Essay on Revolutionary War PDF

Title Essay on Revolutionary War
Course Era of Revolution: The United States, 1763-1815
Institution California State University Los Angeles
Pages 3
File Size 55.2 KB
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Every cause has an effect, weather its minimal or substantial. Restrictions and economic burdens that the colonist were not used to, pushed the colonist to rebele, and form a government of their own, apart from Britain, because the colonist lacked unity, the continental army suffered in their need for experienced soldiers, and supplies that was in demand at the time were also in the greater need. The Revolution was from 1765 to 1783, ending in a victory for the colonist now freed from the cruel Britain. The continental army was composed of American patriots fighting for liberty and the poor colonists during that time. Although the colonist took a victory in the war, not everyone was for it. A need of unity for the colonist would have served them better. One common misconception that many people have about the American Revolution, is that everyone was in accordance to fight Britain; the most powerful army during its time. John Dickinson's Letter 2 from Letters from a Farmer, 1767-1768, gives a clear idea that the imposed taxes were not to show supremacy from Britain, yet the colonist were unhappy and this was a slight push that the colonist needed in order to rebele. It was the Acts that the British imposed that ignited the Revolution. The Townshend Act eventually resulted in Salutary Neglect. Britain did not want their precious colonies to trade with other countries so they created an act the only allowed them to trade with Britain.


The Association of the Sons of Liberty of New York, during December 15, 1773, makes a clear statement that anyone associated with the importation of tea, including exportation and transportation, would be considered enemies of their association after the Boston Tea Party on 1773. In 1765. This tax on Tea infuriated the colonist that they threw the barrels of tea, as a result of this disobedience to Britain, Britain passed the Intolerable Acts. This meant that the ports of Boston would be shut down and all commerce would have to come to a pause. The Massachusetts Government Act was also passed by the British, this abolished the colonist's cherished town meetings they held regularly to discuss matters and issues the had with Britain. All of these acts which were passed as a result of the Boston Tea Party, only acted to increase the tension between the colonists and the British in Boston and Massachusetts colonies.

The state of Virginia developed a series of resolutions, as a response to the Stamp Act in 1765. This Stamp Act imposed a tax on official documents and newspapers and to this; the colonist did not like. As a reply, the colonist of Virginia, made these resolutions. This was one of the first signs that the colonist were bothered by some of Britain actions and took initiative to do something about it. Within the resolutions included the problem the colonist had when they are providing materials and goods, while the British are happily enjoying them. They also demand the  liberties, privileges, and immunities of denizens purposes as if they had been born born England.


Some historians may claim that the colonist were all in unity and they all approved of George Washington as the general in command, and thats why they won the war, later on creating a perfect democracy. Yet in reality, Unity was lacked within the colonies. The Pennsylvania “Patriots” would cheat the army out of flour and inflated prices for common supplies and necessities. Historian Carol Berkin can clearly confirm when she says unity within the colonies was just a myth.

Throughout the Revolution there were obstacles that presented themselves and may have caused a slowdown in the Revolution. Within that including the grapples of the army. This newly formed continental Army was faced with enormous setbacks. Transportation of required goods was one of them, the lack of efficient roads and the slowdown of horses was no help. The British had to so something to prevent the colonist from thriving, this including stealing and cheating....

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