Episode 5 PDF

Title Episode 5
Author Angel Zaldivar
Course US History
Institution Jackson College
Pages 4
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Episode 5: Route Talk In this episode, Koenig and Dana attempt to replicate the day’s events according to  Jay and the State. She also examines the significance of the cell phone records as  related to the route.  Below the map, mark the amount of time Koenig spent at each location. (1:00-14:00)

11 minutes 22 mins  and 2  seconds

18  mins 1 .Parking lot/snack:  2 .School to Best Buy Route (total): 3 .Total time at end of call: 4 .The Police interview Adnan’s friend Ju’uan who says they sometimes went to Best Buy  to smoke because “Nobody’s going to be over there.” This happens after Hae’s murder.  Why is this significant? (7:00) This is significant because if nobody is going to be over where ever Adnan and Ju’uan  go, there’s a place where Adnan can take Hae’s to kill her without anybody seeing it 5 .What does Koenig do to try and confirm the existence of a pay phone at Best Buy? She tries to go to Best Buy and see the existence of a pay phone ever being there, talking to  employee’s and looking at the building’s blueprints.

6 .Why does she go to all of this trouble? Why is this significant to the case? She goes through all this trouble just to see if it’s even possible, ‘it is significant in this case it  shows that  he’s able to kill her in that time.

Episode 5: Route Talk


Route Part 2: After Murder- Before Track (15:00) Label the blanks below the map. The numbers are wrong; just go with it.

J a y ’ sTe s t i mo ny : Th eSt a t ea r g u e st h a t“ y o umi gh th a v ey o u rdo u b t sa b o ut J a y ,bu tt h ec a l lr e c o r dd oe s n ’ tl i e .J a yc o u l d n ’ t p o s s i b l yh a v ekn o wnwh i c ht o we r swe r eg e t t i n gp i n g e dwh e n. Hec o u l d n ’ tf a br i c a t et ha t .I two ul db et o oc r a z y o fac o i n c i d e n c e . ”Sot hec e l lt o we r s ,a n dt h ec a l l sa n dJ a y ’ ss t or y , t h ewa yt h e ya l lme s h e d ,p r o s e c ut o r sa r g u e d , wa si r r e f u t a b l e . Pr os e c u t o rCa s e yMu r ph ys a i dt ot h ej ur yi nhe rc l os i n gs t a t e me nt ,“ Themo s ti mp o r t a n tt h i n g f o ry o ut or e me mb e ra b o utJ a y ’ st e s t i mo n yi st h a ti tdo e sno t s t a n da l o n e . I ti sc or r o bo r a t e d . ”Shea d d e d ,“ The c e l lph o n er e c or d ss up p o r twh a t t h o s ewi t n e s s e ss a y , a n dt hewi t ne s s e ss u p p or twh a tt h os ec e l lp ho n er e c o r d s s a y . ”

7 .Forest Park to Patapsco:  20 min 8 .Arrive at track at:  9 .THE NISHA CALL: Why does Koenig say this call is significant? Do you think there  is an explanation for this?   (17:08) It was the only call that Jay didn’t know, it shows that Adnan had to be there because why  would Jay know some girls number if the rest of the calls was to people that he knew.  

1 0 .Pa t a p s c oSt a t ePa r k:Wh a ti st h epr o b l e mwi t ht h et i me l i n ef o rt h ep a r ks t op ? ( 19 : 0 0 )

Episode 5: Route Talk


The problem with the timeline for the park is that it doesn’t seem right on how Adnan needed  to be ready for practice, that it was more important to smoke weed instead of having an alibi. 

1 1 .Wh a th a p p e n st ot h i ss t o pwhe nJ a yt e l l st h i ss t o r yd ur i n gt h et r i a l ? The whole entire trip and talk about where they should bury Hae just disappear, like it never  was talked about in the second interview 

1 2 .Wh ydo e sWi l lt h i n ki t i su n l i k e l yt h a t Ad n a nwa sl a t ef o rt r a c k ?( 26 : 0 0 ) Will thinks its unlikely that Adnan was late for track because its common that he’s always  there, and he knows that there would be consequences if he was late. 

Ce l lRe c or ds Ad na n ’ sc a s ei sl i k e l yt h efir s tt ou s ec e l lt o we rpi n g i n gt e c h n o l o g y . To d a y , i ti smo s t l yu s e f u lt o d e t e r mi n ewh e r es o me o n ep r o b a b l ywa s n ’ t .

1 3 .Dana notes that although the State tested 14 cell phone tower sites, they  only bring up _________ in trial. Why do they omit the others?  They only bring up 4 of the tower sites  because the rest couldn’t help their argument.

1 4 .What is wrong with Jay’s story about the time between 12:07 and 6:07? Jays timeline is not matching at all with the cell phone records and tower sites. The tower, time  and Jays story doesn’t match up at all.

1 5 .What happens with the cell tower testimony that might affect the jury? How might this affect the outcome of the trial? The cell tower testimony could affect the jury  1 6 .The cell tower tests that are brought up are about Kathy’s apartment- that  one is ok- matches the cell tower, call log, Jay’s, Adnan’s, and Kathy’s  timelines. Why is the 6:24 p.m. call significant? The call is significant because it matches the cell tower, Adnan, Jay’s and Kathy’s story 

1 7 .What is important about the calls between 6:24 and 8:05? They support the location in Jay’s story

1 8 .The most incriminating are Leakin Park pings (7:09 and 7:16). Dana says  that it is possible that they were somewhere else- close to that tower like  Patrick’s or a strip mall, but she thinks that they were probably at Leakin  Park. Why does she think that? (35:08) Because she doesn’t think that it’s unlucky to make a story and all of the signals match up with  Jay’s story. 0

1 9 .Does this mean then that Dana thinks Jay is telling the truth? Do you agree? Dana believes that Jay is telling the truth, I kind of agree with her because it’s definitely odd on  how the story all matches with  the cell tower signal.

2 0 .Why does this look bad for Adnan? This looks bad for Adnan because the cell binges Adnan at the park twice, 

2 1 .How does the cell phone record undermine Jay’s story?

Episode 5: Route Talk


The record undermines Jay’s story because most of them line up with the story, making it seem  that Jay can be telling the truth of what Adnan did to Hae’s 

2 2 .What is the things Jay has been consistent about with his stories? Doesn’t listen with the witness’s stories. 

Understanding Media: Audience Connection 1. How might Koenig’s attempting to recreate the route appeal to its target  audience? (*hint* consider how a  teen compared to an adult would understand  leaving after school).  so then they can see if the story fits and if it goes the same as jay said  2. An audience listening to this podcast  has a lot of information to think about:  call logs, multiple testimonies from different people, trial evidence, how the  persecution uses all of this information and how it all matches or fails to  match…). Given this information, what visual aids would be useful listening to  this podcast? maybe if they added more about the camras at school or talk to  the teachers well all of the teachers from adnan or try to ask adnan tricky  qestions  to see if she well fail  3. If you were to make this podcast a video, what images would you show? Choose  3 key moments from this episode and explain.  4. How do Koenig and Dana maintain the audience’s attention throughout the  podcast given the multitude of information being presented? Is this effective?

Episode 5: Route Talk


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