Exam 2016, questions PDF

Title Exam 2016, questions
Course Poverty, Gender and Development
Institution University of Hull
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School of Social Sciences Level 6 Examination Semester 1 2015/16

Poverty, Gender and Development

2 Hours Answer ONE question from Section 1 (50%) Answer TWO questions from Section 2 (50%)

You should answer all compulsory questions. If you do not attempt to answer a compulsory question you will receive a mark of 0 for that question. If you have a choice of questions and you answer more than you are asked to, your answers will be marked in the order that the questions appear on the examination question paper. Any additional questions that you attempt will not be marked. You should cross out any questions which you attempt but do not wish to be marked. Do not open or turn over this exam paper, or start to write anything until told to by the Invigilator. Starting to write before permitted to do so may be seen as an attempt to use Unfair Means.


EXAM QUESTIONS: Section I - Essay Question (approximately 1500 words) Answer ONE of the following: 1. This is an open question and you are expected to develop your own focus, structure and analyses and state these clearly in your introduction: Considering a contemporary example of a ‘global crisis’ (e.g. a political conflict/war, or an environmental issue, or an economic crisis, or a health/disease crisis etc.) what connections do you see between the crisis you have chosen to focus on and experiences of development and underdevelopment, gender, power and inequalities in our globalised world? 2. Is Colonialism a thing of the past? In your answer consider the connections between colonialism, contemporary political/economic domination of nations and processes of modernisation/development in the post-World War II period. 3. What is the point of GAD? Choosing your own area(s) of focus and example(s) to illustrate your arguments, explain why a gendered analysis of development policies and processes matters. 4. What are the (gendered) impacts of ‘structural adjustment policies’ (now termed Poverty Reduction & Growth Facilities) in the majority/developing world? 5. Should and could global debt be cancelled? In your answer consider the causes and consequences of the debt crisis for the Global South. 6. Development begins at home. Discuss this statement in relation to GAD concerns about the importance of community and household level development. 7. Provide a gender analysis of working conditions in Free Trade Zones and New Market Factories. In your answer consider why female labour is cheap and how working conditions can become ‘feminised’ for both male and female factory workers. Section II - Short Answers Answer TWO of the following four questions. Each answer should be approximately 500 words in length. Each answer can take the form of bullet points or clear notes with appropriate referencing. You are not expected to provide complete essay style answers but rather provide a series of the most relevant key points. 1. Explain the key arguments of Modernisation theory and the Dependency critiques of Modernisation. 2. Compare and contrast Women in Development (WID) and Gender and Development (GAD). 3. When considering the ‘Green Revolution’ and agricultural commercialization, what is meant by the terms ‘housewifisation’, ‘masculinisation’ and ‘proletarianisation’? 4. List the key arguments/positions of Ecofeminism versus Feminist Environmentalism 36113

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