Essay structures - Nota: B PDF

Title Essay structures - Nota: B
Author Valerie Jimenez
Course ciencias morfologicas
Institution Universidad Xochicalco
Pages 2
File Size 72.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Basic Essay Structure Using AXES (Note: AXES represents a cohesive paragraph unit that must support the essay’s thesis statement. How many paragraph units you incorporate in your essay is up to you. You don’t have to have three paragraphs or three points to develop. Remember, though, that as a cohesive unit, the body paragraph can have only one assertion/claim/topic sentence. Of course, one unit can be broken up into subparagraphs that continue to support the same assertion.)

Introduction Thesis Statement: We, students, have the right to know how we’re doing in our classes. We’re all in school and all schools have the option to let you know how you’re doing. A, B, C, D and F are the 5 letters that classify your performance in class, A being the highest and F being the lowest. From A to D is pass, and F is fail. Eliminating letter grades would not be a good idea because both encouragement and GPA are directly related to one another.

Body Paragraph 1 Assertion that supports your thesis statement: Encouragement is something that grades can help us to achieve since each letter represents our performance, thus we should not eliminate letter grades.

Example (direct quote from a text) that supports your assertion: “Don’t Eliminate Grades for Students”

Explanation that develops how the example illustrates and supports your assertion: it explains how letter grades help with encouragement in every student.

Significance that communicates the “so what?” of your assertion: there are some concerns about how grades affect students.

(Repeat AXES for Each Body Paragraph) Make sure subparagraphs are used to develop the XE (example & explanation). Think of a hamburger: The top bun is the assertion. The bottom bun is the significance. In between, you can have as many beef or tofu patties as you like. The patties are the XE.

Conclusion A concluding thought that communicates why your thesis statement is important. Letter grades are still the current grading system in the United States. Letter grades achieve both encouragement and admission into college and university....

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