Title Essay BBA
Author Michael Harrison
Course Principles of Management
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 5
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Introduction Team work has played a central in the success of the rescue of the Thailand soccer team of boys. The Thailand soccer team refers to a case where 12 boys from the same soccer team and their coach were trapped in caves. This resulted in an international team of various government teams, businesses and other groups uniting to attempt to rescue the boys and their coach. The ultimate outcome was that the Thailand boys and their coach were rescued due to the astounding efforts of various international entities that were able to collect resources and labour to succeed in this rescue. This essay will analyse the importance of teamwork in the success of the rescue, what made this international team highly effective and the significance of team learning in undertaking the rescue.

a) Justify the Importance of Teamwork in this type of scenario Teamwork was shown to be of high importance in the case of the trapped Thai soccer team of boys. Graesser (2017, pg. 1-14) highlights how a group of professionals working together is better able to provide solutions, in comparison to individuals, as it allows for increased access to resources globally. This shared knowledge then allows for all parties involved to clearly establish problem goals, theoretical models and outcomes of previous experiments, which was highly important in the rescue of the boys as it increased the groups’ ability to immediately respond to changes. Therefore, in this instance, teamwork was highly important as it allowed for all groups to understand and appropriately target the situation. Another essential element of effective teamwork that benefited the parties involved in this extraction was their ability to communicate and make informed decisions based on recent and relevant data collected. This not only allowed for greater overall productivity, but it also highlights the underlying vision and job tasks for each student. Communication comes as a form of teamwork and furthermore highlights the significance of teamwork in the success of the operation. Interdependency through teamwork also seemed to be crucial to the operation of the various groups. This occurred as all groups began to consider various perspectives and actions to initiate the rescue and were effectively able to determine the safest course of action. Therefore, interdependence of all teams highlighted how teamwork was crucial in the rescue operation. To conclude, teamwork is highly important in this case as it allowed for increased access to resources, communication and interdependence of groups. 1 BBA102, 2019, Session 1, Essay, Michael Harrison, SID 45869383, actual word count – Part I - 1069 words; Part II – 495 words. Total word count – 1564 words

b) Explain what made international team work effective This internationally renowned rescue was highlighted as extremely effective, due to the ability of multiple countries, businesses and other groups to directly communicate and share information to decide on the best course of action. This is otherwise known as cooperation or collaboration, where the efforts of individuals are systematically integrated to achieve a collection objective. Sefiani (2018, pg. 1) discusses how this approach to cooperation set new benchmarks in communication, which focused more on distributing information globally and instantly to allow for help from around the world. Furthermore, the article commends part of the rescue’s success to the use of a single spokesperson called Chiang Rai Gov. Narongsak Osatanakorn. Having a single spokesperson allowed for information to be regularly distributed around the world and prevented any false, inaccurate or misleading information from being created. Due to the urgency of the situation, all groups involved were highly efficient, which was highly important inn this case as the disaster needed a fast response. This meant that coordination had to be of minimal timely action, but still be highly complex in order to meet the issue in this case. The international team was also highly effective as it did not just use government teams to solve the situation but incorporated assistance from businesses and other groups that were able to help solve the situation. Majchrzak (2007, pg. 147-161) explains that government response plans have failed to meet urgent needs of largescale disasters. Therefore, incorporation of various types of groups in this international team has allowed for effectiveness as it allowed for various ideas and ways to be generated to solve the issue

c) Discuss what role team learning played in the success of the rescue mission Role team learning was significant to the success of the rescue mission. One major area of learning was the ability to determine the most effective and appropriate course of action. A lot of time was spent focusing on the safest and most rewarding way to undertake the rescue, as the caves were highly volatile, and a wrong approach could result in a failure in undertaking the rescue. Therefore, all teams had to continue learning from each other and undertaking research to determine the best course of action to undertake. Furthermore, the teams were able to limit dysfunctional conflict and focus on discussing the issue at hand. This was highly important to the success of the mission as even though there was a lot of different group of 2 BBA102, 2019, Session 1, Essay, Michael Harrison, SID 45869383, actual word count – Part I - 1069 words; Part II – 495 words. Total word count – 1564 words

individuals around the world there, they were able to put aside differences and opinions, which allowed for increasing effectiveness and efficiency as the team learnt to focus on the issue. Furthermore, Faraj (2006, pg. 1155-1168) highlights how the team had to learn about the surrounding environment as every case is different and needs a different approach. This required all international teams to learn about the condition of the Thailand caves and the possible impacts this could have on the rescue mission to ensure the rescue mission was a success. To sum up, team learning occurred frequently throughout the rescue mission to ensure the best course of action and this is what resulted in the success of the rescue mission

Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that the international team was highly effective, and this effectiveness resulted in the rescue of the Thailand boys and their coach. This teamwork was shown to be highly important as it allowed for information to be shared instantly and allowed for greater efficiency, which were highly important in the success of the rescue. Team learning, as discussed, was highly important to the success of the rescue as it allowed for the international team to integrate all current experience and adapt it to perfectly suit the needs of the rescue. These two components as well as the team’s exceptional communication has resulted in a highly effective team that was able to successfully rescue the boys and their coach as a result.

Reference List -

Mckirdy, E 2018, ‘Divers near location of soccer team trapped in cave’, viewed 10th May 2019,


Sefiani, R 2018, ‘How the Thai cave rescue set a new benchmark for effective crisis communications’, viewed 10th May 2019,

3 BBA102, 2019, Session 1, Essay, Michael Harrison, SID 45869383, actual word count – Part I - 1069 words; Part II – 495 words. Total word count – 1564 words


Majchrzak, A, Jarvenpaa, SL & Hollingshead, AB 2007, Coordinating expertise among emergent groups responding to disasters, Organization Science, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 147–161


Faraj, S & Yan Xiao, Y 2006, ‘Coordination in fast-response organizations. Management Science, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 1155-1169


Graesser, A, Kue, B-C & Liao, C-H 2017, ‘Complex problem solving in assessments of collaborative problem solving’, Journal of Intelligence, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1-14


Edmondson, AC 2012, ‘Teamwork on the fly: How to master the new art of teaming’, Harvard Business Review, April, pp. 1-10

Reflection on Teamwork (500wds) 1. What did you learn from your teamwork experience in this course? Teamwork experience really assisted in gaining an understanding of different people, ideas and ways to complete a task. One key thing that I learnt from undertaking teamwork projects was the importance of data sharing and communication. Initially, our team struggled incorporating various ideas and concepts to make a group decision. From this experience, we all understood and learnt that we needed to have thorough discussions in order to ensure we were effective and was meeting our goal or vision for the various projects. One other major thing that I learnt from teamwork experience is the importance of assigning various tasks to different people that suit their strengths. We were able to work highly efficiently as a group when we divided up the overall workload to more specialised tasks that we could complete to a high standard of quality as we have a thorough understanding of the concept chosen. For example, one of my team members had a lot of expertise in using PowerPoint and, therefore, we delegated the team the task of creating the presentation from information collected, as it was more highly productive and beneficial to specialise tasks accordingly. One final lesson that I have learnt from BBA102 is that working in teams can be difficult in accommodating for individual needs, but communication can be highly important in ensuring the team is more productive and that work is completed to a higher standard

2. How would these lessons assist you in your current or future career?

4 BBA102, 2019, Session 1, Essay, Michael Harrison, SID 45869383, actual word count – Part I - 1069 words; Part II – 495 words. Total word count – 1564 words

My potential future career is in the area of finance and the teachings could have a direct impact on my future career. One major lesson for me was understanding that there can be functional and dysfunctional conflict. That really challenged me as, a potential financer, how working in a corporate environment requires professional behaviour and functional conflict is a way that a topic can be debated without hindering business performance or threatening business goals. Furthermore, it was interesting to discover how employers can instigate constructive conflict, which can result in spurring competition between employees, changing workplace culture and using programmed conflict. This is important for financers as it means that efficiency increases, therefore reducing costs and possibly increasing profits, which are key financial objectives. The importance of teamwork has also shown me a new perspective of how financers can operate, which is more so in a group than individually. The possible benefits of working in a financial group can begin to significantly outweigh the downfalls as it could result in reduced operating costs, improved quality and reduced destructive internal competition, as employees begin working together to aim to meet financial objectives. I was also not aware of the major role cooperation can have in the success of a business or for a business’s finance department. This is because a lack of corporate cooperation results in reduced overall effectiveness and efficiency in production.

5 BBA102, 2019, Session 1, Essay, Michael Harrison, SID 45869383, actual word count – Part I - 1069 words; Part II – 495 words. Total word count – 1564 words...

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