In the beginning of the novel they see Boo Radley as a monster since they don’t actually know him, in the end they learn to respect him as a good human being after the got to learn him.!

- They learn that not always the good wins, they get confronted by the reality! - Stereotypes and prejudices are very much alive in Maycomb! - In the beginning, they see Boo Radley as an evil monster; in the end, they learn to respect him as a human being !

- The kids learn that “ It´s sin to kill mockingbird”: good and innocent people must be protected!

- Plea for tolerance: “You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them.”!

- The children are confronted with the coexistence of good (Atticus, Calpurnia) and evil( Bob Ewell, prejudiced community), good and evil exist side by side.!

- Tom Robinson case: nature of injustice Setting • Maycomb, Alabama (1933-1935)! • “Scottsboro Boys” case: In 1931, nine black young people were accused of raping two white women. This case was taken to the supreme Court which ruled that criminal defendants are entitled to effective assistance of counsel and that people may not be excluded from juries de to their race.! • Within two important periods of American history:! 14

- The Great Depression:! -worldwide economic depression that lasted 10 years! -unemployment had risen from 3% to 25% -> wages of employed people fell! !

- Jim Crow era:! -separate but equal! -disadvantaged situation of the black population! -black people could no longer be held in slavery but laws limited social, political and economic possibilities! -segregation was enforced in public pools, phone booths, hospitals, jails and residential homes ! -many black people were not registered and therefore excluded from exercising the civil right! -African Americans did not serve in juries: in the novel: Tom Robinson is also trialed by an all-white jury.! •

The Civil Rights Movement!

- Movement = struggle for social justice - for blacks to gain equal rights under the law in the US!

- After Civil war -> slavery ended but discrimination was still there! - During Reconstruction black people took on leadership roles (public office etc, legislative on leadership roles, right to vote) -> many whites (especially in the south) were unhappy that black people now had been on a more-or-less equal playing field !

- Jim Crow Laws were established! - 1941 F.D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order -> it opened national defense jobs and other government jobs to all Americans regardless of race, color or national origin!

- Black men and women served heroically in WWII despite suffering segregation! - Tuskegee Airmen broke the racial barrier to become the first black military aviators in the US Army Air Corps -> yet many black veterans met with prejudice and scorn up returning home!

- Strong contrast because America had entered the war to defend freedom and democracy!

- As Cold War began Harry Truman initiated a civil rights agenda and in 1948 issued Executive Order to end discrimination in the military -> roots for enacting racial equality legislation and incite the civil rights movement! 15

- 1955: Montgomery buy boycott in Alabama: protest against segregated seating on municipal buses!

- Civil Rights Act of 1957:! - All Americans gained the right to vote -> but many southern states made it difficult for blacks by literary tests that were confusing and impossible pass!

- Eisenhower wanted to show commitment to th...

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