Essay - Multicultural USA and UK PDF

Title Essay - Multicultural USA and UK
Course Varieties of English Texts
Institution Universitetet i Oslo
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Part 1 SHORT ANSWER Task 2: In article 1, there is given a proper reference to the author’s name, the day and time the article was published, the full website link, and what the acronym of the website stands for. This gives the reader the possibility to look up the website in the future, and also investigate how reliable the author is. However, the article is not up to date, meaning that the information is not present, and the author is not objective in the text, probably because it was published on a Christianity/church related website (Christian Coalition), hence making the article not reliable as it will be written with the religion’s perspective in centrum. In article 2 and 3, there has not been given a proper source reference. In article 2, we are provided with the URL of the website and the date it was published, however, there is no name of the author. In article 3, we are provided with the URL and the name of the author, but no date of publishing. These are small factors that play a big role on the reliability of the articles. We need to know the name of the author to investigate his/her knowledge of the theme, and the day the article was published to see if the information provided is up to date. It’s important to emphasize that article 2 is written objective and the author has used different sources in the text, thus making it more realible, as we see perspectives from different point of views. The fact that the article was published in a newspaper increases its trustworthiness, because it must complete the newspapers criteria to be published. All in all, the article stands out as trustworthy. In article 3 there are traces of subjectivity, just as in article 1. The text is about someone else, but its possible to see which side the author is on, and the website URL reveals that it was published on a “lesbian” related website, which can affect the text and its theme. However, the author backs up the statements, shows different sources in the text, and argues well. It does not affect the reader directly, but gives them the possibility to make their own opinions around it, thus making the article reliable.

Part 2 LONG ANSWER Topic sentence/Thesis

Task 3C:

Multicultural USA and UK Multicultural society. Is it good? Or is it bad? Should we adapt to the changes, or make the changes adapt to us? These are questions that have been discussed for years, and are still being discussed. We all have different opinions about it, whether we like the evolvement of the language, new cultures and food, or we think that foreigners are taking over. In this article, I am going to discuss and compare the benefits and challenges of multicultural societies in the USA and the UK. USA is like non-stop chocolate - a mix of different colors. Ever since it was invaded by the French and the Britons, USA has taken immigrants into its country. Today it has become a colorful mix with different cultures living together. In a letter to the editor, Raymond1says: “But nowadays many of the people who come here refuse to adapt to the American way. They won’t give up their values and they won’t give up their language. They put their old country above the USA. That I cannot accept. It is all very well to be tolerant, but we need a common core of American values to keep our great nation together.” It is hard to define what is typical American or what the USA stands for. There are millions of people from different cultures living in one country, and adjusting for each one will be impossible. Also, it will be hard if everyone speaks their own language. Cultural chauvinism will result in a segregated society, whether it was institutional or not. That’s why it is very important to not look at the differences, but to look at the similarities, especially in a country like the USA. What does the cultures have in common? What does the population want to achieve? By looking at this, and being cultural relativistic, the population will be able to accept the new changes, see different sides of a story and be able to discuss to a final result. On the road, some traditional values may get replaced, but it wont be unwanted.

The UK has a more “clear” image of what an ethnic Briton is. That is why it can be hard for the country to adapt to new changes, as it has been built up on traditional values for years. Also, with politicians that doesn’t support multiculturalism, like the Prime Minister David Cameron, who said that UK’s policy failed to promote a sense of common identity, and is encouraging Muslim segregation and radicalization2, it will be hard for the population to adjust themselves to new changes. In a letter to the editor, Hugh3 says: “I think we are fair-minded and tolerant people in Britain. Immigrants have always been given plenty of leeway to follow their religions and 1 Raymond, Des Moines, Iowa, USA, Mock Exam International English Fall 2013, Akademiet Drammen (4.12.2012) 2 Irene Bloemraad, Univeristy of California, Berkley, The Debate over multiculturalism: Philosophy, Politics, and Policy. 3

keep their lifestyles. But the bombings in 2005 have made us think. Are there immigrant communities in Britain whose loyalty lies with other countries? Are they planning to destroy our society? I think we need a much tougher immigration policy. If you want to stay here, you have to accept British values. If you don’t – find somewhere else to live.” As I said earlier, the fact that the UK has been built up on old traditional values makes the country hard to adapt to new changes. It is possible to see this in the letter to the editor. He says that the Britons have been tolerant people, but he uses one example to generalize a whole population. A challenge with multiculturalism here is to give up old values for new ones. This will give the UK benefits like cross communication with other countries like for instance India, which will be a great improvement in the British economy. Another challenge that can lead to a benefit is children and their mother tongue. Some may argue that keeping the mother tongue will result in hard periods for the children to adapt to learning the spoken language, but it can also lead to, again, an improvement in the economy, as the children will be able to use the mother tongue to communicate with other countries in the future, thus brining UK and other countries together economically, and give a positive impact on the relationship between the countries.

In conclusion, there are a lot of challenges, but at the same time benefits of multiculturalism. It is hard to adapt to new changes, but nothing can stay the same forever. As new cultures meet, both sides need to integrate and assimilate. When this happens, it is important to teach the younger generation what has been won from the adaption, so they can be open minded in the future. Multiculturalism is like a language. It evolves and improves over time. New changes happen, and old words are given up. Also, when new cultures come in, ethical issues may occur, like clothing. What is important then is to see it from both sides and come up with a conclusion containing both point-of views of the issue. We are all dependent on each other. Whether we like it or not.

Sources: 

Anthony John, Richard Burgess, Robert Mikkelsen. (2012) Access to International English. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Hugh, Liverpool, UK, Mock Exam International English Fall 2013, Akademiet Drammen (4.12.2012) Irene Bloemraad, Univeristy of California, Berkley, The Debate over multiculturalism: Philosophy, Politics, and Policy. Raymond, Des Moines, Iowa, USA, Mock Exam International English Fall 2013, Akademiet Drammen (4.12.2012)

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