Inglês multicultural PDF

Title Inglês multicultural
Author Claudia Caseiro
Course Inglês - Língua e Comunicação Empresarial
Institution Universidade de Aveiro
Pages 3
File Size 78.6 KB
File Type PDF
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1. Visible side of the iceberg Dress code Food Language and music symbols Beneath the Cultural Iceberg – invisible side Religion / believes India’s major religious demographic is Hinduism  cows are sacred animals 

Tod fails to understand this when he 1. Describes the branding of baby cows to the employee’s in nonchalant manner 2. Desperately tries to find a beefburger in India, only to find a veggie burger

Costume/traditions Behaviors / gender behavior Status

2. Power distance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Atittude towards inequality Perceived societal equlity India scores 77, usa scores 40 Unevenly distributes hierarchy Todd’s conversation with puro “Mr todd” The Wall

India respect and accpet the distance, but they also respect high ranks and status. It’s represent the degree of power each person exerts or can exert over other persons. Power being defined as the degree to which a person is able to influence other people’s ideas and behavior. From the movie “the manager want to terminate Todd from his job, then he force him by send him to India for training”. Actually Todd don’t want to go India but manager force him.

Individualism vs collectivism 1. 2. 3. 4.

Independence vs interdependence Immediate vs Extended Family Todd vs Puro “The American Dream”

The degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members. Americans are concerned with their bottom line and what is best for the individual and for the group as a whole. The managers of Todd’s company were not concerned with the loss of worker job in America or in India. They just wanted the call centers equipped with workers that cost them the least amount of money possible. India in comparison is a collective culture. They are concerned with the welfare of the community and working for the good of the team. “Asha taught Todd a valuable lesson about how to get the worker to work more efficiently by giving those help when needed and making them feel part of the team”. Another area were Todd learned of the collective culture of India happened when he observed the maid putting the leftover food over the wall for the disadvantage India families on the other side. Masculinity vs Feminity 1. A masculine society is associates with assertive, competitive go-getter mentality 2. Us scores 62 versus India scoring 56 on the masculinity value dimension (Hofstede) 3. In “Outsourced”, a clear example of masculinity of Americans is shown by the basic premise of the movie; the company wants to generate more revenue and therefore choose to reduce labor expenses by outsourcing first to India then China. Masculinity – control style society/ competitive assertive society - America Feminity – cooperative / strong sense in group/ caring for the week - India Uncertainty Avoidance 1. Asha says “A girl in my position has her whole life mapped out in front of her”. 2. Todd promotes his assistant to manager, saying he believes that “Asha can do anything”. Americans have a tendency to want to have a plan and to know what is coming next. Todd was hesitant to change his methods of managing because of the lack o f a plan or normality of the situation. Indians in contrast are more acceptant of uncertainty because the reliance on their faith in their gods. (Scores Low in terms of uncertainly Avoidance) An example of this is “when Todd gives the Indian workers the news that their jobs were going to be outsourced to China. The workers were not upset but happy for the extra pay and the opportunity to take a vacation. They believed in a god that brought an end to things in order to make room for new things”. Long vs Short term orientation 1. Long term orientation is associated with thrift, or saving, due to the focus on long term perseverance 2. Short-term orientation is associates with a feeling security and lack of worrying about the future

3. In “Outsourced”, the second Todd sets in India, he’s already got Dave pressuring him about goals he needs to achieve and if he doesn´t them he will never be able to leave India A major component of any constellation of values is how a particular culture deals with time. America has a long term orientation. They focus on the here and now and allow the future to be in the back ground. An example of this from the movie is when the company chooses to move the call center to the location with the lowest wages for the employee. They did not consider the long term effects of their decisions. However, Indian practice a short term orientated culture. They see time in the short term and don’t plan or focused in the future. Their families come first in their live and they rely heavily on tradition. An example of this is “Asha marring someone she was arranged to married rather than marring for love and she engaged when she 4 years old”.

Indulgence vs restraint In this case, in india, we have indulgence. They enjoy life and have fun. They don’t restrain themselves.

Ex 3

high Context Culture India Contextual differences

Focused on everything around them like emotions

Legal/ethical Honesty


Food habits /traditions/ table manners/religious believes/ men and women relationships/ family notion/ health/ recognition of status/ different notion of cleanliness/ value of cows Body language


Bowing/ gestures / no use of left hand / no licking fingers / dress code / bindi “third eye”/ bath ritual to send spirits away ant to purify themselves...

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