English summary of the documentary film ”Bully” and analysis PDF

Title English summary of the documentary film ”Bully” and analysis
Course Engelska 7
Institution Gymnasieskola (Sverige)
Pages 2
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English summary of the documentary film ”Bully” and analysis...


Questions to the documentary film ”Bully” The documentary film ”Bully” is definitely on the list of my personal favorite. I have seen a lot of similar documentaries about the subject and every time I can not help but get so mad and annoyed just about everything. It leaves me feeling so miserable, I can never get why some people could be so damn heartless to another human being, and the fact that the person getting bullied never done anything wrong makes me furious. For instance, when Alex repeatedly got bullied in the school bus literally no one around him did anything about it. At home they did not either give a damn and instead he got lectured by his parents that he should not get bullied because it will soon affect his little sister (that she would get bullied). They literally made it like it was his own fault for getting bullied and that if he did not want to get bullied he could just make it stop, which sounds absurd in my opinion. His little sister even said in the documentary that her classmates thinks he is weird looking and that is why they do not like him.

Another story, which happens to be the one that touched me the most is about the fourteen year old girl, Ja’Meya. They bullied her every single day in the School bus until one day she had enough. She pulled out a handgun she had taken from her mother’s closet just to scare of her fellow students that had been bullying her. Her story filled me with sadness, I just felt so bad for that little girl. All she wanted is not to get picked on at school but instead she ended up in a juvenile detention facility and got charged with multiple felony counts. On

top of that many people turned against her, many was blaming her saying stuff that she has no right to pull out a gun, forgetting the fact she got bullied. One particular was a middle aged man basically attacking Ja’Meya and saying stuff about how mental pain can never be compared to psychical pain. He has clearly never experienced bullying himself or suffered any form of emotional pain. I think over all bullying has one motive, to try to make the targeted person as miserable as possible. It could be physical or emotional abuse that damages the lives of young people whose only sin is appearing weak or weird to the bullies. There is never only one reason why acts of bullying occur, which makes it harder to understand and put an end to it. I think the main cause that triggers bullying goes back to how the person was raised. Was

he or she in a loving home? Or perhaps the dad was abusive and himself was bullying the kid?. What triggers bullying CAN be the fact that the bully himself is just so insecure about everything, it is something about us humans. When we are feeling down we like to drag people down with us. But there are other factors to what seem to be triggering bullying, many kids today are desperate to fit in and can do literally ANYTHING. Many therefore bullies others, just to seem cool and powerful while in fact it is quiet the opposite.

When it comes to bullying I don’t think the problem lies on the society as a whole, many of us know that bullying is wrong and we try to do something about it, look at all the campaigns about bullying and how often the media talks about it, we try to change stuff but we can not change a bully’s behavior. But not all of us think like that, I certainly know for a fact that politicians are a huge part of bullying, in fact they promote it. By being

openly racist in public and comparing themselves with other politicians/countries, they make it seem okay. ”Why can Trump be openly racist but not me?”

At the very end of the documentary Ty’s father, who’s kid took his own life because he could not take it anymore, talks in the documentary about how no one seems to care about his son’s death because he was a

”nobody”, he is talking about the fact that no one seems to do something about bullying and that they will not do anything about it anytime soon because it is not directly affecting the politicians. It is a very tragic statement of Ty’s father, the fact that if you ’re not wealthy enough you will not get the same attention. But it is not just their fault, the problem is bigger than that and it takes more than just politics to eliminate

bullying. It goes to the parents, the kids themselves and the school. It is the parents responsibility to raise their kids right no matter what the current situation. Parents ARE role models for their kids and whatever they do will put an influence on them. Maybe they do not notice the big influence they have but take the example I mentioned before. If you so happen to be in any form abusive towards your kids, study has shown that your kid is most likely to treat others that way.

Sometimes the parents do everything right and the kids just seem to never learn that bullying is wrong. That is where school comes in the picture, school has a HUGE role in making a change. Some schools does not seem to care at all and that just sends the message that their behavior is okay, we also happened to see this in Alex’s school. When his mom went to the principle she denied the fact that there are children getting bullied in her school even though the mom has shown her videos of proof.I also know that from my personal experience. In my old school no one cared, not the principal or the teachers. It was basically a free-for all arena with rules just about everything but bullying.

Kids that would get bullied would either stop going to school or just change school, which unfortunately happened in the documentary. I can not really say that you can ”survive” bullying since often, when you’re getting bullied you’re all alone with no friends. In the documentary we got to see a few but not many examples of how to cope with it. One person had friends which helped but the rest either fled school, skipped classes etc. I would personally seek comfort in some sort of hobby, something I love to do. That way I can focus more

on that rand less on my current situation....

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