Etymology - simple i hope it is helpful PDF

Title Etymology - simple i hope it is helpful
Author Anonymous User
Course BSA
Institution Bulacan State University
Pages 2
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simple i hope it is helpful...


1. Etymology of Philosophy  

The original meaning of the word philosophy comes from the Greek roots philo-meaning “love” and –sophos meaning “wisdom”, thus, philosophy is love of wisdom. Philosophy asks questions about what people believe, as well as examining ourselves and our beliefs. It attempts to answer life’s ‘Big Questions’, simply knowing the meaning of life.

2. Western vs. Eastern Definition of Philosophy and their Differences  

Western philosophy is mainly used in the Western parts of the world, such as in the European countries. Socrates is considered the father of western philosophy. Eastern philosophy is prevalent in Asian countries. DIFFERENCES

Western Philosophy

Eastern Philosophy

- Logical, scientific, and rational - Focuses on the finding the differences in ideas - Focused on the ideas in parts - Deals with Individualism - More individualistic, trying to find the meaning of life here and now with self at the center as it is already given and part of the divine.

- Concept of eternal and recurring. - Focuses on the similarities. - Generalize the ideas and show how they reflect the same truths. - Collectivism - Drawn much more into groups or society or people’s actions and thoughts as one in order to find meaning in life.

3. Branches of Philosophy ETHICS - Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is often referred to as the study of morality. It seeks to address questions about how we should live our lives, how we define proper conduct, and what we mean by the good life. It’s a study that teaches us what the virtuous life is like and how we can put these virtues into practice. Basically, it is the study of what is right and wrong. AESTHETICS - Aesthetics refers to the study of everything related to beauty, art, and good taste. This includes how we define art, how we feel when viewing art or witnessing beauty, how we judge works of art, and how we form our taste. METAPHYSICS

- Metaphysics is the philosophical branch that studies reality, existence, the nature of being, the physical world, and the universe. LOGIC - Logic is the branch of philosophy that studies reasoning. It teaches us how to differentiate between good and bad reasoning and how to construct valid arguments. EPISTEMOLOGY - Epistemology is often referred to as the theory of knowledge. It delves into the definition, scope, and parameters of knowledge and knowledge formation. It seeks to explain how we acquire knowledge, how knowledge relates to notions like justification, truth, and belief, and how and where it falls in the spectrum of certainty and error. POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY - Political Philosophy examines various concepts related to politics, government, laws, liberty, justice, rights, authority, state, and even ethics (ethical ruling). It discusses how states should be built and run, and how its constituents should act....

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