Evolution of Democracy PDF

Title Evolution of Democracy
Author Kate Cass
Course U.S. History Themes
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
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HIS-144-ONL: Evolution of Democracy 1. Compare and contrast the nation’s government from Jefferson’s era with Jackson’s era. Who was eligible to participate in the democratic processes when each was elected? How did that impact who was represented in the federal government?

Thomas Jefferson used to be a man of many educational talents. Being extremely intelligent and nicely off by using the whole lot that was left to him after his father had passed, it used to be no surprise how involved he was in the origins of the assertion of independence and his participation in how the United States got here when it comes to the democratic process. As informed in an article (Peterson, 1994), Given his popularity in Virginia, he used to be the head of the five-person committee that used to discuss and come up with the declaration of independence. The textbook (Schultz, 2017) states that there had been countless disputes on how the states were going to be capable of 1. Afford to pay off the US's debt to be seeing and 2 How they had been going to handle legal guidelines that got here about all across the country. Jefferson was once one of the original people who labored on making the Declaration of Independence, and he supplied his knowledge and expertise in supporting aid in the decisionmaking system for how we live our lives now in the United States. Andrew Jackson wanted to exchange how the United States used to run; he collided democracy with capitalist economics (Sellers, 1985). While Jackson used to be in the workplace, he was faced with various altering decisions. Most of which he believed the majority should win. Almost like what the majority desired they got. The distinction between Jackson and Jefferson is Jefferson used to be an activist in trying to set some laws or regulations in location for the United States and at least make it, so we had a sketch for our future. Jackson did what he used to be instructed and suffered the consequences for his people. This is not necessarily an awful thing. He wanted more significant humans to be worried about politics and wanted more incredible people to have a say in law. Jefferson desired only the elite and trained to have a say. 2. Explain three ways the federal government changed or expanded from the time of Jefferson to Jackson. By the time Jackson got here into office, he wanted more incredible people to say in the politics. He desired the working-class inclusive of farmers to get the risk to get their voices heard. That was once distinctive from Jefferson because he just went off of the educated elite. Those who spent their lives committed to the law wished more of a say than these whom it was, in the end, going to be affecting. In Jefferson’s time, elections of humans in office have only been completed using those who were already in office or had the power to vote. In Jackson’s time, elections were added, and absolutely everyone who could vote had a say on who was elected in office. Jefferson desired human beings who were educated, came from money, had much property, and have been a good-sized face in the population to be apart of the government while also working to make America exquisite for its people. Jackson desired every person, regardless of their religious, educational, and past upbringing, to be in a position to get into

office. He believed in being self-made, because he was, and that all people were once capable of running for workplace. 3. Identify one way that democracy can be improved or continue to grow today. How can it be done? Democracy is often improved by talking primarily regarding the facts. Statistics and numbers do not lie once it involves sure things, and throwing one thing underneath the floor covering and not talking regarding it is solely planning to create the difficulty worse. The matter is individuals who run for workplace area unit talking regarding problems, however giving solely what they need to listen to. However, obtaining people who area unit wants what is best for this country should be apprehended and perceived. However, it is necessary to be clear-cut and state problems and breakdown ways that we will fix it. Not everything goes to be fastened with a replacement law or a replacement person to blame. It changes by telling individuals they have to adapt to the North American nation's changes to measure within the free "amazing" country that we have claimed to be. I, in person, am not a political person. The people that area unit running for offices currently area unit merely doing it for clout. Nevertheless, if we have got individuals to take up UN agency need to figure at creating this country, it has to not have such a large amount of problems with racism, education, society norms, and lower the rate. However, that happens is by the individuals acting on themselves initial, not dynamic laws to advocate for someone's agenda. “Fundamentally, democracy is a process. A citizen-centric process. The goal of a democracy is not to guarantee outcomes, but rather to ensure that people are front and center driving the process. In a democracy, the people are sovereign  —  the highest form of political authority. Power flows from the people to the leaders of government, who hold power only temporarily. It is not sufficient if a government guarantees basic rights for its people if citizens are not actively involved in the governance effort itself. Simultaneously, a government is not sufficiently listening to citizens if it is not providing adequate and effective basic social services and focused on curbing economic inequality. Thus, to improve democracy, we must focus on improving the process, with an end goal of robust citizen participation. To secure vigorous and healthy participation, it is incumbent to improve democratic norms and implement structures that promote active participation. A more robust and active citizenry will lead to the successful implementation of more equitable and sustainable policies. A focus on process leads to better outcomes.” ( Animo, E., Howe, N., Klugman, B., Mention, S., Nicita, S. A., & Warren, S., 2017, para. 9-10)

References Peterson, Merrill D. “Thomas Jefferson: The Architect of Democracy. Classroom Focus.” Social Education, vol. 58, no. 6, 1 Jan. 1994, pp. 359–362. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ496918&site=eds-live&scope=site. Schultz, K. A. (2017). Hist5, Fifth Edition (01). Retrieved from https://viewer.gcu.edu/Jf4bqw Sellers, Charles. “Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Democracy, 1833-1845.” Journal of American History, 1985, p. 864. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.3659960&site=eds-live&scope=site. Animo, E., Howe, N., Klugman, B., Mention, S., Nicita, S. A., & Warren, S. (2017, September 20). Improving Democracy Starts with its Citizens. Retrieved from https://generationcitizen.org/ improving-democracy-starts-with-its-citizens/...

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