Field Study 1 (Answers) - Episode 5 PDF

Title Field Study 1 (Answers) - Episode 5
Author Mark Leo Hapitan
Pages 6
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FS 1 [THE LEARNER’S DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT] Episode 5 INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AND LEARNER’S INTERACTION (focusing on the different levels of abilities) Name of FS Student: Mark Leo Hapitan Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year and Section: II Resource Teacher: Mrs. Mari Sol Jamog Signatur...



INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AND LEARNER’S INTERACTION (focusing on the different levels of abilities) Name of FS Student: Mark Leo Hapitan Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education

Year and Section: II

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Mari Sol Jamog



My Target At the end of this activity, I will gain competence in determining teaching approaches and techniques considering the learners’ differences in level of abilities.

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 1 Episode 1- The School as a Learning Environment Focused on: Determining a school environment that provides social, psychological, and physical environment supportive of learning Tasks Observation/ Documentation:

My Analysis

Exemplary 4 All were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations 4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories/ exemplary and grammar spelling.

Superior 3 All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

3 Analysis questions were answered completely

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely.

Clear connection with theories

Vaguely related to the theories.

Grammar and spelling are superior

Grammar and spelling acceptable

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 1 Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory.


My Portfolio


4 Exemplary 4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

3 Superior 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode.

2 Satisfactory 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode.

1 Unsatisfactory 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode.

4 Portfolio is complete, clear; well-organized and all supporting documentations are located in sections clearly designated.

2 Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking.

1 Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

4 Before deadline

3 Portfolio is complete, clear; well-organized and most supporting documentations are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline

2 A day before the deadline




1 Two days of more after the deadline 1

Sub Totals

Rating: (Based on Transmutation)

Overall Score

LOIDA L. BARRERA Signature of FS Teacher

Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14


Transmutation to grade/rating Grade Score 1.0 - 99 12-13 1.25 - 96 11 1.5 - 93 10 1.75 - 90 7 below 2.00 - 87 2.25 - 84



Grade 2.50 2.75 3.00 5.00


81 78 81 below


My Map To reach your target, do the following tasks: 1. Observe two or more learners of two different abilities but from the same grade or year level. 2. Find out some information about their background. 3. Observe them as they participate in a classroom activity. 4. Write a narrative report and a brief reflection on your experience.

I picked two students that enrolled in the class and I tried to analyze their own capability individually. The abilities that the two students had rendered were quietly different; one had alertness when the teacher is asking for an answer while the other one just stand until the bell rang and other student will help her for an answer. As I looked into their personal belongings, there I found out the alert one had a better things while the slow one has just a ragged bag. I tried to ask myself after the observation that I have done. What is the reason of her being sloth? And I think the slow one, besides minding the lessons that the teacher was discussing, was also get troubled of her financial support. Therefore I conclude that we cannot judge everyone’s intelligence it varies if some of factors such as psychological needs are lacking.


My Tools User the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for Individual Differences Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report on the space provided. 1. Observe the class to see the differences in abilities of the learners. 2. Try to identify the students who seem to be performing well and those that seem to be behind. 3. Validate your observations by asking the teacher about the background (family, socio-economics, presence of some learning disability, etc.) of these children. 4. Observe the behavior of both the high achieving and low achieving learners. Note their dispositions, pace in accomplishing tasks, interaction with teacher, and interaction with others. 5. Observe the teacher’s method in addressing the individual learning needs of the students in his/her class.

FS 1 [THE LEARNER’S DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT] OBSERVATION REPORT Name of the School Observed: Estefania Montemayor National High School School Address: Brgy. Ongol Ilaya Dumarao, Capiz Date of Visit: The room besides its extent has a story lying behind the student high school life. There I have observed one of the students who are secretly hiding herself because of the fear of being ridiculed by her classmates because she had an untidy uniform. She never participated in class; she just stands up when she was asked and nothing more. The abilities or the performance of every student varies because of their status in life. The students who were poor were majority not participating during the class hours. Moreover, they have lack of money or things that will guide their education. In a simple example, if the teacher will ask for a project, because of financial scantiness, student tend to be problematic and cannot cope up this requirement since her parents are not supporting her.

My Analysis 1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher? Were you able to correctly identify who among the students performed well and who did not? What behavior helped you identify them? (volunteering to answer, responding to teacher’s directions, etc.) Of course yes. The observation correlated to the information given by the teacher. I recognized how she remained behind despite all the people in the class were busy about the activity that was given to them.

2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class. Is there a wide gap between the students who are performing well and those that are not? Since it is in the lower section, there is a short gap between every learner. That is on how they interact their selves with their teacher. The students who perform well were the students seemed to be appear as in the middle economic status.

3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the student’s differences in abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher? The teacher always seeking not to hurt the ego of the individual by being aware of what she is saying. She always guides the students with good voice and not harsh. She integrated the challenges that should have to surpass by a student despite of financial hardships and psychological strains.

FS 1 [THE LEARNER’S DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT] My Portfolio With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies will you remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both the high and low achievers in your class?

Being a teacher someday, I will implement fairness in the class. I will not focus just on the intelligence itself but also on some talents that child will render. We know that everyone of us has an ability to do things different from others. We have differences, thus there is no high or low achievers beyond this because we are created equal....

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