essay about spirituality of a person amidst pandemic PDF

Title essay about spirituality of a person amidst pandemic
Author Rynette Flores
Course BS Accountancy
Institution Holy Angel University
Pages 3
File Size 98.5 KB
File Type PDF
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THEOLOGY 3 SEPTEMBER 2, 2020SPIRITUALITYFOR ME: Spirituality is simply within our soul and hearts. It basically means having a deep connection with what we believe in and for me that is God who is above all of us and trusting the plans he have for each one of us. I personally believe that you don’t ...




SPIRITUALITY FOR ME: Spirituality is simply within our soul and hearts. It basically means having a deep connection with what we believe in and for me that is God who is above all of us and trusting the plans he have for each one of us. I personally believe that you don’t need to be religious to be spiritual. This is because spirituality lies on our soul and what it believes rather on the actions of our human body. It is having a strong and firm faith on something we believe is higher than us despite of all the storms we encounter in our lives. FOR OTHERS: 1. “Spirituality, from the word itself spirit-- it means self. It is the soul that needs to be fed by faith and happiness in order for me to see things positively. In this sense, faith in God and having a strong connection with him is necessary to fill my spiritual needs.” – Nina 2. “As a human being, our spiritual belief will define a part of which we are and would affect our actions and beliefs to the things around us. I believe that a person's religion has an integral part in a person's spirituality as it will serve as his/her spiritual guidance in attaining self-peace and his/her purpose in life. Your religion will also help you in building a deeper and personal relationship with the Greater Being/God. For me, spirituality and religion may seem to have different meaning; however they serve the same purpose to a person's beliefs and perspectives in life.” 3. Spirituality for me simply speaks about what is within our hearts because it reflects or every action. It is not merely what we say because not everything that comes from our mouth is a reflection of what we believe in. It is also not about religion because regardless of religious practices and name or face of the one we worship, what truly matters is our manifestation of spirituality.” 4. “For me, sріrіtuаlіtу іѕ knowing who you rеаllу are and connecting with ѕоmеthіng larger than уоurѕеlf. Some реорlе bеlіеvе іt’ѕ Him who created us оr the holy Spirit оr thе Sоurсе оf аll thаt, аnd thаt іt іѕ оutѕіdе оf you. Othеrѕ feel ѕріrіtuаlіtу іѕ іnѕіdе оf uѕ. I bеlіеvе іt’ѕ bоth. Sріrіtuаlіtу often іnvоlvеѕ looking beyond thе surface оf things аnd truѕtіng the рrосеѕѕ of how our lіvеѕ make sense.” – 5. “In Christian context, God has its three persons; God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. We believe that once you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit will dwell in you and that's what you call "spirituality. I believe, the Holy Spirit is the one



who guides us in our daily lives and convicted us whenever we tend to commit sin. One of the requirements in order for us to be "spiritual" is to read the Bible daily, and the role of the Holy Spirit who lives inside our hearts is to help us understand His word and apply what we have read in the Bible.”

COMPARISON OF THOUGHTS After several conversations with some of my friends, I have concluded that we, humans have different insights and understanding about spirituality. We see it differently and have various ways of practicing it. For some, spirituality is led by religion while others defined it as something that lies from our soul and does not necessarily need to be religious to be spiritual. However, aside from the differences in our understanding of what is spirituality, we had a common denominator and that is faith and the manifestation of spirituality. We have a strong faith on God for who we believe even if we don’t see him and clinging on Him even if we don’t understand certain situations. Moreover, spirituality chooses neither religion nor status. It is naturally comes from our mind, body and soul. Regardless of what our religion is, whoever we worship, how we manifest spirituality is what matters.


FILIPINOS: Filipinos are known to be religious and spiritual. It is shown on how they express themselves in their religion, how they practice various traditions and how they devote



themselves to God. Most of the Filipinos are very devoted to black Nazareth and Sto Nino. Because they see themselves through the image they depict. The two images represent an innocent and helpless Jesus, wherein Sto Nino is the infant Jesus and black Nazareth is a dying Jesus. Filipinos relate themselves in the passion and sufferings of Christ which the image of black Nazareth depicts and see the images helpless as they are who needs help from the God. The devotees of black Nazareth have the firm belief that Jesus Nazareth prolongs life and that no matter how great the storm that is in front of them, God will be beside them and will help them get through that storm This only proves that regardless of any struggles and challenges that come in the lives of the Filipinos they still have a deep connection with God and that simply shows how strong their spirituality is. Basically, for Filipinos, spirituality is led by their religions and it is manifested on their actions such as by practicing their beliefs and celebrating various traditions. Through these, they are able to have a deeper connection and relationship to God....

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