Ent. leadership- assignment 1- individual essay PDF

Title Ent. leadership- assignment 1- individual essay
Course Enterprise Leadership
Institution Western Sydney University
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Assessment question: Examine the difference between management and leadership. Critically discuss the value responsible leadership brings to organisational teams. The concept of management and leadership each hold significance and similarly work towards helping a team reach its strategic goals. However, both aspects differ in various ways such as tasks, mindset, strategies and style. The term leader implies how an individual guides their team to work towards their goals by strategic decision making. Whereas, the term “manager” implies handling or taking care of something. Responsible leadership is the key to creating positive relationships between the leader and organisational team, bringing value through higher work ethic and standard. Responsibility and accountability, are essential for effective leadership to be implemented, as well as leadership styles and strategies.

The concepts of management and leadership are significant abilities that are both required to have an effective high-performance team. These concepts acknowledge the importance of how the impact effective leaders have on different styles of teams. However, they share underlying similarities and identify with superiors and organisational goals (Butera; Cruz 2017). Through the ability of leadership, the direction must be set through the individual's focus to determine a course of action despite the future’s inherent uncertainty (Butera; Cruz 2017). Within the notion of Butera’s article, differences between leadership from management are outlined. Leaders must be flexible, while also being able to continually explore new ideas with their team. Therefore, they must have a willingness to take calculated risks in order to ensure the fulfilment of a company’s goals and objectives. This distinguishes from management as managers undertake a more administering approach and commonly risk-averse when compared to leaders. Managers are equally as significant, although their function is responsible for supervising and motivating employees and for directing the progress of an organization, rather than exploring beyond limits as described through leadership. Furthermore, the qualities of a manager or a leader is preferred based upon the situation, however, both are needed. Management and leadership withhold their own abilities and skills, in order to have full effectiveness in their differing situations. The concept of both positions undertakes different tasks as the viewpoints of each variate depending on the situation. The tasks that managers and leaders encounter are important when examining the differences as certain functions and duties correlate

specifically with a certain ability that works most efficiently and effectively for an organisational team. Within Nienaber’s article, a table of conceptualisation of tasks of management and leadership is presented. The themes or tasks related to the organisation as such, the staff in the organisation who are responsible for the output of the organisation, and the environment within which the organisation functions (Nienaber 2020). The columns indicate the tasks, then the management and leadership authors that have referred to the task in their literature. One of these tasks listed is to maintain an information base to establish needs, gather and evaluate information, and use information. (Nienaber 2020). This example illustrates a clear differentiation between the two concepts as whilst numerous management authors have referred to this task in their literature, no leadership authors referred to this activity. This shows that they distinguish because managers have a more organisational view, whereas leaders' viewpoint mainly consists of exceeding boundaries and taking calculated risks. Therefore, the tasks encountered by both management and leadership differ to accommodate the environments of their organisational teams. In order for an organisational team to effectively meet their needs, responsible leadership is crucial to undertake this matter. Responsible leadership can be defined as an orientation or mindset taken by individuals in higher positions toward meeting the needs of a team and the internal stakeholders (Waldman; Siegel; Stahl 2019). Responsible leaders implement strategies, making this skill important as it has the ability to create a productive culture, achieve success and generate value for the team. An efficacious strategy for a leader to conduct value is by creating a ‘ripple effect’. To do this, a leader must begin with actions and decisions within their own teams’ culture. With this strategy implemented, a gradual appearance of the changes in behaviour generates a ripple effect within the team worked with (Crowley 2018). Furthermore, responsible leadership utilises strategies such as the ripple effect, in order to bring value to organisational teams. Leadership styles also bring value to an organisational team based on the style a leader decides to undertake. The importance of the style an individual chooses to lead their team with is essential and dictates the productivity and effectiveness of a team. One of the several effective leadership styles is participative leadership. The key differentiating aspect is that participative leaders are open to input from followers, as well as encouraging other members to contribute to decision making to ensure there’s a mutual agreement (Franco; Haase 2017). This allows leaders to responsibly bring value into organisational teams as it creates a sense of empowerment and allows individuals to partake in managerial decisions. Fundamentally, this will create loyalty within the team and leader, encouraging everyone to contribute

their qualities and skills for an effective outcome. Furthermore, the value leadership styles and strategies that responsible leaders implement are effective in creating a stronger relationship between the organisational team and the leader. Organisational bring value to teams through how they convey responsibility and accountability. To have a responsibility towards all stakeholders including society is important, considering the principle of corporate social responsibility (CSR) are involved (Waldman; Siegel; Stahl 2019). Within Waldman’s article, the importance of responsibility and accountability is discussed to maintain a high level of trust and respect between the organisational team members and leader/s. Therefore, creates a high standard for the team to follow. This is evident in the case of the 2008 financial crisis. Certain financial firms did not hold leaders to account for the misery that they caused for external groups. Instead, they externally blamed the greater economy, customers and government policies (Waldman; Siegel; Stahl 2019). This reflects poorly on the firm and creates a false sense of expectations for the team to follow. If the leader were to take personal ownership and apologise for their wrongful actions, it would set a higher expectation for the organisational team and bring value to the team as it develops a level of respect and standards for not only the leader but the work environment.

In summary, both managers and leaders have underlying similarities that intertwine the two concepts. However, there are also many differences such as their approach and style amongst team members. Responsible leaders are highly valuable in providing guidance for organisational teams through adding value and creating strong relationships between individuals. Due to this, businesses are able to achieve goals and objectives much more efficiently.

Reference List: Butera AM & Cruz M 2017, ’Leaders and Managers: How to be the Best of Both in Your Team’, EDPACS, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 1-5 Crowley D 2018, ’Chapter 8 Creating a More Productive Culture’ in Smart teams : communicate, congregate, collaborate: how to work better together, ProQuest & Ebook Central Franco M & Haase H 2017, ‘Collective entrepreneurship: Employees' perceptions of the influence of leadership styles’, Journal of Management and Organization, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 241-257 Nienaber H 2010, ’Conceptualisation of management and leadership’, Management Decision, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 661-675 Waldman D A, Siegel DS & Stahl GK 2019, ‘Defining the Socially Responsible Leader: Revisiting Issues in Responsible Leadership’, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 5-20...

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