Practice Exam June 2018, answers PDF

Title Practice Exam June 2018, answers
Course Human Biology
Institution University of Sydney
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EXAMINATION Semester 1 - Practice

BIOL1X08/MEDS1X01 Practice Human Biology EXAM WRITING TIME:

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What is the most common cause of postural hypotension? A. Pooling of blood in the feet B. Pooling of blood in the head C. Too much blood returning to the heart D. Too much blood leaving the heart


Cleavage stages of embryo development refer to stages from the zygote to the: A. 2-cell stage B. 4-cell stage C. Morula D. Blastocyst


Broad heritability is defined as A. The part of total phenotypic inheritance due to environmental variance B. The part of total phenotypic inheritance due to total genetic variance C. The part of total phenotypic inheritance due to maternal genetic variance D. The part of total phenotypic inheritance due to dominance genetic variance


The main function of lymph nodes is to: A. store lymph fluid and blood cells. B. store mature lymphocytes and macrophages. C. produce T-cells. D. filter the blood.


Which of the following statements about blood is CORRECT? A. Anaemia is solely a genetic disease of the blood. B. A person with blood type A has A-antibodies and B-antigens. C. Red blood cells make up most of the volume of the blood. D. Albumins and globulins are the major groups of blood proteins.


The thermic effect of food increases the basal metabolic rate by approximately A. 5% B. 10% C. 15% D. 20%


The conversion of food to useable energy in the body is about ___ efficient. A. 50% B. 30% C. 80% D. 65%


Which of the following statements about digestion is INCORRECT? A. The stomach secretes alkaline mucus to neutralize HCl and aid in digestion. B. The surface area of the small intestine is increased by the presence of circular folds, villi and microvilli. C. Bile salts emulsify fats, which can then be effectively digested by enzymes. D. When acid enters the duodenum, it secretes secretin, which signals the stomach wall to stop sending chyme into small intestine.


Oedema will develop when there is A. a decreased volume of fluid in the interstitial space. B. an increase in the pressure of blood in the capillaries. C. an increased plasma protein concentration in the blood. D. an increase in lymphatic drainage of the interstitial space.


In the figure, what is the structure labeled c?

A. B. C. D.

peritubular capillary. distal convoluted tubule. collecting duct. proximal convoluted tubule.


The tricuspid valve is closed A. while the left ventricle is contracting B. by the movement of blood from left atrium to right ventricle C. while right atrium is contracting D. when right ventricle is contracting


If a eukaryotic cell has a single set of chromosomes, it is called A. haploid. B. diploid. C. polyploid. D. uniploid


Consider a group of 100 individuals (50 couples), all of whom carry a Mendelianinherited recessive sickle-cell disease allele. If 200 children were born to these couples, what percentage of the children would, theoretically, be carriers like their parents? A. 10 B. 50 C. 75 D. 25


B-cells are cells which A. secrete antibodies B. are responsible for producing T-cells C. are found in the thymus D. divide to form macrophages


In the eyeball the lining layer that contains the sensory cells is called the A. Retina B. Choroid C. Sclera D. Malleus


For long term energy storage, the human body uses: A. Glucose B. Glycogen C. Fats D. ATP


The normal air pathway in the human respiratory system is A. pharynx- oesophagus-trachea-bronchus B. alveolus-bronchus-bronchiole-pharynx C. trachea-bronchus-alveolus-pharynx D. pharynx-trachea-bronchus-alveolus


Food intake and dietary patterns are influenced by: A. Geographical location B. Nutrition knowledge C. Food availability D. All of the above


In the diagram, the structures labelled I, J and K respectively are the

A. prostate, bladder and kidney B. uterus, bladder and ovary C. bladder, uterus and ovary D.uterus, oviduct and ovary 20

Antidiuretic hormone influences water reabsoption in the: A. glomerulus and the proximal convoluted tubule B. convoluted tubules and collecting duct. C. collecting duct. D. convoluted tubules.


The highest intake of fibre in the Australian population diet is from A. Vegetables B. Fruits C. Cereals and cereal products D. Meats and meat products


Which of the following groups accounts for the majority of microbial cells in the human gut? A. Viruses B. Methanogens C. Bacteria D. Fungi


The part of a neuron that conducts impulses away from the cell body is called a(n) A. axon B. dendrite C. neurolemma D. Schwann cell


Match the lymphatic organ with its function. 1. Tonsils: 2. Lymph nodes: 3. Spleen: 4. Thymus: V-Protect against bacteria from entering the pharynx from the nasal or oral cavity W-Filter lymph; house lymphocytes X-Destroy defective red blood cells; responds to foreign substances in the blood. Y-Site for the maturation of T cells. A. 1W, 4V, 2X, 3Y B. 1Y, 2V, 3W, 4X C. 1V, 2W, 3X, 4Y D. 1V, 2W, 3Y, 4X


Which of the following figures best depicts the number of female gametes over time?

A.Figure A B. Figure B C. Figure C D.Figure D 26

What is the normal tidal volume of a person at rest? A. 150 mL B. 250 mL C. 500 mL D. 750 mL


When describing someone as "lactose intolerant", you are describing their: A. genotype B. phenotype C. alleles D. genome


Carbohydrate digestion begins in the A. mouth B. oesophagus C. stomach D. small intestine


Which statement best describes glucose entry into muscle cells? A. active uptake by an SGLT transporter B. insulin dependent activation of a GLUT3 transporter C. glucose entry is regulated by glucagon D. diffusion through a GLUT4 transporter


Which of the factors below significantly limits the numbers of microbes in the lumen of the small intestine. A. Acid B. IgA C. Bile D. Fibre


You are looking down the microscope at cardiac muscle tissue. It has A. no striations, spindle shaped cells and multiple nuclei in the cells B. intercalated discs, branched fibres and striations C. multiple nuclei in each cells, non-branched fibres and striations D. spindle shaped cells, single nuclei in each cell and no striations


Spermatogenesis occurs within the _____ A. seminal vesicles B. seminiferous tubules C. spermatic cord D. sacrum


_____________ require(s) the presence of centrioles and spindle fibres in animal cells. A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. Both mitosis and meiosis D. Neither mitosis nor meiosis


During development, extra tissue (such as webbing between fingers and toes) is removed by the natural process of _________. A. apoptosis B. parturition C. differentiation D. senescence


A child theoretically, is free of microbes at birth. However, within a few weeks, the child will be covered by ____________________ because ________________. A. diverse communities of microbes, the surface of the skin is hugely variable and nutritious B. a limited diversity of microbes, insufficient time for microbes to arrive C. a small number of different microbes, the child is regularly washed and dried D. specific microbes only in limited regions of the skin surface, the child is receiving antimicrobial support in breast milk from the mother


What types of bonds are formed between complementary DNA bases? A. glycosidic bonds B. hydrogen bonds C. phosphodiester bonds D. covalent bonds


Which of the following genotypes would result in a person with the blood group B Rh+? A. IAIB Dd B. IBIB dd C. IAi Dd D. IBi Dd


In the cardiovascular system A. resistance to blood flow is lowest in the arterioles. B. arterial blood pressure drives venous blood flow. C. deoxygenated blood is carried by the pulmonary veins. D. pressure on the systemic circulation is higher than pressure in the pulmonary circulation.


Chromatids of homologous chromosomes may exchange genetic material A. during prophase of mitosis. B. during interphase. C. during prophase I of meiosis. D. between meiosis I and meiosis II.


Muscle myosin binds directly to A. actin B. troponin C. tropomyosin D. sarcoplasmic reticulum

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