Exam 2 Study Guide web PDF

Title Exam 2 Study Guide web
Author Jacob Hermann
Course Management of Organizations
Institution Louisiana Tech University
Pages 3
File Size 72.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 96
Total Views 138


Exam 2 study guide. very helpful. Dr. Marcia Dickerson taught this class.
not a midterm, nothing is comprehensive in this class....


MGMT 310 Exam 2 Study Guide Fall 2018

Exam 2 will be on Wednesday, October 10. It will cover Chapters 5, 7, 8, and part of 9. You will need to bring a small green scantron sheet and a pencil. The exam is worth 100 points. There will be 12 points of short answer (8 questions) and 88 points of multiple choice (44 questions worth 2 points each). Below are the topics you’ll need to know for the exam. Remember that I write my exams from my lecture slides, and that you should use your book as a resource.

Chapter 5                

Know what planning is and why it works Understand that goals should be difficult, specific, and that you should be committed to them to be successful Know that manager-set goals can be as effective as self-set goals The difference between single-use plans and standing plans Know that strategic plans are created by top-level managers and span 3 – 7 years Know the difference between tactical and operational plans Identify the definition of a mission statement Know the elements of a SWOT analysis Recognize an example of vertical integration Understand diversification and the elements of the Boston Consulting Group chart Differentiate among cost leadership, differentiation, and focus business strategies Differentiate between programmed and non-programmed decisions Understand the distinctions between maximizing, satisficing, and optimizing Recognize an example of the psychological bias of discounting the future Know at least one advantage and one disadvantage of using groups to make decisions Understand that constructive conflict is good for decision making

Chapter 7        

Recognize the definition of an organization chart Be able to contrast the mechanistic and organic organizational structures Recognize the definition of accountability Be able to list two advantages and two disadvantages of delegating Know that differentiation occurs because of the division of labor and specialization Be able to define specialization (beyond just saying that it’s when someone specializes) Recognize the definition of integration Define a centralized and a decentralized organization

       

Know the trend in the hierarchy of organizational structures and span of control Recognize an example of span of control Understand why some people have informal authority Recognize the difference between line and staff departments Define departmentalization Recognize advantages and disadvantages of the three types of departmentalization: functional, divisional, and matrix Recognize examples and definitions of standardization, formalization, coordination by plan, and mutual adjustment Know that a divisional organization (departmentalization) can be divided based on product, customer, or geography

Chapter 8                         

Understand how HR can create a competitive advantage through people Recognize the definition of HR planning and that the goal is to avoid a surplus or shortage of labor Recognize an example of demand forecasting and supply of labor forecasting Recognize the definition of job analysis, job description, and job specification Be able to give an advantage and disadvantage each of internal and external recruiting Be able to distinguish between reliability and validity of selection tests Know the difference between criterion-related validity and content validity Be able to list at least one selection test that is high in validity and one that is low in validity (but is still important to use) Understand why reference checks and recommendations aren’t usually very useful for selection Know what a performance test is in selection Understand why structured interviews are better than unstructured interviews Be able to recognize the five personality dimensions and which one is most important for most jobs Know the difference between overt and personality-based integrity tests Know the difference between layoffs and termination Recognize an example of outplacement Know that needs assessment in an important first step in training Know the difference between disparate treatment and disparate impact Understand who is protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Recognize the difference between quid pro quo and hostile environment sexual harassment Know that sexual harassment must be unwelcome to be illegal Know what 360 degree performance appraisal is Who the Age Discrimination in Employment Act protects Recognize what pay level is Know which benefits are legally required Recognize the concept of the collective bargaining process

Chapter 9 (we’ll only cover the first half of chapter 9)     

Understand what is involved in affirmative action and to which organizations it applies Recognize the advantages of managing diversity Recognize how lower cohesiveness is a challenge to overcome in diversity Know the difference between a monolithic, a pluralistic, and a multicultural organization Know the definition of mentoring

You won’t need to know the last three bullet points on chapter 9....

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