Essay \"Self reflection essay\" - grade HD PDF

Title Essay \"Self reflection essay\" - grade HD
Course Managerial communication
Institution Monash University
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self reflection essay...


Ashleigh Rothel


Just as all human beings are born with a unique fingerprint, everyone possesses and exhibits a difference type of personality. Throughout this essay I will be explain four diagnostic tools of analysing ones personality and the preferences we choose, being the Personal Style Inventory, The Big Five Indicator, Human Dynamics and Emotional Intelligence. From the test results, it was apparent I has various strengths and weaknesses which affect and influence my relationships, communication style and preferences, that are detailed and integrated with the analysis of diagnostic tools. From gaining self-awareness of various weaknesses identified in the results through completing the diagnostic tools, I could identify strategies to undertake to enhance my communication skills and positive relationships, thus giving me the ability to grow and adapt advantageously in the future.

Every individual possesses a unique and differently shaped personality that allows us to differentiate from others, and the Personal Style Inventory (PSI) is a questionnaire that illustrates a framework of the preferences we choose in life (Berney, 2010). The results indicate which bipolar factors we prefer through a typology where I am ESFJ; extroversion, sensing/intuition, feeling and judging. However, when comparing this typology with the Big Five Inventory (BFI), this revealed some similarities but also contradictions. The BFI framework abstractly ranks personality into five broad factors of extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness, with each factor summarising explicit facets of personality (John & Srivastava, 1999). This tool indicated ‘agreeableness’ as the highest score of 40 in comparison to other dimensions, and thus states this is the most dominant factor in my personality. This correlates with the PSI by preferring ‘feeling’ rather than ‘thinking’ with the highest score of 25, that indicates a definite strength in this dimension and definite weaknesses in the ‘thinking’ dimension (Hogan & Champagne, 1985). These facets accentuate that in my relationships i am more likely to trust and forgive others and form perceptions based on empathy. Also, they both emphasise the ability to be warm and conciliate with others before making decisions, rather than focusing on impersonal success or goals (Hogan & Champagne, 1985). From these findings, it has given me the ability to recognise the strengths of my relationships and how I have long lasting friendships from Primary School as I easily forgive and see others situations in an empathetic manner. This also reveals I am more likely to have interpersonal communication styles, which involve exchanges affected by personal characteristics and relationships. An example of an interpersonal skill is empathy/rapport, which involves building interpersonal relationships whilst establishing familiarity (Tynan, Wolstencroft, Edmondson, & Swanson, 2013). These results imply that in the future, I am likely to build cohesive relationships with employees

Ashleigh Rothel

through sympathy and cooperation. However, there are possible weaknesses in these dimensions, where strategies are needed to strengthen the ‘thinking’ dynamic. As a Feeler, I can be too acceptable and uncritical and am unguided by logic as justices are based on feelings. Such implications mean I lack direction and may not meet deadlines in my career as tasks won’t be completed on time (Hogan & Champagne, 1985). Therefore in the future, I need to be more logical, that is reason intended to established a proposition, by becoming more assertive. Assertiveness involves positive behaviour and communication that expresses clear preferences and enables people to assert their own views and values while respecting the views and preferences of others. Assertiveness aids clarity and helps make values explicit in communication (Tynan et al., 2013). For example if managing, I need to clearly set out the goals and the methods to achieve them so all employees are aware of these and there is less chance of confusion. This will give me the ability to complete tasks in time and communicate more effectively and efficiently with others.

An extrovert is someone who shows gregariousness, is energized through others and dealing with the outside world and may be impatient with extensive and slow tasks (Hart, 1994). Following the PSI, I prefer extroverted facets with a score of 22 , showing some strength in this dimension and some weaknesses in the introversion factor. However in comparison, I received the lowest score in the BFI’s extroversion dimension. This contradiction displays that whether I depict extrovert or introverted characteristics depends on the situation present; it is a contingent trait. Introversion describes a person who makes independent decisions from procedures and prefers to work alone in an isolated environment. The internal mind serves to re-energize them more than the outer world including people and events (Berney, 2010). There are circumstances where I display these characteristics stronger than those of extroversion. For example in the BFI, I answered neither agree nor disagree to whether I consider myself as shy or inhibited. For instance, when I meet a large group of unfamiliar people, I am reserved and lack confidence in expressing my true character from feeling uncomfortable. I also consider myself introverted when I have to complete something that I consider high importance. Such as studying for year 12 exams, I preferred to study alone and was agitated when disrupted by people. However, with no external pressures or restrictions, I consider myself to have most strengths in the extroverted dimension where socialising and connecting with the environment keeps me uplifted and energised. I am outgoing when meeting new people and when working in teams, I like to take charge to make sure everything is in order. However, this attribute could be detrimental in the future when assigned to teams, as I need to learn how to actively listen to others so that they can contribute effectively to the project. The ability to processes messages and respond as to encourage further communication is the practice of active

Ashleigh Rothel

listening is an important component of interpersonal communication any business (Comer & Drollinger, 1999). Active listening promotes cohesion and ideas between employees, which increase staff morale and its absence can lead to unproductive workplaces (Rane, 2011). A strategy suggested by Knippen and Green (1994) is to provide verbal cues back to speaker to ensure they know the listener is engaged. For example, I am aware that I need to minimise internal distractions as I notice that I tend think of other priorities whist listening to people. A technique to ensure I am giving full attention to the speaker is to respond and restate what they have said such as words like ‘really’ and more direct prompts such as ‘how did he do that?’ (Rane, 2011). As I am extroverted under team circumstances, I need to apply these active listening techniques in team situations so that I don’t dominate and overrule the team from achieving the set goals.

Human Dynamics provide an insight into the distinctions in the way people function, they are a “body of work that identifies and illuminates innate distinctions in the way people function as whole systems that include mental, emotional and physical dimensions”(Seagal & Horne, 2003, p. 2). As there is no testing required, I allocated myself into the emotional-physical, or emotional-subjective, dimension through self-awareness and actions of the past, with the functions best suiting my personality. This process allows me to understand how to improve relationships, communication and synergy with others, in order to enhance my personality (Seagal & Horne, 2003). Similarly to the PSI ‘Feeling’ dimension, I have a desire to connect to those around me and am also sensitive to their feelings (Seagal & Horne, 2003). In addition, an emerging theme has formed being the characteristic of maintaining harmony as a consistent concern and a high importance of maintaining relationships(Seagal, 1997). This is beneficial when teams are experiencing conflict to ensure it can be resolved and nature of the task is maintained. This dimension highly values diversity, however I find this to cause internal stress for me as in certain situations I participate in too much and don’t give time myself time to reflect. For instance during Monash orientation, I signed up for multiple clubs and colleges, whilst working a part-time job and found that I was time-poor, causing pressure to complete tasks on time. In my future career, being too anxious will decrease my productivity if I have numerous tasks or jobs to complete. Being organised is an essential strategy during these times when I need to reconsider my highest priorities to be able to remain calm and ensure I have personal time to reflect. For example, this could mean having a dairy and lodging every date and task to be complete so that I won’t over prioritise. Again like the PSI and BFI, my communication style involves assisting others through a personal connection on an empathetic basis. However, a downfall is that relationships become dysfunctional when there is no understanding or awareness of diverse Human Dynamics which results in conflict. Visiting China for school, I had to work with local students to

Ashleigh Rothel

complete various tasks such as making a puzzle. Since I am extroverted in team situations and like to have a plan of action, i found it very difficult to work with Chinese students to complete it as they enjoyed working alone with no communication. Seagal and Horne (2003) confirm that these are physically centred characteristics and are common among the Chinese culture. For the future, I must be mindful of personality differences in order to understand and have the ability to work as an effective team. This refers to being conscious of ones thoughts and actions (Tynan et al., 2013). Langer (2014) suggests imagining your thoughts as transparent in that you don’t hold any prejudices when this type of conflict occurs which allows you understand and comprehend differences. Through understanding the Chinese culture, being mindful in this situation would have guided me to how I could accept their ways of learning and work with them to complete the puzzle, rather than becoming frustrated. By learning to put aside these negative thoughts, I will be more open to others’ ideas and more willing to listen and learn; “mindfulness fuels adaption”(Hunter, 2013, p. 3).

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a relatively new area of behavioural analysis as experts now agree that those who are most successful in business possess a high degree of this intelligence (Weisinger, 2004). Matthews, Zeidner, and Roberts (2004) describe EI as the competence to identify, express, understand and assimilate emotions personally and in others, that is, the intelligent use of emotions. Following the test, I received an EI score of 93 which is a relatively strong score. Subsequently having some strengths in the extroversion dimension from the PSI, Edgar, Mcrorie, and Sneddon (2012) state that several theories associate high extraversion scores with heightened sensitivity to positive emotional stimuli and high neuroticism scores with heightened sensitivity to negative emotion. Although in the BFI’s neuroticism dimension was the second lowest score in comparison to the factors, in the EI test it reveals that I assigned ‘very sight abilities’ for those characteristics of neuroticism, which may be lowering my EI. For example, i gave the lowest score for relaxing when under pressure and staying calm when I am the target, indicative of anxiousness. This could be detrimental for my relationships and destruct communication, as I tend to get anxious when under pressure and exert high stress levels such as in exam situations which I may vent onto others. To improve my EI, Weisinger (2004) emphasises developing a high sense of self-awareness when I feel negative emotions so that I can monitor, observe and influence my actions positively. Once recognised, I must employ a technique to reduce anxiety levels such as Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR). This involves working from head to toe and tensing a group of muscles whilst inhaling, and relaxing them during exhalation(Burgess, 2014). Burgess (2014) also states, “when your body is physically relaxed, you cannot feel anxious” and through practice, stress can be managed effectively

Ashleigh Rothel

and emotions can be used beneficially. This practice will guide me in using my EI in relations with others in order to resolve conflict as low stress levels will give me the ability to calm down and communicate positively. Weisinger (2004) reasons anxious individuals are more distractible and more vulnerable to performance impairment in stressful circumstances. These effects are generally attributed to states of worry that divert processing resources from the task at hand. Having a level of self-awareness to recognise I am experiencing negative emotions in times of stress will allow me to employ the strategy of PMR and be more productive in achieving set goals and have more positive and influential relationships with those around me.

Employing the various strategies of assertiveness, active listening, mindfulness and PMR explained, will all aid in strengthening and enhancing my various weaknesses depicted in the preferences that define my personality. Each diagnostic tool allowed me to become conscious of these various flaws, but also strengths that should be maintained in order for effective communication and relationships. This allows me to enhance the ways in which I approach different situations with different people, and hence extend my personal skills and capabilities. Not one person is identical, and it is this awareness and understanding of these diversities that will enhance not only my personal competences but also those relationships with others around me.

Ashleigh Rothel


Berney, L. (2010). Using the Mbti to Enhance Workplace Communication. The Stepping Stone (39). Burgess, P. (2014). Stress Management: Doing Progressive Muscle Relaxation, from Comer, L. B., & Drollinger, T. (1999). Active Empathetic Listening and Selling Success: A Conceptual Framework. [Article]. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 19(1), 15-29. Edgar, C., Mcrorie, M., & Sneddon, I. (2012). Emotional Intelligence, Personality and the Decoding of Non-Verbal Expressions of Emotion. Personality and Individual Differences, 52(3), 295. Hart, M. (1994). Understanding Your Scores on the Mbti. PA Consulting Group, 1(August 1994). Hogan, R. C., & Champagne, D. W. (1985). Personal Style Inventory: Organization Design and Development. Hunter, J. (2013). Is Mindfulness Good for Business? Mindful. John, O. P., & Srivastava, S. (1999). The Big Five Trait Taxonomy: History, Measurement, and Theoretical Perspectives. Handbook of personality: Theory and research, 2, 102138. Knippen, J. T., & Green, T. B. (1994). How the Manager Can Use Active Listening. [Article]. Public Personnel Management, 23(2), 357. Langer, E. (2014). Mindfulness in the Age of Complexity, The Age. Retrieved from Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (2004). Emotional Intelligence: Science and Myth: MIT Press. Rane, D. B. (2011). Good Listening Skills Make Efficient Business Sense. [Article]. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 5(4), 43-51. Seagal, S. (1997). Basic Principles: A New Paradigm. Seagal, S., & Horne, D. (2003). Human Dynamics for the 21st Century. 14(1).

Ashleigh Rothel

Tynan, L., Wolstencroft, D., Edmondson, B., & Swanson, D. J. (2013). Communication for Business Oxford University Press. Weisinger, D. H. (2004). Emoting Intelligently. On Wall Street.


Results Tool Psi

Result ESFJ

Meaning  Warm-hearted, 

Talkative ,Sociable and outgoing

Extrovert : 22= some strength


in dimension, some

born co-operators, active committee members

weaknesses in other member of the pair

need harmony and may be good at creating it

Sensing : 20=balance in

Always doing something nice for someone

strengths of dimensions

Work best with encouragement and praise

Little interest in abstract thinking or

Feeling : 25= definite strength in dimension,

technical subjects 

definite weakness in other member of the pair

Main interest is in things that directly and visibly affect people's lives.

Responsible, attentive and traditional

Loyal and hardworking

Judging : 22 some strength in

Dislike obstructions.

dimension, some weakness

(Hogan & Champagne, 1985)

in other member of the pair Feeling

Judgments based on empathy, warmth and personal values

Ashleigh Rothel

More interested in people and feelings rather than impersonal logic, analysis

Interested in conciliation and harmony than winning or achieving impersonal goals

Gets along well with people


Big 5


Considers others feelings

Understand needs, values

Interested in conciliation

Demonstrates feelings

Persuades, arouses

Extraversion= 21

(Hogan & Champagne, 1985) Agreeableness:


Trust (forgiving)

Openness =32

Straightforwardness (not demanding)

Conscientiousness= 33

Altruism (warm)

Agreeableness= 40

Compliance (not stubborn)

Modesty (not show-off)

Tender-mindedness (sympathetic


(John & Srivastava, 1999) N/A


Think in dialogue with others

Focus on the physical world (people)


Sensitive to others feelings and sense own

intelligenc e Human dynamics

feelings 

Value personal connection and communication

Concern for creating harmony

(Seagal & Horne, 2003)...

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