The Evolution of Democracy from Jefferson to Jackson PDF

Title The Evolution of Democracy from Jefferson to Jackson
Author Hannah Barnes
Course U.S. History Themes
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
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Name: Hannah Barnes___________________ HIS-144 – The Evolution of Democracy Worksheet 1. Compare and contrast Jefferson’s democracy with Jackson’s democracy. What are Jefferson and Jackson’s respective backgrounds? Whom did each believe should participate in the democratic processes and/or hold public office? (350-500 words)

Jefferson’s democracy and Jackson’s democracy both differed in many ways. Jefferson had a less radical approach and appealed to farmers and planters, whom he thought was the most well put together men. In comparison, Jackson strived to appeal to all white men. Jefferson wanted to decentralize state rights and wanted a strictly constructed constitution. Opposed to Jackson, Jefferson wanted a smaller government and no national bank. Jackson wanted created a second national bank. This resulted in the destruction of the nation economy. This was due to the bank war that had no regulations. Jefferson wanted low tariffs and strived to reduce size of government. He developed court system precedents. Jefferson believed that white men who owned property who were honest and educated could participate in the democratic processes and hold public office. He believed that farmers were true symbols of a true democracy. Jefferson wanted to expand the nation to take over the land, similar to Jackson. Expansion negated need for urban work and wages. Jefferson’s democracy was the first decade of the 19th century. He stressed need for leadership by those of greatest ability and were chosen by the people, he believed that their should be a balance of a republic and a democracy. On the other hand, Jackson’s democracy was called “The Era of the Common Man” ( Watson & Lynn, 2019). He was the first president not from a prominent colonial family. He was a self -made solder and politician. He was from the back country and was a fighter, lawyer, and horse trader. In his era there was the “Jacksonians”, and there is a strong executive branch. He pushed for westward expansion and open franchise to all white man. He wanted all to be able to participate in democratic processes and hold public office. Jackson was a nationalist and wanted to expand his democracy to the common man. His democracy was built off of westward expansion which led to increased suffrage for common men in new states who did not qualify in the older states. In Jackson’s democracy, 90% of all adult men whom are white could vote, opposed to Jefferson’s democracy which was limited to only white males who own land.

2. Explain three ways democracy changed or expanded from the time of Jefferson to Jackson? (350-500 words)

There were many ways that the Democracy changed and expanded from the time of Jefferson to Jackson. The first was with voting. For Jefferson, he limited voting to white, property owning males. He did this because he believed that white males who owned property had higher value. He believed farmers were the most honest, educated, well rounded male and could be the best for choosing who could be in public office. Jefferson’s democracy was known as the republic of natural aristocrats. He wanted a balance of republic and democracy, opposed to Jackson. Jackson expanded the democracy. He was the era of the common man and the democracy od the commoners. With Jackson, position of power became a lot more obtainable for self-made man. He pushed there to be equal opportunities amongst men. By men, at this era it is just white men. With the Jackson era, the democracy is moving from only property owners being able to vote, to now all men being able to vote across the board. There was a growing number and percentage of non-property landowners voting. Another was changes in politics. Jackson also pushed to increase the power of the president. Jackson’s democracy also changed by firing federal workers and giving government Job positions to friends. Also states became not independent or sovereign. Jefferson also had a less radical approach. With Jackson’s democracy, he was striving to promote more voting and get people to push towards more of a democracy. He started the trend of going around and having rallies, speeches, propaganda, and BBQs (Schultz, 2018). Jackson pushed to have the people have more of a say. The third reason was the problems that raised from the time of Jefferson to Jackson. With Jackson there was a nullification crisis, which was when the states were not independent or sovereign. Then came the bank war, which ruined the national economy. And also, Jackson going against the supreme court and having the Indian removal act, which resulted in the trail of tears.

3. Identify one-way democracy can be improved or continue to grow today. How can it be done? (350-500 words) There are many ways democracy can be improved in the U.S. There are many issues with voting for individuals in public office that are been brought to light and addressed, but not much has been done to promote change. We have seen problems with voting in the past. Women and African Americans have fought there way to get a voice and be able to vote in the US (Gidlow, 20018). There have been many issues arise with the electoral college here in America for a long time now. The electoral college needs to be addressed and is often disliked by many here in the U.S. The electoral college was created to boost the power of smaller republican states. The national vote is thrown out of the window. A lot of individuals are uneducated with how

the electoral college works. It elevates smaller republic states and diminishes rural democratic states. For example, the vote of Wyoming is much more impactful than that of California. 68% of all Americans would surprisingly rather get rid of the electoral college and stick to solely the national vote. Also, a new voting rights act must be passed. Voter suppression is a problem in the United States. People are being blocked from voting. There needs to be a prohibiting of racist voter ID laws at the state level. Also, their needs to be a mandate for every state to automatically register every voter. When this happens, the turn out percentage goes up. Election day should also be a national holiday to promote people to go out and vote. There needs to be a ban in gerrymandering and turn limits for the U.S supreme court members. With all of these changes and adjustments in voting. I believe this will help improve and grow the democracy greatly.


Lynn, J. A., & Watson, H. L. (2019). Introduction: Race, Politics, and Culture in the Age of Jacksonian 000000“Democracy.” Journal of the Early Republic, 39(1), 81–87.

Schultz, K. (2018). HIST 5. Boston, MA: Cengage. 000000

Gidlow, L. (2018). THE SEQUEL: THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT, THE NINETEENTH AMENDMENT, 000000AND SOUTHERN BLACK WOMEN'S STRUGGLE TO VOTE. The Journal of the Gilded Age and 000000Progressive Era, 17(3), 433-449.

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