Exam 4 June, answers PDF

Title Exam 4 June, answers
Course Real Estate
Institution Prince Sultan University
Pages 10
File Size 532.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 44
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String ---1

Whi c hi st hebes twayt odel et eunr ef er encedv ar i abl es ? 

Del et et hem onebyonef r om t heVar i abl espanel .Ui Pat hSt udi oper f or mst hewor kflow val i dat i oni nr ealt i me,t her ef or eyoucanseewhi chvar i abl ei sbei ngused.

Youcanmanageyourvar i abl esf r om t heDesi gnpanel >ManageVar i abl es>Remov e Unr ef er enced. Theunr ef er encedv ar i abl esdonotut i l i sememor y ,t her ef or ey oudonothav et odel et e

 t hem.

I st her eanywayt ohi det heex ec ut i onofoneact i v i t yi nt hel ogs ? 

Yes,bychecki ngt hePr i v at epr oper t yoft heact i vi t yt hati st obehi dden. 1

No,butt hel ogscanbemanual l yedi t ed.

Yes,bychangi ngt hemi nLev el pr oper t yoft he“ Ex ecut i on”l oggerf r om NLog. c onfigfil e.

Whi c hact i v i t yi sus edt oc al lanot herpi eceofaut omat i on? 

OpenAppl i cat i on

I nvok eWor kflowFi l e1

Fl owchar t .

Wher ec ant hel oggi ngl ev elofar obotbec hangedf r om? 

Ther obots et t i ngs ,whi char eaccessedvi at heUi Pat hRoboti coni nt heSy st em t r ay .

Or chest r at or ,i nt heEdi tRobotsect i on,t heSet t i ngst ab.1

Youcannotc hanget hel oggi ngl ev el .

Whati st hebes tpr ac t i c et os t opanongoi ngj obi nOr ches t r at or ? 

Thepr ocessc anonl ys t oponi t sown.

Bycancel l i ngi tandusi ngaShoul dSt opact i vi t yi nsi det hewor kflow. 1

Byt er mi nat i ngi t .

Wher ec any out r i ggeranunat t endedr obotf r om?Sel ec tal lt heopt i ons t hatappl y . 

TheUi Pat hRoboti coni nt hes yst em t r ay

Ui Pat hSt udi o

Remot el y ,f r om Or chest r at or 2

Whenr eques t i ngawor ki t em f r om Or c hes t r at orQueuesusi ngt heGet Tr ans act i onI t em ac t i v i t y ,y ouneedt os pec i f yt hef ol l owi ng: 

Thenameoft heQueuewhi chcont ai nst hatspeci ficwor ki t em

Thenameoft heQueueandt henumberofi t emst ober et r i ev ed

Thenameoft heQueue,t henumberofi t ems,andafil t er i ngexpr essi on2

I nwhi c hwor k flowi nt heUi Pat hRobot i cEnt er pr i s eFr amewor kt empl at e i st heTr ans act i onNumbergl obalv ar i abl ei nc r ement edbydef aul t ?

Pr ocesswor kflow

Set Tr ansact i onSt at uswor kflow1

Get Tr ansact i onDat awor kflow

Whi l eaut omat i ngani ns t al l at i onwi z ar d,apopupwi ndowmayormay notappear .Whatc any ouus et oc l os et hewi ndowwi t houts t oppi ngt he wor k flow? 

UseaCl i ckact i vi t yi nsi deaTr yCat chact i vi t y .

UseaCl i ckact i vi t ywi t ht heCont i nueOnEr r orpr oper t ysett oTr ue.

 

UseaCl i ckact i vi t yandseti t sTi meout MSpr oper t yt o30.2 1&2&32

I nt heUi Pat hRobot i cEnt er pr i s eFr amewor kt empl at e,i faSy s t em Er r or i sencount er edi nt hePr oc es sTr ans ac t i ons t at eoft heMai nwor k fl ow, whi c hs t at ei sex ec ut ednex t ? 

GetTr ansact i onDat a

I ni t1

EndPr ocess

Howc any oupas sdat abet weenwor kfl ows ? 

Byusi ngar gument s.1

Byusi ngv ar i abl es .

Byusi ngapi pe.

I nUi Pat hRobot i cEnt er pr i s eFr amewor k ,whatar et het r ans i t i onsoft he I ni ts t at e ? 

I nt hecaseofSuccess,t het r ansi t i oni st ot heGetTr ansact i onDat as t at e.

I nt hecaseofSy st em Er r or ,t het r ansi t i oni st ot heI ni ts t at e.

I nt hecaseofSuccess,t het r ansi t i oni st ot hePr ocessTr ansact i onst at e.2

I nt hecaseofSy st em Er r or ,t het r ansi t i oni st ot heEndPr ocessst at e.

Oneoft hes t epsi ny ourpr oc es si st oaut hent i c at eonawebappl i cat i on. Howc any ouc hec ki ft hel ogi ns ucc eededornot ? 

Pl acet hel ogi nact i vi t i esi nsi deaTr y Cat chbl ock .Anex cept i oni st hr owni ncaseal ogi n pr obl em occur s.

UseanEl ementExi s tact i vi t yt ocheckwhet hert hel ogi nsucceededbys ear chi ngf oran el ementt hati sonl ydi spl ay edi nt hatcase.

Checkt her et ur nval ueoft heLogi nact i vi t y .2

Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngar er equi r edt ohav eeffic i entex ec ut i onof aut omat i onpr oj ect s ? 

Pr operex cept i onhandl i ng

Recov er yabi l i t i es2

 

Effect i v el oggi ngmechani sms 1&2&3i st r ue

I fal ar gei t em c ol l ect i oni spr oc es s edus i ngForEac h,whi c hac t i v i t y enabl esy out oeffic i ent l yex i tt hel oopaf t eras pec i fi cmoment ? 

Noact i vi t yc anbeused.I nst ead,y ouhav et ocr eat eaBool eanv ar i abl ebasedonwhi ch t heForEachl oopi sbr ok en

The“ Br eak”act i vi t yi st hemosts ui t abl ei nForEach1

AWhi l el oopshoul dbeusedi nst eadofForEach

Downl oadi ngar epor tf r om awebappl i c at i ont ak esav ar i abl eamountof t i me,butapopupwi ndowi ss hownwhent hedownl oadi sfi ni s hed.What s houl dy oudot oc heckwhet hert hefi l ehasbeenf ul l ydownl oaded bef or ec ont i nui ngt hepr oc es s ?

Uset heOnEl ementAppearact i vi t yandi ndi cat et hedownl oadpopupwi ndow1

Uset heEl ementExi stact i vi t yandi ndi cat et hedownl oadpopupwi ndow

Sett heWai t For Readypr oper t yt oCompl et e

Whatc ant heUi Pat hRobot i cEnt er pr i s eFr amewor kt empl at ebeus ed as ? 

Thest ar t i ngpoi ntf orev er yaut omat i onpr oj ect1

Acompl et el i br ar yf orf r ontoffic er obot s

Aconsumerofaqueuei nOr chest r at or

Whi c hQueueI t em pr oper t i escanbeusedt oc ont r olt heor deri nwhi c h t hei t emsar epr oc es s ed? 

I t emI nf or mat i on

Pr i or i t y

Deadl i ne

Post pone2

I nt heUi Pat hRobot i cEnt er pr i s eFr amewor kt empl at e,wher ec ant he Get AppCr edent i al swor k flowr et r i ev ec r edent i al sf r om? 

Or chest r at orAsset

Wi ndowsCr edent i alManager2

 

Userdi al og 1&2&31

Whatl ay outs houl dbeus edf orUInavi gat i onanddat apr ocess i ng? 

Fl owchar t


St at eMachi ne

Cons i dert hr eeGener i c Val uev ar i abl es ,v ar 1wi t ht hedef aul tv al ueof“ 3 appl es ” ,v ar 2wi t ht hedef aul tv al ueof“ 5mangos ” ,andt her es ul t ,whi c h i st heout putofanAs si gnAc t i v i t ywi t ht hev ar 1+v ar 2ex pr ess i on.What i st hev al ueoft her es ul t i ngv ar i 

Nul l

“ 8f r ui t s”


Er r or :“ I nputs t r i ngwasnoti nacor r ectf or mat ”

“ 3appl es5mangos ”1

Whatdi r ec t i onc ant hear gument sofawor k flowhav e ? 

I nar gument s.

Outar gument s

I n/ Outar gument s .1

Wher ec any out r i ggeranunat t endedr obotf r om?Sel ec tal lt heopt i ons t hatappl y . 

TheUi Pat hRoboti coni nt hes yst em t r ay

Ui Pat hSt udi o

Remot el y ,f r om Or ches t r at or1

Whathappensi ft her es ul tofat r ans ac t i oni snots et ? 

I ti saut omat i cal l ysett oSuccessf ul af t er24hour s

I ti saut omat i cal l ysett oFai l edaf t er24hour s

Thest at usi s“ I nPr ogr ess ”f or24hour s ,andt heni ts wi t chest oAbandoned1

Whatt y pesofas set sc anbes t or edi nOr ches t r at or ? 

Ar r ay ,Dat at abl e,Bool ,St r i ng

Bool ,St r i ng,I nt eger ,Cr edent i al1

I nt eger ,Passwor d,Gener i cVal ue,St r i ng

Youwantt obui l daDi s pat c herpr oc es st opopul at eanOr c hes t r at or Queuef orpar al l elpr oc es s i ngonmul t i pl er obot s .Whi chact i v i t yshoul d y ouus et oaddaqueuei t em f oreac hwor ki t em? 

AddQueueI t em 1

GetTr ansact i onI t em

AddTr ansact i onI t em

I nt heUi Pat hRobot i cEnt er pr i s eFr amewor kt empl at e,i nt heGet Tr ans act i onDat as t at eoft heMai nwor k flow,whathappensbef or et he nex tt r ans act i oni t em i sr et r i ev ed? 

Wechecki ft hepr evi oust r ansact i onhasbeencompl et ed2

Wechecki faki l l si gnal wassentf r om Or chest r at or

Wechecki fast opsi gnal wassentf r om Or chest r at or


Whi c hi sc ons i der edt obeoneoft hebes tpr ac t i c esr egar di ngt he pr oc es sfi nal i z at i on? 

Leav et heusedappl i cat i onsopen,sot hataper soncani nspectt her esul t

Leav et heappl i cat i oni ni t si ni t i als t at e,s ot hatwecanex ecut et hepr ocessagai n

Rest ar tt hemachi ne,sot hatanypot ent i alpr obl em c anbefix ed 2

Whati st hebes twa yofs c r api ngal ar ge,s el ect abl et ex ti naCi t r i x env i r onment ? 

UseaGetFul l Textact i vi t y .

Uset heMi cr osof tOCRengi ne.

Uset heGoogl eOCRengi ne.

Sel ectt heent i r et extandcopyi twi t ht heCopySel ect edTextact i vi t y .1

Thi si sar el i abl es el ec t orf orady nami cwebpage:webc t r li dx =' 144' t ag=' I MG' /

Tr ue

Fal se1

Whi c honeoft hes t at ement sbel owr egar di ngt heGet AppCr edent i al s wor k flowi nc l udedi nUi Pat hRobot i cEnt er pr i s eFr amewor ki st r ue ? 

I tfi r str eques t st hecr edent i alf r om user .

I tfi r stt r i est of et chacr edent i alf r om t heWi ndowsCr edent i al Manager .

I tfi r stt r i est of et chacr edent i alf r om Or chest r at or .1

Whati st hedi ffer enc ebet weenaCl i c kact i v i t ywhos eSi mul at eCl i c k pr oper t yi sc hec k edandanot heronewi t ht hes amepr oper t y uncheck ed? 

Theact i vi t ywi t hanenabl edSi mul at eCl i ckflagdoesnotcl i ckt het ar getel ement ,i tj us t si mul at est heact i on.

Theact i vi t ywi t ht heSi mul at eCl i ckflaguncheck edmov est hemousecur sorovert he t ar getel ement ,whi l et heonewi t ht heflagsetdoesnotmov et hemousecur sor .1

Ther ei snodi ffer ence-bot hcanbeusedi nsames cenar i os.

hi c hoft hef ol l owi ngs t at ement sar et r ue ?Sel ectal lt heopt i onst hat appl y . 

Youcannotusear ecor deri naCi t r i xenvi r onment

Ther ecor deri susedt ocr eat eask el et onf ort heUIaut omat i on

TheDeskt opr ecor dergener at espar t i al sel ect or s1

Wher es houl dc r edent i al sbes t or ed?Sel ec tal lt heopt i onst hatappl y . 

I nWi ndowsCr edent i al St or e.

I nOr chest r at or ,asasset s.1

Di r ect l yi nsi det hewor kflows ,asvar i abl es ....

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