Study Guide Exam 3 from this new exam this PDF

Title Study Guide Exam 3 from this new exam this
Course Intro Physical Anthropology
Institution University of New Hampshire
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lecture notes that were taken this year throughout classes and from the PowerPoints that she provided...


Week 6: ● Medical anthropology: Rests on the belief that medicine and illness are also impacted by culture ● Applied and critical medical anthropology ● Magda A (her life story, and why we read about it) ● Biocultural approach: considers the cultural, environmental and biological aspects of health issues and how these interact within and across populations ○ Adaptive and maladaptive traits ● Health ○ Absence of disease ○ Presence of physical, mental, and social well-being ● Disease ○ Medical condition ○ Definable and identifiable ○ Can be observed, measured ○ Treatable by health professional ● Illness ○ Patients experience of sickness ○ How one feels, thinks, talks about it, experiences it ○ Culturally defined understanding of disease (culture-bound syndrome, somatic) ● Ethno-etiology: cultural explanations for the underlying causes of health issues ○ Personalistic vs. naturalistic ● Biomedicine vs. ethnomedicine ○ Biomedicine “western medicine”: apply principles of biology natural sciences to diagnosing and treating disease ■ Illnesses are a result of identifiable agents ■ (past) assumptions of biomedicine ● Tends to separate mind and body (and body from social experiences) ● Knowledge of biomedicine is based on objective fact ● Biomedicine is universally applicable ○ Ethno-medicine: comparative study of cultural ideas about wellness, illness, and healthy ■ Medical practices and beliefs of a particular group of people ■ Local systems of health and healing ● Naturalistic ethno-etiologies ● Personalistic ethno-etiologies ● Culture-bound syndromes ● Somatization ● Placebo effect ● Disease as “socially embedded”: can be explained by cultural factors-political, economic, religious ● People: ○ Paul Farmer in Haiti: Applied medical anthropology

Medical detector and anthropologist ● Applied medical anthropology ● Critical medical anthropology ■ Disease is “socially embedded” ■ Partners in health: health care is a human right-much can be done about global inequalities in health ○ Didier Fassin ● Film Clips: ○ Paul Farmer: This I Believe Week 7: Language and Communication ● Language ● Animal/human communication ● Unique characteristics of human language ● Silence and communication ● Descriptive linguistics ● Phonemes: “c” or “b” ● Morphemes: “cat” or “bat” ● Syntax: “my cat” vs. “gato mio” ● Focal vocabulary ● Socio-linguistics: The study of the way in which culture shapes language, language shapes culture, and particularly the intersection of language with cultural categories/systems of power like race, gender, class, and age ● Sapir-Whorf hypothesis: language is a shaping force which predisposes people to see the world in a certain way, guides their thinking and behavior ○ Different languages=different ways of thinking ● Paralanguage/Kinesics ○ Ex: Power-posing ● iHunch ● Pidgin: simplified, makeshift ● Creole: when pidgin becomes mother tongue (Haiti) ● “Code switching”/diglossia: when speakers move back and forth between groups/settings-language shifts and changes too ● People: ○ Keith basso ■ “To give up on words...” ■ Cultural and linguistic anthropologist ● University of NM ■ Communicating across cultural boundaries can lead to many misunderstandings and uncertainties ○ Amy cuddy ○ Benjamin whorf ○ Edward sapir ○ Stefan zwanzger ● Film clips:

○ Tedtalk by amy cuddy Week 8: Subsistence and Economic Systems ● Economy ● Economic systems: pattern of relations and institutions that humans construct to help collectively meet the needs of the community, to acquire food ● Production: produces goods and services ● Distribution: of goods to members of socity ● Consumption: eating, using, wearing, etc. of goods ● Modes of production/Subsistence systems: “a set of social relations through which labor is deployed to wrest energy from nature by means of tools, skills, organization, and knowledge” ● Foraging (hunting-gathering) ● Pastoralism ● Horticulture ● Agriculture: domestication of plants and animals ● Non-market vs. market systems ● Nomadism ● Transhumance ● Slash and burn agriculture ● Shifting cultivation ● Redistribution (and examples) ● Generalized reciprocity (and examples) ● Balanced reciprocity (and examples) ● Hxaro ● Negative reciprocity (and examples) ● Moral economy ● Triangle trade ● Core vs. periphery ● Commodity chain ● “Social life of things” ● People/films: ○ Jared diamond ○ Planet money makes a t-shirt Week 9: Kinship and Marriage ● Kinship ● Family (of orientation vs. procreation) ● Nuclear family ● Extended family ● Joint family ● Affines ● Cognates ● Matrilineal descent ● Patrilineal descen ● Unilineal descent

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Bilateral descent Bari ideas about descent Kinship charts Marriage Monogamy Serial monogamy Polygamy Polygyny Polyandry Fraternal polyandry Arranged marriages Companionate marriages Walking marriages Uxorilocal residence virilocal residence Neolocal residence Exogamy Endogamy Bride wealth Bride service Dowry people/films: ○ Film clips from lecture/class ○ Meredith small ○ Melvyn goldstein...

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