HIS-144 America at War Worksheet The Revolutionary War PDF

Title HIS-144 America at War Worksheet The Revolutionary War
Author Macie Smith
Course U.S. History Themes
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Download HIS-144 America at War Worksheet The Revolutionary War PDF


AMERICA AT WAR Name: Macie Smith Directions: Provide a 200-300 word response for each prompt. In addition to the Topic 7 readings (including your textbook), be sure to cite relevant scholarly sources provided on the Topic Powerpoints or the GCU Library. What were the causes of the war? What attempts were made beforehand to prevent war?

The Revolutionary War, when America got its freedom. Tension between the British and the colonist began to rise shortly after the French and Indian war. There many thigs the colonist were not happy about Parliament was trying to recuperate after the war with France in doing so they passed the Stamp Act; which taxed the colonist on a lot of transactions. This upset the colonist and riots begun to break out. Then came the Townshend Act, were parliament again tried to pass more taxes on goods imported from Britain. Americans were extremely upset over this and boycotts began to form. The British sent in troops to occupy Boston which f coursed angered the colonist even more. This led to the Boston Massacre. A group of Americans began to taunt and harass the British soldiers and the troops lost their cool and begun shooting into the crowd. Another major key to the Revolutionary war was the Tea Act. The Tea Act threatened American merchants, which angered the colonist. the Sons of Liberty, a rebellion group of colonists, boarded the British ships in the Boston Harbor, and dumbed tons of tea into the water to make a point. This was known as the Boston Tea Party. (Kiger, 2019). There were many other events the lea up to the Revolutionary war this is just a few. The war could have possible been avoid if Britain would have given America the freedom they wanted, but America also wanted its independence so even if the Revolutionary war didn’t happen more than like there would have been one in the future.


Kiger, P. (2019, August 20). 7 Events That Enraged Colonists and Led to the American Revolution. Retrieved October 16, 2020, from https://www.history.com/news/american-revolution-causes

Describe the general course of the war (major battles, leader decisions, significant events). What was the turning point for victory or defeat?

The first battle of the Revolutionary War was Lexington and Concord. “The shots heard around the world”, was the significant start of the revolutionary war. When local Militiamen clashed with British soldiers in Massachusetts. (History.com Editors, 2009). During the Revolutionary War George Washington was declared commander in chief. Valley Forge 1777-1778, George Washington and the continental army camped during the Winter; many troops suffered from the cold, starvation, and disease. Washington held army together with news of the French joining the war on Americas side. On July 4th, 1776 Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. In 1778 France officially recognized the United states and supplies America with much needed soldiers. The Battle of Bunker Hill was one of the first true battles of the war. During this battle the colonist were attacked by the British three times, the third time they ran out of ammo and had to retreat. The colonist took this battle as a lost, but they did severely weaken the British army. The Battle of King’s Mountain was an American victory, this battle was so important because it came after many defeats. The Battle of Long Island was the first major American defeat after the declaration of Independence. After this battle New York remained occupied by the British for the rest of the war. The battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the war, when America and French armies took victory Britain decided to negotiate with America. The revolutionary War was ended by The Treaty of Paris in 1783. Britain recognized America’s independence and also made peace with France. (History.com Editors, 2009).


History.com Editors. (2009, October 29). Revolutionary War. Retrieved October 16, 2020, from https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/american-revolution-history

How does the home front respond to this war? Discuss some of the opportunities and challenges American society faced during the war.

The home front was hard to defined during the Revolutionary War because most states at the time became a battle ground. Native Americans were unsure which side to fight with; they really weren’t sure about either side. There were some tribes that chose to fight with the British troops because they believed if the colonist won, they would lose their land. For some African Americans the war helped them escape their slave owners in the south. The British Patriots hoped that it would weaken the Continental Army if they got rid of their slaves, so they helped thousands of slaves escape and emancipated them. Just like any other war back in the day, once the men went off to war the women had to take up the men’s roles. Most of the Continental Army was drafted from the lower ranked societies so many women had nothing to fall back on. There was a good bit of women that decided to not stay home and wait for their relatives to come back, instead they went to the army camps and provided normal women duties of the time, such as cooking for the army, providing medical assistance and cleaning their uniforms. You could say that The Revolutionary War was a civil war. Many of the colonist were still loyal to the crown and the war was fought on American soil. Like the civil war they were fights for their rights. (Revolutionary War: The Home Front, n.d.).


Revolutionary War: The Home Front: The American Revolution, 1763 - 1783 : U.S. History Primary Source Timeline : Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress : Library of Congress. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2020, from https://www.loc.gov/classroom-materials/united-states-history-primary-sourcetimeline/american-revolution-1763-1783/revolutionary-war-home-front/

What were the outcomes of the war? Explain the significant changes or results that follow the war.

America won the Revolutionary War against Great Britain; as a result of the war America got its independence and was now its own nation. The revolution brought on many changes for America, aside from being their own Nation they had new politics and societies, and ended mercantilist economy, giving America many more opportunities for trade and manufacturing. America was now free to do thing their way. The states wrote new constitutions based on “popular sovereignty”, the power and authority of the government derived from the people. The political and social life changed majorly after the nation gained their independence. People began to participate in politics now as more and more gained their rights to vote; this gave the government more importance. Once America gained their independence it ended mercantilist giving America the opportunity to expand west and create their own manufacturers and build their economy. As American men began to gain their rights this was not so true for women, if anything they became more oppressed. The term “Republican Mothers” came about; meaning women stayed at home to have children and raise the future citizens of the nation. America gaining their independence was really the turning point in becoming too strong independent nation it is now. (Libretexts, 2020).


Libretexts. (2020, June 15). 5.6: The Consequences of the American Revolution. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from https://human.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/History/National_History/Book:_U.S._History_( American_YAWP)/ 05:_The_American_Revolution/5.06:_The_Consequences_of_the_American_Revolution

How does this war contribute to the creation of an American Identity?

After the Revolutionary wat was really the beginning for America, it was now its own nation and no longer under British control. They had the freedom to politics and economics. However, America’s identity wouldn’t truly be discovered until later on and after many changes the war brought on. After the war though the nation was its own country there was very little unity. The central government was not very strong, so this led people to only be loyal to their state governments, meaning the central government had little power of the individual states. In 1776, there was very little recognition of America from other countries around the world, this did not help America with creating their own identity. There were many advancements during this time towards Americas identity though; such as women’s role in the boycotting of British products and goods and also the government started politically using words like “we”. Though the country was proud of their victory of the war and gaining their independence, it was not until they had a stringer central government that they became a true nation. There were bits and pieces of the revolutionary war that helped America gain its identity, but they did not become such s strong nation until much after the war. (Bettney, 2018).


Bettney, V. (2018, March 26). The development of America: Identity and the language of revolution. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from https://theyorkhistorian.com/2018/03/27/the-development-of-america-identityand-the-language-of-revolution/...

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