Exam 2 Study Guide PDF

Title Exam 2 Study Guide
Course Introduction To Ethnic Studies
Institution Sam Houston State University
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Study guide notes taken during Professor Nguyen's class ...


1) When and how did the first African Americans arrive in the US? 1619 Dutch ship introduced slavery to colonial Jamestown Virginia 2) Native Americans population decline (250,000 75% OR 95%) by 1890 75% Because of disease and warfare 3) Which southwest state retained some measure of political power and clout in the 20th century New Mexico( 1912) 4) Noel Hypothesis’s three features ethnocentrism, competition, differential in power 5) Blauner Hypothesis Is that minority groups created by colonization will experience more intense prejudice, racism, and discrimination than those created by immigration. 6) Assimilation and integration for colonized groups VS immigrant groups according to Blauner a. Experienced more intense prejudice, racism, discrimination The disadvantaged status will persist longer b. Colonized group—forced into minority status by the dominant group cultures/assimilation is extremely difficult and forbidden by//visible racial or physical characteristics c. Immigrant minority groups—voluntary movement (enclave and middleman minority groups) d. Resources/more opportunities/some opportunities closed/intermediate status 7) Racial or ethnic stratification under the first contact situation ethnic stratification-determines dominant-minority The key variable—power Native American—balance of power White indentured servants—be favored, greater desirability, bargain and negotiate AA—be forced, no nearby relatives, no bargaining power, no knowledge 8) What are the three minority groups created during the pre-industrial era? Africa A+ Mexican A+ Native A 9) What is the definition of ethnocentrism Judge other groups, societies, or lifestyles By the standard of one’s own cultures

10) Which feature of Noel hypothesis explains why Africans were selected to be slaves over Native Americans or white indentured servants Ethnocentrism 11) Describe some of the characteristics of the four areas of Mexican Americans in the early 1800s Sparsely settled in New Mexico most + in villages and small towns, farms and ranches + economy: farming herding + political life: family, church, wealthy landowners. Characteristics:P116 1) Texas: 1800s feel first effect of US expansion to the West farmland—Anglo immigrated, outnumbered Mexico, a successful rebel (revolution) that time, Competition was muted by abundant land and opportunities, general tone: cooperation the 1840s, war broke out, Mexico defeated, treaties signed—intense competition, become conquered and minority group lost land and political power 1) In California the gold rush of 1849 spurred a massive population movement from the east Early relations: cordial, multiethnic, bilingual state Laws encourage, lost land and power, Anglo controlled the court system, Californios can’t argue their cases in English-speaking court 2) In Arizona and New Mexico: In Arizona: most Mexicans were immigrants and seeked work In New Mexico: large size and skills for political activity 12. California and Texas’ annexation. 1845-texas 1849-1850-cali 13. When was the gold rush? 1849 14. Mexican Americans are considered immigrant or colonized minority? Colonized 15. American Indians are considered immigrant or colonized? Colonized 16. What is the single most important factor to creating race or ethnic stratification of a group?

power 17. What is subsistence technology? Or the other names for it? Agargian society 18. When was slavery defined in law and custom? By the 1750s, slavery had been clearly defined in law and it’s custom by 1660s, First slave laws were enacted 19. What is the main cause of the origins of slavery in America? The labor supply problem 20. Residential segregation of African Americans compared to other minority groups It was the highest 21. When compared to the Non-Hispanic Whites, how are the African Americans’ jobs and incomes? it’s just a fraction and it’s very unequal 22. Describe the African American’s unemployment experiences after the 2008 recession It increased

23. Is race, social class, age, or sex the most important feature of a person’s identity and determinant of life changes according to the textbook Race 24. The African American population is less cohesive these days. What is the possible main reason for the lessening of solidarity in the African American Community?

Greater class differentiation within the African American community may decrease cohesion and solidarity, great income inequality 25. What is the sentence for powdered cocaine and crack cocaine? 25 years 26. Is there slavery in the modern age Yes, forced into sex slavery 27. How is the net worth of the African American middle class versus the white middle class who are college educated? Disadvantage; huge differentials, 70000 vs 17000 4 56000 vs 8000 7 28. Describe the composition of family households since 1970-2010 They tripled 29. Where are African Americans most concentrated. Neighborhoods and midwest 30. What factors helped the civil rights movement to be successful? (changing subsistence technology )industrialization&urbanization, Post WWII economic affluence; increased resourced, goals, the outside support, media 31. What became the unintentional result of the national “get tough” policies on drug users? War-on-drugs 32. What is de facto segregation? On the surface; disguised form; from voluntary choice; racial inequality and separation 33. The decline in manufacturing sector resulted in the loss of jobs for which minority groups? African Americans P167immigrant minority groups 34. The fate of the cities (the urban areas) is tied to which minority group that we studied? African-Americans 35. Which group promoted racial separation idea? African Americans—THE BLACK MUSLINS 36. What is urban underclass? African Americans and other minority groups of color+ marginalized and separated from economic mainstream

Differences couldn’t be explained by personal characteristics training+ American faith in the power of hard work alone is wrong+ what really matters was not what you know but who you know+ access to jobs is controlled by network and not decidedly to everyone 37. What is culture of poverty theory? family institution and the culture of poverty (broken and female-leaded family lead to poverty ) The composition of family households Culture of poverty theory—poverty is perpetuated by the particular characteristics of the poor (fatalism and the need for instant gratification) Poverty problem can be resolved if these family structure and characteristics could be changed Consistent with traditional assimilation perspective and human capital theory—the poor have bad values 38. “Bad values” is associated with which theory? human capital theory 39. Unemployment rate for African Americans compared to European-Americans higher chances 40. National “get tough” on drugs policies affected which minority group the most? African-Americans 41. Compare the African American children’s rate of poverty to European American poverty and to African American women’s poverty rate. High levels 42. Nonviolent civil disobedience was a philosophy for which movement? The central tactic// in the streets//adopted from the tenets of Christianity //confront the evil force instead or pople//win the friendship and respect from enemies//require courage and discipline The civil rights movement (organized effort in the 1950s and 1960s to end de jure segregation in the south ) Brown v. Board of education of Topeka in 1954(racially separate facilities such as school— unconstitutional). It changed the law and reject (de jure segregation) the Jim crow segregation 43. What is the findings on Royster’s research on African Americans and white graduates of a trade school? closed network and racial exclusion The difference can not be explained by personal characteristics or training, the whites graduates had access to networks of referrals and recruitment that linked then to the job market (not available the black)

44. What is the poverty rate for African Americans compared to whites The poverty rate for African American families runs about 2.5 to 3 times higher than the rate for whites 45. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 legally ended what? P157 JIM CROW SEGREGATION+ jure segregation+ state-sponsored racial discrimination 46. Why were the Native Americans not enslaved or used as labor during the colonial times according to the Noel Hypothesis? the local tribes have dwindled for disease and warfare//have enough power to resist//easy to escape back//the first decades, balance of power//well-organized 47. How was African Americans acculturated into the Anglo-Saxon culture? (interracial contact) Centuries of cultural domination and separate development have created a unique black experience (Shared language, religion, values, beliefs, and norms with the dominant society but with distinct variations///The acculturation process may have been slowed (or even reversed) by the Black Power movement) 48. In 1763, the British Crown declared which group to be “sovereign nations”? NATIVE AMERICAN 49. What was the first contact like for the Mexican Americans according to the Noel and Blauner Hypothesis? They became a colonized minority and their status was lowered 50. Modern slavery and compensation. Is it considered slavery if there is compensation? YES...

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