Ethics CH 4 Journals - in text PDF

Title Ethics CH 4 Journals - in text
Author Molly Boyle
Course Ethics
Institution John Tyler Community College
Pages 3
File Size 70.6 KB
File Type PDF
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CH 4 Journal Entries 4.2 Human Beings as Teleological: Do you believe that human beings are teleological, which means they have a purpose? Why or Why Not. I do believe humans are teleological. Whether we act on our purpose is a different story, but I do think that all human beings have a purpose. Why would we be here taking up space if we had no purpose at all?

4.2.2 Human Beings as Virtuous: Do you know anyone whom you think is an “ideal, virtuous person”? Describe that person’s character and explain why you think about him or her in that manner. I believe my mom and dad are both "ideal, virtuous person[s]"...both of my parents are book/street smart, savvy, and hold themselves to a high standard when it comes to being authentic and moral. So, they check all of the boxes in the definition of an ideal, virtuous person. They strive to only do right by themselves and the people they love, while also using their brains and evaluating the situations at hand.

4.5 Moderation in Virtues: Do you believe that moderation is always a virtue? Should people always strive to reach the mean between two extremes? Why or Why Not. I do believe moderation is always a virtue. People should always strive to reach the mean between two extremes. Moderation is necessary to keep humans in check. We do not need to be any more selfish of a race than we already are, so moderation helps with that. As far as finding a happy medium between two extremes. Humans have an innate need to be constant and without chaos. Extremes are chaotic. So, humans inherently strive to reach a mean as a way of self-preservation and maintaining a level of comfort.

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4.6 The Ideal Virtuous Person: Do you believe people are born virtuous or are groomed to be like that? If you believe they are born that way, what evidence or proof can you cite in support of your belief? If people are taught to be virtuous. What methods should be used to make them so? I do not think people are born virtuous. In nature V nurture. I side with nurture. Let's look at Richard Speck. Speck was a serial killer who tortured, raped, and murdered 8 student nurses from the South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966. Speck had a mother who was highly religious and a step-father who was a violent alcoholic who targeted him. He was not raised with any idea of affection or caring, and turned to alcohol and crime at the age of 12. Without the nurturing of his family, Speck grew up feral and callous. I firmly believe that some people, even with nurturing, are purely evil. But, in most cases, like Speck, had they been nurtured and groomed to be virtuous and see right from wrong, then the crimes committed would have been non-existent.

4.6 The List of Virtues: Think of someone whom you this is the “ideal virtuous person.” Describe that person’s character and explain why you think about him or her in that manner. Person: my dad.

My dad is an ideal, virtuous person in many ways. Using Benjamin Franklin's Virtues, I will list why I think so. 1. Temperance. My dad is not a glutton. He is a foodie, and enjoys food, but will only eat or drink to sustain. 2. Silence. My father is very passive, he does not speak to harm others or himself. 3. Order. My dad allocates his time equally between family, work, and friends. He allows everything to have it's place. 4. Resolution. Everyday is a test to my dad. He strives to do nothing but his best in everything that he does. 5. Frugality. TO A FAULT. If my dad must spend money it is spent on quality and if he spends money on it, it takes a lot to get him to do away with it. 6. Industry. My dad was first a funeral director and is now a registered nurse. He has never not held a job that was not useful to society. 7. Sincerity. My father is nothing less than sincere. 8. Justice. My father is fair, and has never even taken a pencil from Putt-Putt.

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9. Moderation. Going back to his passivism, my dad doesn't really do extremes of any kind. 10. Cleanliness. This Irish man cleans the base boards with a toothbrush. 11. Tranquility. My dad is never bothered by things in which he has no control. 12. Chastity. My dad's one girlfriend became his wife, and my mother. 13. Humility. My dad will give until he has given his life to others.

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