臺灣學術倫理教育資源中心ethics belum selesai PDF

Title 臺灣學術倫理教育資源中心ethics belum selesai
Course ethic
Institution 國立中興大學
Pages 14
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Some students are discussing “self-plagiarism.” Which of the following is the most correct statement on self-plagiarism? (1)Jake: Using part of last semester's class report for the current semester does not constitute self-plagiarism due to the different course content. (2)Alfred: Using the charts in journal articles published previously by the author himself but rewriting the text that explains the charts does not constitute self-plagiarism. (3)Mary: Since the new paper is based on the previous one written by the author, retrieving the content of the previous paper does not constitute self-plagiarism. (4)Betty: Revising the paper previously published by the author, adding it to the new research paper, submitting it to another journal, and indicating the source of information does not constitute self-plagiarism.


Which of the following does not constitute “tampering”? (1)The researcher deliberately modifies research results that are inconsistent with the study’s hypothesis. (2)The researcher falsifies non-existent data. (3)The researcher over-embellishes existing images in the research. (4)The researcher unreasonably manipulates the research data.


Which writing tip on quoting is incorrect? (1)The purpose is to clearly indicate the information referenced in the article to avoid plagiarizing the research of others and to allow the reader to learn more about the relevant literature. (2)It is not necessary to clearly indicate references or complete bibliographic information in the text. (3)Usually, quotations of more than 40 words require independent citations and that the quoted text be in a separate paragraph. (4)Usually, quotations of more than 40 words are required to be included in the body and separated by quotation marks.


Based on academic conventions, which of the following researchers is qualified to act as the author of a thesis? Student A: helped with data collection and statistical analysis; Student B: was responsible for writing the research plans, creating the experiment design, and analyzing research data; Student C: was responsible for writing the research paper; Student D: helped create the research figures. (1)Only Student B (2)Both Student A and B (3)Students A, B, and C (4)Students A, B, C, and D


Charlie reused some contents of a paper he had published. Considering that the topics were different, he only used the relevant and important parts, reorganized the data, paraphrased the text, and noted the source of the data. Does the behavior of Charlie constitute self-plagiarism? (1)Yes, because reusing part of a previously published paper constitutes selfplagiarism. (2)Yes, because only relevant and important parts were used, which indicates that some content is missing. (3)No, because reusing his own work that was previously published does not constitute self-plagiarism. (4)No, because he reorganized the data, paraphrased the text, and noted the source of the data.


It is common to see authors cite the work of others. Which of the following is not a reason why authors would cite the work of others? (1)To increase research novelty (2)To strengthen their own dissertation (3)To clarify the research topic (4)To make the research more in-depth


Are news reports that solely report facts that are being used in language books protected by copyright law? (1)Yes (2)No (3)Copyright law does not apply. (4)It depends on whether copyright law protects the content of the report.


“The Chinese New Year is approaching so we must do our spring cleaning. This Sunday morning, Mother will mop the floor, Father will sweep the floor, Sister will wipe the windows, Brother will clear the spider webs, and I will wash the pots.” If the above content is to be “summarized,” which of the following would be the most appropriate summary? (1)Because Chinese New Year is approaching, we must clean up to replace the old with the new. Our family will work together. This Sunday morning, Mother will mop the floor, Father will sweep the floor, Sister will wipe the windows, Brother will clear the spider webs, and I will wash the pots. (2)The Chinese New Year is approaching. We must do our spring cleaning. This Sunday morning, Mother will mop the floor, Father will sweep the floor, Sister will wipe the windows, Brother will clear the spider webs, and I will wash the pots. (3)The Chinese New Year is approaching. Our family will do spring cleaning together this Sunday. (4)The Chinese New Year is approaching. It is this Sunday morning.


There must be proper referencing to use the works of others in your own work. Which of the following is the most correct statement on proper referencing? (1)The original text will be clearly indicated as such by having it in italics, but it is not necessary to indicate its source. (2)Use quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quoted text and indicate its source. (3)The quoted text is in a separate paragraph, and quotation marks are at the beginning and end of the text. Even if the entire content of another paper is quoted, it must be within a reasonable scope. (4)The quoted text is in a separate paragraph and is indicated as such with a dash at the beginning and end. There is no need to indicate the source explicitly.


Ping Ping is a doctoral student of business management. She recently completed a study and plans to submit the English version of the paper, which is mainly written by herself, to a foreign management journal. According to the following description, in addition to Ping Ping, who is eligible to become the co-author of the paper? The supervising professor: He inspired Ping Ping’s research topic, helped her design the research, and helped her solve problems during the research process. He also reviewed Ping Ping’s thesis draft several times and helped her revise the interpretation and deduction of the research results. He was also a sponsor of her research. Professor Williams: He was a professor at an American University who proposed the management theory adopted by Ping Ping in the thesis. He and Ping Ping did not know each other and had no cooperative relationship with one another. However, Ping Ping cited Professor Williams’ work several times in her thesis. Professor Wang: He assisted Ping Ping in solving the difficulties related to statistical analysis, discussed the inference of statistical results with her several times, and provided many viewpoints in terms of the interpretation of the research results, most of which were adopted by Ping Ping. Assistant Professor Huang: He allowed Ping Ping to conduct questionnaire surveys with four of his groups. As per the requirements of the research, each group was asked to complete the survey three times, at different stages of the study. Ping Ping was very grateful to Assistant Professor Huang’s assistance in the recruitment of research participants. (1)The supervising professor and Professor Wang (2)The supervising professor and Professor Williams (3)The supervising professor, Professor Wang, and Professor Williams (4)Professor Wang and Professor Huang


Which of the following statements on paraphrasing is incorrect? (1)The contents of the source data are re-expressed. (2)Information from different articles is collated and merged. (3)The text must be very different from the original after paraphrasing. (4)The intended meaning of the original text is interpreted in your own words.


Which of the following is not a common type of general research ethics professional standard? (1)Universal declaration and report (2)Intuitive judgement based on personal experience (3)Research ethics norms established by a professional academic association (4)Research submission criteria stipulated by academic journals or publishing bodies


Which of the following academic research behaviors constitutes “plagiarism”? A. The entire portion was copied from the works of others without indicating the sources. B. The statistical results of their own research data were not satisfactory, so the data was tampered with to meet the expected results. C. The work of others was reorganized without annotating the source to make it look like it was the researcher’s own work. D. Different passages of different articles were copied separately, and the sources were not clearly annotated. (1)A and C (2)A, C, and D (3)A, B, and C (4) A, B, C, and D


Different areas of expertise often have different academic referencing format specifications. Which of the following reference formats is the least comprehensive? (1)A Study of Taiwan’s Move toward Learning Social Policy Formulation - Formation of Policy Issues, Policy Planning, and the Legalization of Policies (unpublished doctoral thesis). National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei City. (2)Chang Fangfang (1995). Discussion on the Model of Professional Practice of Teaching. Training Professional Development Symposium, Taipei City Teachers College. (3)Wu Chingsan, Lin Tianyou, Huang Sanji (2000). Evaluation of the Professional Ability of Teachers and Teacher Selection in National Elementary and Secondary Schools. Report on the Special Research of the National Science Council of the Executive Yuan, unpublished. (4)Lin Wenda (1992). Educational Administration. Taipei City: Sanmin.


For the purpose of personnel management, privately-owned airlines require each new employee to fill out a basic data form. In the basic data form, the name, ID number, criminal history, contact number, and other details are listed. Which piece of information requested violates the provisions of the Personal Information󵽱Protection Act on the collection of personal data? (1)Name (2)ID number (3)Previous status (4)Contact number


What is the difference between “Academic Ethics of Researchers” and “Key Points on Processing and Reviewing Academic Ethics Cases”? (1)The former is a code of conduct, and the latter is a hearing process. (2)The former is the focus of the review, and the latter is the code of conduct. (3)The former is the focus of the review, and the latter is an explanation of criminal liability. (4)The former is a code of conduct, and the latter is an explanation of criminal liability.


Which of the following four types of personal information is not protected by the Personal Information Protection Act? (1)Non-anonymous job satisfaction questionnaires completed by employees (2)The personal profile of a deceased person (3)An employee address book arranged by the staff (4)Health records of the cleaning staff


Which of the following statements on privacy and the right to privacy is incorrect? (1)Infringement of privacy does not necessarily infringe on the right to privacy. (2)Right to privacy is broader in scope than privacy. (3)People, things, and things that individuals do not want others to know are all considered to be private. (4)Privacy varies according to each person’s feelings or thoughts.


Chen graduated from a research institute that requires graduate students to publish at least one journal article before graduation. After Chen completed the journal article, he found that the expected timeframe for graduating was imminent. He was not sure whether his work would be successfully accepted by the journal before graduation. Therefore, he decided to submit the paper to three journals at the same time to increase his chance of getting it published. He also thought that if the paper was accepted by more than one journal, he could choose to withdraw the other submissions, leaving only one journal to publish his paper. Does Chen’s behavior constitute improper research behavior? (1)No, because he will only choose one publication in the end, and there will be no problem of repeated publication. (2)No, because multiple submissions of a paper’s draft can increase the acceptance rate and it is a common submission technique in academic research. (3)Yes, because Chen should respect the decision of the journal to publish his article. Once the paper has been accepted by a journal, it should be published instead of being retracted. (4)Yes, because although Chen will eventually only choose one publication, he will submit the same paper to multiple journals, which raises the problem of multiple submissions.


The basic principles for the proper protection of the rights and interests of the subjects include the principle of “fair treatment.” Which of the following describes the principle of “fair treatment”? (1)Researchers treat all the research information they receive equally. (2)People, things, and objects related to the subject's private life are not disclosed. (3)Researchers and subjects should all understand the research purposes. (4)The subject decides independently whether to participate in the study.


Which of the following individuals did not engage in appropriate conflict of interest management? (1)Professor Chang is a member of the Human Subjects Committee. He does not participate in review meetings involving student research projects. (2)Chen is a researcher at A Pharmaceuticals. She is working on the preparation of a new pharmaceutical seminar article for the drugs that have been successfully tested in the factory recently. (3)Wang is a research fellow in the field of chemical engineering. In his contribution to the journal, he stated that his research funding came from a pharmaceutical company. (4)Professor Lin published a study on the effectiveness of A System. The funding came from a grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology. At the same time, he served as an advisor to the company that developed A System.


Which of the following is not the fundamental principle that must be followed in the research process as described in the Belmont Report? (1)Respect for human dignity (2)Obeying the law (3)Beneficence (4)Justice


Which of the following descriptions of “fabricated” data is wrong? (1)Fabricated data refers to researchers forging materials that were not included in the research process. (2)Fabricated data refers to research findings that the researcher fabricated. (3)In order to support their hypothesis, the researcher adjusted values that failed to reach the required level of statistical significance. This behavior is called “fabrication.” (4)The deadline of the seminar is approaching but the data has just been obtained without sufficient time to undergo a thorough statistical analysis. Therefore, some values must be entered and analyzed at random to complete the paper quickly. This behavior is called “fabrication.”


Researchers applied to the Ministry of Science and Technology for a special research project. The ministry required the researchers to behave according to academic ethical norms. What is the academic ethical norm set by the Ministry of Science and Technology? (1)Human research ethics policy guidelines (2)Researchers' academic ethics (3)Precautions for collecting and using human bodies (4)Human trial management method


According to the Personal Information Protection Act, what kind of personal information collected, processed, or used infringes on the right to information privacy: A. name, B. national ID number, C. features, D. occupation, E. contact information, F. financial situation, or G. family? (1)B, D, E, F, and G (2)A, B, D, E, and F (3)A, B, C, D, E, and F (4)All of the above


According to the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, which method of obtaining personal data requires informing the parties about the source of the data? (1)An employee has engaged in dereliction of duty. The boss obtains the contact information of the employee to understand the cause. (2)A communications firm obtains the mobile numbers of members from an online shopping website. (3)The reporter obtained the name of the wanted criminal from the police department. (4)The program host obtains the list of participants from the research assistant to understand the distribution of participants.


Hsiao Mei is a doctoral student in medical engineering. Her supervising professor asked her to assist three graduate students in the research for their theses. Six months ago, one of the student’s experiments failed. Therefore, he came to seek help from Hsiao Mei. Hsiao Mei discovered that the failure was caused by the fact that the student did not calibrate an important experimental instrument properly. Therefore, she spent some time and manually calibrated the instrument and prevented the problem from reoccurring. Recently, the student not only passed the oral defense of his paper, but also modified the paper into a seminar essay to be published at a foreign seminar. He wrote to ask Hsiao Mei’s permission to list her as the third author, apart from the supervising professor and himself, in gratitude for her assistance in the instrument calibration. Should Hsiao Mei accept the offer, from the perspective of academic ethics? (1)She should, as long as she made contributions to the research; regardless of the content and scope of the contribution, she is qualified to be listed as co-author of the paper. (2)She should, if all co-authors agree; they have the right to determine the authorship of the paper. Therefore, since the master’s student believed that Hsiao Mei is qualified to be the author, she can be listed as a co-author if the supervising professor has no objection. (3)She should not. The master’s student does not have the right to determine the authorship of the paper, as his position in the academic community is not high enough. Therefore, Hsiao Mei should reject the student’s offer and submit the proposal to the supervising professor to request his permission. (4)She should not. According to the norms of academic ethics, the author of a paper should make a substantial intellectual contribution to the research. Hsiao Mei only helped with the calibration of the instrument rather than provide any substantial contribution; hence, she is not qualified to be listed as a co-author. The master’s student could include her contribution in the acknowledgment section.


Which writing tip on paraphrasing is incorrect? (1)Paraphrasing should be used when the reiteration and connotation of the articles are repeated, or the contents of multiple articles are combined in the same paragraph. (2)The viewpoints of the original author should be kept and the opinions of the writer should be added in due course to re-express the information. (3)The length of the rewritten text must be very different from the original. (4)It is similar to the idea of “rewording”; other words and expressions are used to convey the meaning of the original text.


What is wrong with the following descriptions of “fabrication” and “tampering”? (1)Data that was not generated from the research process constitutes “fabrication.” (2)Deleting real data, images, and results is “tampering.” (3)Fabrication and tampering can be used to hide contradictory research results. (4)When applying for a research project, nonexistent information is not written in the application materials.


Director A of a research institute led a research team in conducting cell growth research. At the same time, he was supported by private company B. He used the products of B in the experiment, and he embellished the effe...

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