Evolutionary and Historical Trends of Sexual Attitudes Essay PDF

Title Evolutionary and Historical Trends of Sexual Attitudes Essay
Author Kayla Owens
Course Marriage and Family
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
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Evolutionary and Historical Trends of Sexual Attitudes Essay Kayla Owens Grand Canyon University- SOC 320 July 1, 2021

When you think of sexual behavior, and sexuality in a historical context, you may think of when you were younger and may have taken a sexual education class. In this class, they would have provided a high-level overview and teaching around various topics that relate directly to sexuality and sexual orientation. Over time, the trends around sex, sexuality, and sexual behaviors have been somewhat similar and have also changed. A trend is a direction or movement where the majority is going together. In this paper, we will identify the following trends: LQBTQ, gender, traumatic experiences like sexual abuse, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, and teen pregnancy. LGBTQ Now seen as a lifestyle to the world, the LGBTQ community initially started as a trend. LGBTQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, and Queer. The LGBTQ community was initially known or referred to as homo-sexual and/ or gay in the 1960’s and 1970’s. History shows changes in the government and how the LGBTQ community has constantly over objection after objection. There has also been change in the understanding of how one becomes a part of the LGBTQ community. It was once noted that becoming a part of the LGBTQ community was a decision one makes itself. However, biologists have documented homosexual behavior in more than 300 species, arguing that same-sex behavior is not an unnatural choice, and may in fact play a vital role within populations (Sullivan, B. 2019). One will hear “I was born gay.” While there is no single “gay gene,” the evidence is overwhelming that there is biological basis for sexual orientation and that it is pre- programmed into the brain before birth based on a mix of genetics and prenatal conditions, none of which the young fetus chooses (Sullivan, B. 2019). Overtime, companies and different government titles have had to adjust their laws and policies to ensure the LGBTQ community is fully included with no hate or issues attempting to stop them. President

Obama came together with leaders from all military branches to sign a document that turned into a bill to ensure LGBTQ members could still serve their country and be open in their preferences (Johnston, L. N. (2019). The rights for the LGBTQ members have made more positive gains now than before (Johnston, L. N. (2019) and the impact on sexuality that it has made has been one for the history books. The biggest impact it has made is showing the world how to love one another, no matter what their preferences are. One cannot identify a member of the LGBTQ community just by the looks of them sometimes, but you can get to know them and not pass judgment. Today, the LGBTQ community can live freely, without the hate and or/ discrimination from others legally. Gender Gender, for a long time, was most commonly known as either being male or female. This was easily identifiable based on one’s genital areas when being born. Now, when you study gender, you have to consider the terms masculinity and femininity. Gender roles are also defined differently. History tells us that gender roles are what and how society expected each gender to act. Females were expected to be more feminine, be polite and nurturing. Feminine for women meant being a caregiver, cooking and cleaning. Men were characterized as having more masculine traits, like fixing the car, going to work a warehouse job, paying for dinner, opening the door, etc. Categorizing roles between the genders isn’t what it used to be either. More modern viewpoints see gender roles as hindering a person’s ability to develop (Howe, 2018). Both partners expressing masculinity and femininity is normal, and this affect has evolved sexuality into the realm of transgender, where the sex identifies with the opposite sex and introduces themselves as such, while using the opposite pronouns.

Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse is another very unfortunate trend. Sexual abuse is defined as a sexual act committed on a child or on elderly, ranging from fondling to penetration. Sexual abuse also can translate to sexual exploitation in children and adults, which can be pornography and prostitution. Sexual abuse is a trend that was harder to pinpoint because it is very personal and there aren’t many surveys that happen in the moment that can tell you demographics about the sexually abused. Sexual abuse was notably directed at females due to gender roles history, but sexual abuse can also affect men. Sexual abuse has come a long way, and is technology is helping it become something more notable and easily accessible to track. Megan’s Law was passed in 2004, which gives the public full access to sexual offenders nationwide. Behaviors of prostitution rings are more common and easier to spot out in an attempt to stop them. The effects of sexual abuse are everlasting and some unfortunately never heal. It’s impact on sexuality has opened eyes to all in regard to deep forms of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. This also has a mental effect on those in new relationships. Being mindful of when someone isn’t ready to engage in certain sexual activity is life changing. While dealing with mental health, another life changing factor is sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual Transmitted Disease Engaging in safe sex is one of the main topics covered in sexual education as well as covered in the media. Sexually transmitted disease (STD) and sexually transmitted infections (STI) have been around for ages, and some STD’s and STI’s like herpes and HIV still don’t have a cure. In the medieval times, syphilis and gonorrhea were two of the most prevalent STDs in Europe and were thought to have been spread by sailors (Mandal, A.,2019). People's lack of awareness and solid knowledge of STD’s and STI’s contributes to the spread today. STD’s and

STI’s affect the evolution of sexuality because now there are at least 20 STI’s noted. Everyone is susceptible to receiving an STI or STD if they engage in unprotected sex. Medical treatments have evolved to help treat most STD’s and STI’s and even make some undetectable. Teen Pregnancy Teen pregnancy became a trend around 1990-2000’s and the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rates of the industrialized nations. In the United States, teens are taught to attempt to practice abstinence compared to societies like Sweden, where sexuality begins early and is supported by a sex positive culture (Howe, 2018). Teen Pregnancy has evolved sexuality by actually exploiting it. Television stations are exploiting it and young moms are getting paid for it. Though the survey’s show the teen pregnancy rates are low, teen pregnancy will forever be a trend.

All five trends mentioned have been around for at least a decade, and don’t appear to be fading away anytime soon, no matter how prevalent they are. The spike can easily happen and the effect it has on sexuality continues.

References: Howe, T. R. (2018). Marriages & families in the 21st century (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage. ISBN-13: 9781506340968.

Johnston, L. N. (2019). Resources in LGBTQ History in the United States: 1900 to 2019. Choice, 57(3), 257-260,262,264-267. https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://wwwproquest-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/trade-journals/resources-lgbtq-history-united-states1900-2019/docview/2310565050/se-2?accountid=7374

Mandal, A. (2019). History of Sexually Transmitted Disease. Retrieved from: https://www.news- medical.net/health/History-of-Sexually-Transmitted-Disease.aspx

Sulivan, B. (2019). Stop Calling it a Choice: Biological factors drive homosexuality. Retrieved From: https://theconversation.com/stop-calling-it-a-choice-biological-factors-drivehomosexuality-122764...

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