Episode 4 Inconsistencies sameera PDF

Title Episode 4 Inconsistencies sameera
Author Angel Zaldivar
Course US History
Institution Jackson College
Pages 3
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Episode 4: Inconsistencies 1. What does the anonymous caller tell the police? The caller is telling the police to look at the boyfriend regarding Hae’s death and how he would take her into Leakin Park every now and then.

2. Why is the anonymous call significant to the case? It is significant because the anonymous caller is the one that is pointing the finger at Adnan and is basically saying Adnan killed her and hid the body.

3. Compare what Jen and Jay tell the police during their interviews. HIGHLIGHT anything that is significantly different between them. Jenn’s interview with the police (9:15) Jay’s interview with the police th  th Feb. 27 and 28 1999 Feb. 28th  1:30 am Jay mentioned to me that he knew where Adnan dumped the shovel or shovels. I don't know how many there were – but he mentioned to me that he knows that where Adnan put the shovels. He said that he strangled her. And I said, “what did you do? Did you help him? Do you know where the body is?” “No. I just took him to someplace in the city and I dropped him off. And I took him to a..then I went down picked him up from a different place in the city”....and I don't remember where they said they went. I said “how did he do this? You know, when, you know, when was this done?” He didn't know when. Yeah, he said that he strangled her in a Best Buy parking lot. But I don't know how he got to a Best Buy parking lot or anything like that. I don't know – unless Adnan paid Jay a good sum of money, I really don't see Jay helping him.


I am willing to answer questions and I do not want an attorney at this time. My decision to answer questionsHe says he walked to the mall that day, got his girlfriend a new bracelet for her birthday, hung around with Jenn's younger brother, talked to Adnan sometime in the afternoon He finally decides to “come clean” Jay is willing to show where Hae’s car was.

4. The cops ask Jay why he helped Adnan and why he didn’t call the police. What does Jay say?  (19:00) Um, Adnan knows a lot of things about me like to the effect of criminal activities. So I mean, it wasn't.. (he was selling marijuana). So if I go to the cops and say, “Hey, this guy is a killer.” He'll say, “well no I'm not, he's crazy but there's this drug dealer, and here's where he gets his shit from and this is who he deals with and he's got a rap sheet this long and go get his ass.”

Is this reasonable? Does this make Jay believable? Explain. What he’s saying is believable because since he was selling marijuana he didn't want to get caught up if he ratted on Adnan because than Adnan would have told the cops what Jay was doing.

5. Jay says he feels bad for his part in Hae’s death. Do you believe him? Explain. Not necessarily. If Jay really wanted to help and prevent what happened to Hae he would of actually done something even if he were to get in trouble for selling marijuana it wouldn’t be as bad as killing someone. Jay should have just told the police that Adnan killed Hae and where he put the body and everything if he felt so bad.

6. Use the chart below to compare the changes in Jay’s story.

7. Although the police point out that Jay changes his story multiple times, why do they ultimately believe him? The police do belive Jay because his side of the story was accurate and did have an alibi Jenn which made him basically in the clear so the police didn't really have a concern about him mixing up some of the details so much.

8. Do you believe Jay? If not, what kind of evidence would you need to see to believe him? I do not believe Jay. For me, to believe Jay there has to be another person that ties Adnan to the murder of Hae. Jay is saying everything that Adnan did but if anything it could be Jay who did it and is just pining it on Adnan.

Jay’s story changes slightly each time he tells it. Compare the details of his story here. Which are significant changes? Which are not? Don’t worry about the boxes that are shaded in.


1st taped interview

2nd taped interview


Significance: Rate and explain Rate(1 not significant - 3 very significant)

What they did that morning

Shopped at Westview Mall

Shopped at Security Square Mall

T1: Westview T2: Security Square

1, this detail is not significant because it was just a mall they went to in on the 13th in the morning which doesn’t have much to do with the case.

Driving around

Both got high in Adnan’s car

Only Jay smoked T1: Both got Adnan didn't want high too T2: Only Jay

2, this is a bit significant because it tells who got high that afternoon when they ditched Haes car in the parking lot.

Getting food

At a restaurant

At a friend’s

3, him mixing up where he was that time Adnan got a call from the officer about Hae doesn’t make sense and it seems like it’s easy to mix the stories up like that.

T1: Restaurant T2: Friends place

Digging grave

Jay refused to help

Both dug the hole

T1: Jay refused T2: Both dug the hole

Adnan’s plan

Adnan told Jay that day he was going to kill Hae

Adnan had talked about it beforehand (4-5 before)

T1: Going to kill Hae T2: 4-5 times before

3, Jay first said he didn't help dig but then 2 weeks later he said they both dug the hole which makes Jay an accomplished for helping.

3, Jay changed this huge detail which doesn’t make sense because if Adnan talked about it 4 or 5 times than Jay if he was so innocent should have said that the first time he was questioned.

Visit to park


Didn't happen

Vanishes from narrative

3, Jay did not mention in the second tape that him and Adnan went on a trip side and it just vanishes from the whole story.

Where Jay saw the body

3:45pm off the strip mall on Edmondson

At Best Buy

T1: Edmondson

3, you would not forget where you saw a dead body and him lying make it seem like he has something to do with it.

T2: Best Buy...

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