Exam #1 Fall 2020 Soc B-1 THIS IS THE EXAM TO STUDY PDF

Title Exam #1 Fall 2020 Soc B-1 THIS IS THE EXAM TO STUDY
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution Bakersfield College
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This is a test that my professor gave to me. This is something that I have to share with the world. Thanks people....


Exam #1 Chapter One 1. A group of people who share a culture and a territory is known as a(n) a. global group. b. extended family group.

c. society. d. global village.

2. To focus on unemployment as a personal trouble means you focus on the character of the individual and their skills and abilities. a.


b. False

3. Sociology can best be defined as a. b. c. d.

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human cognitions and emotions. premodern cultures. the distribution of scarce resources. society and human behavior.

4. The first sociology department in the U.S. was founded at: a. Harvard University. b. Chicago University.

c. Yale University. d. Princeton University.

5. Identify the name of the first university in the U.S. to teach a sociology course. a. Harvard University. b. Chicago University.

c. Yale University. d. Princeton University.

6. When sociologists’ group people into categories based on age, gender, or educational level, they are trying to determine which of the following? a. Social network. b. Social location.

c. social personality. d. social skills.

7. The sociological perspective emphasizes how the social context influences people’s lives, particularly how people are influenced by a. random chance events. b. geographical location.

c. inherited genetic structure. d. society.

8. According to the handout “Development of U.S. Sociology”, American sociology is presently in which stage? ANSWER= STAGE 1

9. The Wall Street Journal has declared that the three greatest modern thinkers were: a. Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein. b. Max Weber, B. F. Skinner, J. Edgar Hoover. c. Karl Marx, Louis Pasteur, Albert Einstein. d. Frank Lloyd Wright; Jonas Salk; Sigmund Freud. 10. __________ harnesses the sociological perspective for the public good.


a. Basic sociology b. Experimental sociology

c. Public sociology d. Classical sociology

11. __________ pursues sociological knowledge for its own sake. a. Basic sociology b. Experimental sociology

c. Public sociology d. Classical sociology

12. Core concepts in this theory include exploitation, false consciousness, class consciousness, resources, and inequality. a. b. c. d.

Order theory. Conflict theory. Classical sociology. Basic sociology.

13. What did Robert Merton call the intended beneficial consequences of people’s actions? a. Manifest functions. b. Latent functions.

c. Balancing functions. d. Dysfunctions.

14. What did this same sociologist call the negative consequences of people’s actions? a. b. c. d.

Manifest functions. Latent functions. Balancing functions. Dysfunctions.

15. Sociologists who analyze how social life depends on the ways that people define themselves and others are most likely a. functionalists. b. ethnomethodologists.

c. symbolic interactionists. d. conflict theorists.

16. Why do women not figure more prominently among early sociologists? a. There were no early female sociologists. b. Once sociology became a recognized academic discipline, men in academic positions decided that women engaged in social reform were not legitimate sociologists. c. In no field has sexism been more evident than in sociology. d. The field of sociology seemed neither rigorous enough nor relevant enough to attract women. 17. This early sociologist likened society to a living organism, and coined the expression “survival of the fittest. ANSWER= HERBERT SPENCER

18. This sociologist stressed the importance of understanding (verstehen), and advocated a valuefree approach to sociology. ANSWER= MAX WEBER

19. An early social reformer, this sociologist made important contributions to the field of social work and in 1931 won the Nobel Peace Prize. ANSWER= JANE ADDAMS


20. The first African American to earn a doctorate from Harvard University, who spent his lifetime studying race relations in America and was one of the founders of the NAACP. ANSWER= W.E.B Du BOIS

21. Ahead of his time, this American sociologist warned of the increasing dangers of the power elite. Answer= Charles Wright Mills. 22. Besides applying the scientific method to the social world, this individual is credited with the being the “founder” of sociology. Answer= Auguste Comte 23. What is the relationship between theory and research, according to C. Wright Mills? a. b. c. d.

Research and theory should never interact. Theory is always to be considered superior to research. Theory without research is abstract and empty. Research is always to be considered superior to theory.

24. What is the first step in the research model? a. b. c. d.

Reviewing the literature. Sharing the results. Beginning the case study. Choosing the subject matter.

25. In the research model, specifying what it is that you want to learn about a topic happens during which of the following stages? a. Defining the problem. b. Reviewing the literature.

c. Sharing the results. d. Unobtrusive measures.

26. A(n) __________ predicts a relationship between or among variables. a. research design b. literature review

c. hypothesis d. aggregate

27. To collect data on your topic, you need to select the appropriate a. b. c. d.

publisher. findings. results. research method.

Matching (Research Methods). A. Survey

28. ___F_ Subjects are unaware they are being studied.

B. Participant Observation

29. ___A_ Interviews, questionnaires, and close-ended questions.

C. Documents

30. __D_ Control groups, causation.

D. Experiments

31. __C__ Police reports, photographs, and videos.

E. Secondary analysis

32. __B__ Also called “fieldwork”.

F. Unobtrusive measures

33. __E_ Collected by others.


Chapter 2 34. Nonmaterial culture refers to a group’s a. art. b. weapons.

c. ways of thinking and doing. d. eating utensils.

35. One thing that can be said about material culture is that a. it is “natural”. b. it includes gestures.

c. it includes a people’s language. d. there is nothing “natural” about it.

36. According to the text, who is ethnocentric? a. Everyone. b. Westerners over 50, but not under 50. c. Just those easterners who live in the Carolinas. d. Older people only. 37. To try to understand a culture on its own terms is called a. ethnocentrism. b. cultural relativism.

c. folklore. d. cultural education.

38. While in the Peace Corps, Kristina enjoyed a delicious Cambodian dinner that included several entrees. Later that evening she was told that one of the entrees was roast dog, the same canine Kristina was playing with the day before. At this point Kristina became ill and swore she would be a vegetarian as long as she was in Cambodia. Which statement MOST applies to Kristina’s experience? a. b. c. d.

Cultural education. Culture shock. A facet of globalization. Introduction to a new folkway.

39. In the video “Gestures Across Cultures”, the narrator traces the history of the extension of the middle finger as an obscene gesture back to World War II. a.


b. False

40. The main way humans communicate is through a. gestures. b. intermarriage.

c. language. d. artwork.

41. In the video “Does Language Shape How We Think”, the narrator says language and cognition are superficial, but culture runs deep. a.


b. False

42. In the video “Cultures, Subcultures, and Countercultures”, the primary determinant of which groups get relegated to a subgroup are usually those with less power. a.


b. False


43. In the same video, the narrator observes that the cornerstone issues of the counterculture movement of the 1960s have never enjoyed mainstream support in the U.S. a.


b. False

44. A place where norms are expected to be broken, such as the red light district of a city, is an example of what sociologists call a(n):ANSWER= MORAL HOLIDAY PLACE

45. An individual who comes to a class wearing nothing on the lower half of their body would be violating one of this society’s: ANSWER= FOLKWAY

46. An individual who violates one of these norms is viewed as unfit to live in society and likely to face banishment, imprisonment, or even death. ANSWER= NEGATIVE SACTION.

47. Which statement about the origin of values is true? a. b. c. d.

Essentially, values “just happen.” Values are unrelated to context in society. Values emerge out of the conditions that exist in a society. Individuals invent their own values.

48. Within a few blocks in midtown Manhattan, you can purchase a bagel with cream cheese, a hot dog, sushi, and a host of ethnic specialties. This range of culinary possibilities illustrates the process known as what? ANSWER= CULTURAL DIFFUSION

49. McDonald’s sells Quarter Pounders in Tokyo, Moscow, Paris, Berlin, and practically every other major city in the world. Mickey Mouse and Fred Flintstone are among the most popular cartoon figures in Mexico. These are examples of a. cultural folkways. b. cultural leveling.

c. value clusters. d. cultural universals.

Socialization 50. What term is used to describe children such as Viktor the “wild boy” of Averyon? a. Atavistic. b. Devolved.

c. Institutionalized. d. Feral.

51. Within the study of human societies, sociobiology is most closely allied with: a. b. c. d. 52.

Freudian psychology and psychoanalytic theory. Darwinian anthropology, human behavioral ecology, and evolutionary psychology. Cultural anthropology and ethnography. ego; id

What was Genie’s actual biological age when first discovered by the authorities ? a. Eight. b. Thirteen.

c. Ten. d. Six.


53. How many siblings did the young girl in #3 lose? Who was believed to be responsible for their deaths? ANSWER= SHE LOST 2 SIBLINGS, AND THE PERSON WHO PROBABLY CAUSED THE DEATHS WAS HER FATHER.

54. After several years of foster care, children in the study in Bucharest (discussed in the text) had __________ brain cells than children who stayed in the orphanage. a. more. b. smaller.

c. fewer. d. different shaped.

55. The term __________ was coined by Charles Horton Cooley a. b. c. d.

significant other. particular other. precocious child. looking-glass self.

56. When is the development of the self-concept finished? a. Childhood. b. Adolescence.

c. Middle adulthood. d. Never.

57. Mead stressed that we cannot think without __________, and that __________ gives us our symbols (language). a. society; reading b. symbols; society

c. symbols; reading d. society; instinct

58. The most basic of Piaget’s developmental stages is the ANSWER= THIRD STAGE

59. The balancing mechanism in our personality, as viewed by Freud, is our: ANSWER= EGO 60. In Freud’s terms, internalized culture is represented by the ANSWER= SUPEREGO 61. In Kohlberg’s theory, children in which stage are basically concerned just with themselves and do not seem to know the difference between right and wrong? ANSWER= AMORAL STAGE 62. Griselda got dolls and jewelry for presents. Her brother, Josue, got action figures and toy guns. Such a division in toys and play give children a. biological lessons. b. gender lessons.

c. gender neutral lessons. d. ethical lessons.

63. A significant sociological point about the life course is that it a. b. c. d.

is the same for rich and poor. affects the way you act and face life. is unaffected by gender. has no impact on your behavior.

Matching (Ch. 3: Agents of Socialization). A. Family

64. __C__ May lead to “smart but mean” children.


B. Religion

65. __D__ Comes somewhat later in life.

C. Daycare

66. _B___ Provides the foundation for morality.

D. Workplace

67. __E__ Predominates among preteens and teens.

E. School and Peer Groups

68. ___A_ First group to have major impact.


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