Exam 2 Study Guide PDF

Title Exam 2 Study Guide
Author Anonymous User
Course Geosciences in the Cinema
Institution Purdue University
Pages 2
File Size 87.5 KB
File Type PDF
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EAPS 106, Geosciences in the Cinema Exam 2 Study Guide You should know the following from the lectures: Unit 4 - Tsunamis 1. The process by which subduction zone earthquakes cause tsunamis 2. Whether strike-slip earthquakes can cause tsunamis 3. How tsunami and wind-blown waves differ 4. The characteristics of a tsunami waves in deep water compared to shallow water 5. What a boat in the middle of the ocean will experience if a tsunami wave passes beneath 6. When water waves will typically break 7. Whether the San Andreas Fault has the ability to cause a large tsunami 8. Why being a good swimmer is probably not going to save you from a tsunami 9. Why inlets are particularly dangerous places during a tsunami 10. Whether Japan should have anticipated the wave heights of the 2011 tsunami 11. How we know about past tsunamis in Japan and along the Washington/Oregon coast 12. About how many people have been killed by tsunamis in the past 1000 years. 13. What it might mean if you feel shaking near the shore in terms of tsunami potential 14. Why the sea level sometimes drops before a tsunami arrives 15. Why it is dangerous to return to the shore after a tsunami wave 16. What a tsunami seawall is 17. How long it takes a tsunami wave to cross the Pacific Ocean 18. The reasons why so many people died around the Indian ocean due to the 2004 tsunami 19. How the DART tsunami early warning system works 20. Which process has the potential to cause the largest tsunamis 21. What caused the largest tsunami runup in the past 100 years 22. How the Hawaiian Islands generate tsunamis 23. The most likely cause of a tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean 24. What caused the tsunami that killed 36,000 people in Indonesia in 1883 25. The likely effects of a 10-km-diameter asteroid hitting the Gulf of Mexico today Unit 5 - Volcanoes 26. The difference between magma and lava 27. The tectonic settings where the different types of volcanism are found 28. That the mantle is not a subsurface ocean of magma because its temperature is less than its melting temperature 29. What processes will cause already hot, but not yet melted rocks, to melt 30. What causes hot rocks to melt at subduction zones 31. What the Ring of Fire refers to 32. Why there are fewer volcanoes in the southwest US compared to the northwest 33. What causes hot rocks to melt at hot spots 34. Where hot spot plumes originate from 35. Where hot spot plumes begin to melt 36. Why hot spot volcanism leads to a chain of volcanoes 37. Where hot spot tracks are found 38. What an effusive volcanic eruption is 39. Why pressure builds in magma as it rises near the surface 1

40. What volcanic ash is 41. What viscosity is a measure of 42. The kind of volcano low viscosity magma will lead to 43. The tallest mountain on Earth measured from its base to its top 44. How stratovolcanoes form 45. Which combinations of magma viscosity and gas content lead to effusive and explosive eruptions 46. How a cinder cone forms 47. The factors that influence how much gas pressure can build up below the surface of a volcano 48. The four main types of eruptions and their relative explosiveness 48. About how many volcano-related deaths have occurred in the past 500 years 49. Which volcanic hazard cause the most and least fatalities near a volcano 50. That volcanic flows can sometimes be stopped by spraying water on them or redirecting them 51. The characteristics of volcanic ash 52. The characteristics of volcanic pumice 53. What a pyroclastic flow is 54. That pyroclastic flows can sometimes be directed away from populated areas 55. What a lahar is 56. How volcanic gases lead to lakes of acid 57. Whether volcanic eruptions can be predicted 58. What harmonic tremors are Unit 6 – Volcano Catastrophes 59. Why the destruction of Pompeii in 79 AD is so remarkable 60. The kind of volcano that Mount Vesuvius is 61. The kind of volcanic process that created Mount Vesuvius 62. How Pompeii was preserved for 2000 years 63. How the bodies of the Pompeii dead were recovered after 2000 years 64. Who Pliny the Younger was 65. What a volcano cannot look like before an explosive eruption 66. What the Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI) scale is a measure of 67. The relative difference in size of eruptions at different VEI levels 68. Why Yellowstone is considered a hidden supervolcano 69. Why geysers erupt but hot springs do not 70. How we know Yellowstone is a hot spot 71. How calderas form 72. How many large explosive eruptions have occurred at Yellowstone in the last 2.1 million years 73. The evidence that indicates past large explosive volcanic eruptions at Yellowstone 74. How much of the United States was covered by ash from Yellowstone supereruptions 75. How the current size of the magma chamber under Yellowstone is measured 76. How we monitor pressure changes in a magma chamber 77. That Yellowstone has also experienced large lava flows 78. What is noteworthy about Iceland’s volcanoes 79. The global consequences of large explosive volcanic eruptions 80. The connection between the Tambora eruption and monsters 81. Why the Toba eruption was an important event in human history 82. The consequences of a supereruption at Yellowstone today 83. What giant flood basalts are and where they originate from 84. Why giant flood basalts may have caused extinction events 2...

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