Exam 2013, questions - Past exam PDF

Title Exam 2013, questions - Past exam
Course Phonetics and Phonology
Institution University of Westminster
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UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages Semester Two 2012-2013

Module Code:


Module Title:

Phonetics and Phonology




Friday 10 May, 2013 10:00-13:00

Time Allowed:

3 Hours

Instructions to Candidates: You are required to answer ALL questions (Questions 1 to 4). You are advised to spend no longer than forty-five minutes on each question. All questions carry the same number of marks.


1LIN515 Phonetics and Phonology Examination Paper 2012-2013 Time allowed: 3 Hours 1. English phonetics: description of sounds a) Give the appropriate description for each of the following consonant phonetic symbols: [ŋ]



b) Give the appropriate phonetic symbol for each of the following consonant descriptions: i) Voiced dental nasal stop ii) Voiced palatal approximant iii) Voiceless palato-alveolar fricative c) Give the appropriate description for each of the following phonetic symbols for RP vowels, using cardinal vowels as reference points wherever possible: [ʊ]



d) Give the appropriate phonetic symbol for each of the following descriptions of RP vowels: i) The long, low, back, unrounded vowel ii) The long, high, front, unrounded vowel iii) The short, low-mid, back, rounded vowel e) Draw a vowel space diagram and plot: i) All the cardinal vowels, and ii) The RP vowels in sections (c) and (d) above. 2. The Phonemic Principle The following data is from Korean. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi)

[tal] [kɛda] [sada] [tʃada] [thal] [khɛda]

‘moon’ ‘fold’ ‘buy’ ‘sleep’ ‘mask’ ‘dig’

a) Are the segments [t] and [d] realisations of the same phoneme, or of different phonemes? Page 1 of 3

1LIN515 Phonetics and Phonology Semester 2 2012-2013 Exam Friday10th May, 2013

b) Are the segments [t] and [th] realisations of the same phoneme, or of different phonemes? Fully justify your answers with reference to the criteria which constitute the Phonemic Principle. 3. Phonemic Analysis and Phonological Rules a) Consider the distribution of [r] and [l] in Korean in the following words. Are [r] and [l] allophones of one or two phonemes? rubi kir-i saram irum-i ratio i) ii) iii) iv)

‘ruby’ ‘road’ ‘person’ ‘name’ ‘radio’

mul pal sǝul ilgop ibalsa

‘water’ ‘arm’ ‘Seoul’ ‘seven’ ‘barber’

Do they occur in any minimal pairs? Are they in complementary distribution? In what environments does each occur? If you conclude that they are allophones of one phoneme, state the rule that can derive the phonetic allophonic forms.

b) Here are some additional data from Korean: son som sosəl sɛk isa sal

‘hand’ ‘cotton’ ‘novel’ ‘colour’ ‘moving’ ‘flesh’

ʃihap ʃilsu ʃipsam ʃinho maʃita oʃip

‘game’ ‘mistake’ ‘thirteen’ ‘signal’ ‘is delicious’ ‘fifty’

i) Are [s] and [ʃ] allophones of the same phoneme, or is each an allophone of a separate phoneme? Give your reasons. ii) If you conclude that they are allophones of one phoneme, state the rule that can derive the phonetic allophones. 4. The Syllable Look at the following phonemic representations of English words, and answer all the questions below: /ə1raɪv/ /2ʌn1truːθfəl/ /2priːdɪ1lɛkʃən/ /1fʊt2bɔːl/ /1sprɪŋkəl/ /prə1ʤɛkt/

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arrive untruthful predilection football sprinkle project

1LIN515 Phonetics and Phonology Semester 2 2012-2013 Exam Friday10th May, 2013

i) Draw a syllable structure tree for each of the above (your trees should include timing slots). ii) For each of the above, say how it is syllabified, and why alternative syllabifications are disallowed. Your answer should refer to factors such as English phonotactics and the principle of Maximal Onset. iii) For each of the above, say why the primary stress falls where it does.   

Note that primary and secondary stress are indicated by means of the diacritics ‘1’ and ‘2’, placed at the beginning of the relevant syllable. Your answers should refer to as many of the following factors as are appropriate in each case: syntactic category, syllable weight and morphological structure. When referring to syllable weight, you should say in what precise sense a syllable is light or heavy.


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1LIN515 Phonetics and Phonology Semester 2 2012-2013 Exam Friday10th May, 2013...

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