Exam Prep Notes PDF

Title Exam Prep Notes
Author Andrew Ching
Course Business Systems Analysis
Institution University of Auckland
Pages 25
File Size 1.4 MB
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Table of Contents Use Case Modelling ................................................................................................................... 2 Data modelling .......................................................................................................................... 7 Desig...


Table of Contents Us Use eC Case ase M Mod od odelli elli elling ng ................................................................................................................... 2 Dat Dataa mod mode ellin llingg .......................................................................................................................... 7 Desi Design gn sstra tra trate te tegy gy.......................................................................................................................... 8 UI, UI* aand nd U UX X aand nd UI De Desi si siggn ...................................................................................................... 9 Mob Mobililile e str straate tegy gy an and d SSma ma mallll sscre cre creen en UI .......................................................................................... 12 Syst Syste em aarch rch rchit it itect ect ectur ur ure e ................................................................................................................. 14 Pre Pre-im -im -imple ple plem men entati tati tatio on ................................................................................................................. 18 Con Conver ver versi si sion on str strat at ateg eg egyy ................................................................................................................. 19 Ope Operration ationss and main mainte te tena na nanc nc nce e (and endi ending ng the SDL SDLC) C) ................................................................... 21 Se Securit curit curityy .................................................................................................................................. 22 Agil Agile e ....................................................................................................................................... 23

Us Use eC Cas as ase e Model dellililing ng

Do you understand the purpose of a use case model and how it relates to requirements in a project? o Made from user stories ▪ As a , I want to so that . ▪ As a lower data use (mobile data is costly) ▪ Flexible everything • Icons/ images/ buttons all of this need to adapt based on the screen size and orientation ▪ Pros: It’s Just one website/ easy to maintain ▪ Cons: No offline access/ cannot implement core functionality provided by the users environment (AR kit from iOS etc) o Native app ▪ Mobile app native to the platform (iOS/ Android) Pros Cons Leverage phone APIs (multi Store related touch/ AR kit/ UI elements/ Phone sensors) Easy to use because all experience is platform interactions are similar to the dependent (some apps work platform better on iOS than on android eg: snapchat) Offline access Must comply with platform regulations T&C Better performance since it is Have to develop deferent optimized versions for different versions of the same platform OS Easy to provide user It is an independent app so have documentation separate development costs and need a different skill set compared to web dev o Hybrid app ▪ A website in a native app container (Native app with a web container) ▪ Displays website but opens as an app ▪ This is awful because it still doesn’t follow the typical platform specific UI* elements ▪ Often end up confusing users (eg: Android back button doesn’t go back, instead exits the app) Pros Cons Have only a single code base This is a niche space and require (Cheap to maintain) knowledgeable designers Has access to platform specific Not ideal for large/ growing high capabilities (Not always true) frequency use base

Given a scenario, can you suggest an appropriate mobile strategy? o Assess the business needs o Audience ▪ Who is going to use it from the existing user base? ▪ Who are we targeting? o Content ▪ What are we going to show? ▪ Interactional or informational o Priority ▪ Priorities based on how useful, important or critical specific sections/ features of the website o Budget ▪ Cost of building and maintaining multiple versions Which strategy (ies) are ideal for interactional and informational activities? Interaction Informational Native app Responsive web design (RWD_ Hybrid app Hybrid aPP What are some design considerations for mobile and small screen that do not relate to non- mobile UIs? o Focus on one or two main use cases o Do not overwhelm the user with a lot of crap (Make it harder to navigate. Keep in mind, it is a small screen and users typically want things to be quick in a mobile interface) o 7 UI principles for mobile ▪ Design for interruption • Save state often • Allow user to save state • Preserve a good level of history (forgiving) • Allow to stop, restart, resume with little effort • Provide multitouch gesture-based interaction ▪ Design for continuous experience • Make things platform specific • Personalized • Remember where the user was last time, they used the app ▪ Self-sufficient design • Don’t ask user to go elsewhere (Allow them to do all the required tasks in the same screen) ▪ Make use of phone features • Use the sensors where required • Use platform APIs to improve the experience ▪ Consider screen opportunity cost • Keep a balance between features and space • Too many features -> cluttered interface • Too clean interface -> lack of features Maximize Minimize Optimize the use of space Ads, redundant controls Design specially for the Unnecessary texts and labels devise Excess unused space

Animations Don’t cram things up ▪

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Minimize interaction cost • Less buttons to click • Reduce the number of steps to achieve a task • Less reading Can you design a basic mobile UI for a scenario demonstrating certain principles? o Practice Can you identify principles demonstrated on a given small screen GUI? o Practice

Sys System tem ar archi chi chitect tect tectur ur ure e

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IS architecture design flows primarily from the non-functional requirements, such as operational, performance, security, cultural and political requirements Do you understand the meaning of each tier in a 3-tier system architecture (i.e. presentation tier, application tier and data tier)? o End User (You) ▪ You want to view a website o Client (A web browser/ App) o Server ▪ A dedicated computer/ server which hosts and serves the website

In the context of a scenario: o Can you provide examples of tasks for each tier? • End user • User update his profile of Facebook • Client • Web browser provides the form fields that can be changes • Shows the existing information on those fields • Keep communication between the client device and the server • Server • Host the current information • Process the input fields • Store the updated information • Archive the old information for future reference o Can you identify which tier a piece of hardware belongs to and justify why • End User • Mobile phone • Desktop pc • Laptop • Client • Chrome • Firefox • Safari • Native app • Server • Database server • Application processer • Web server o Can you distinguish between clients and servers? • Client: Requestor of work/ end-user uses this/ lot of these in a system • Server: Services request (Does the work)/ few of these in a system o Can you draw a basic architecture?

Tes Testin tin tingg an and d Va Valid lid lidati ati ation on • • •

Does the solution meet the needs (Requirements)? Find bugs/ Defects What is the traceability pyramid? o Provides a relationship between different levels of requirements in the system. This technique helps you determine the origin od any requirement. The test pyramid illustrated how requirements are traced from the top level down. Every need is usually mapping to a couple of features, and then features map to use cases and supplementary requirements o What are the components of a traceability pyramid?

o Needs: Business needs o Features: Resulting system features that we need to address business needs o Use Cases: Functional requirements o Support spec: Nonfunctional requirements o Scenarios: More detailed type use cases. Low level stuff o Test cases: Specific actions or tasks that we have as part of those scenarios What are the types of testing? o Can you provide examples of testing under each type and/or sub type of testing? ▪ Business and system ▪ Uni testing • Smallest size of tests: Input output validation for the business logic • Done by programmers • Black box o Don’t look at the code in modules to if things work • White box o Checking the code line by line ▪ Integration testing • UI testing • Scenario testing • Data flow testing • System interface testing ▪ System testing • Requirements

• Usability • Performance testing • Security ▪ Acceptance testing • UAT (User Acceptance Testing) o Last phase o Test whether the software can handle required tasks in the real-world scenarios o Done by the project team and the target users (Audience) • CAT (Customer Acceptance Testing) o Done after the release of the project to end user o Checks whether it is working as expected or not Do you understand why the Double V model is discussed in the context of testing? o Similar to waterfall o Testing in inherent to SDLC in double V o Left hand side of the V is conceptual artifacts o Right hand side of the v is system artifacts o As you go down it get tested with the other side o It is a type of SDLC o Demonstrate traceability and abstraction being inherent through the SDLC What is the value of continuous testing? How do testing activities vary over the SDLC? o Continuous testing allows to identify and fix system defects early and deliver right quality at the right time at the right cost o Issues are found early, hence it is easy to fix. Keep the project becoming a failure o What is the purpose of a test plan? ▪ Provides detailed instruction on how testing process will be conducted for a given project. o How does a business/systems analyst know what to include in a test plan?

o Can you write a basic test plan? ▪ Practice

Pre Pre-i -i -imp mp mpllem emen en enta ta tation tion •

What happens pre-implementation? o Training people o Reduce error by training. Error is a form of risk o Goal is to reduce or eliminate risk o Making user the system will work as planed o People will use the system as planned What activities are typically performed to manage change or risk? o People resist change o Training the users o Four P’s ▪ Project: List the upcoming changes ▪ Purpose: What benefits the change will bring ▪ Particulars: List the details of what will need to change ▪ People: Which employees need to change the way they do things o Documentation (Have good documentation) ▪ System is not complete until there are good docs ▪ System (technical): Previous phases, Future phases ▪ User (Business): • Reference manual: Specific task • Procedure: Business process • Tutorials: Teaching a user ▪ Should start early then test ▪ Prepare system • Plan the transition • Data preparation • System interface testing o What risks do they attempt to mitigate? What costs do they incur? ▪ Allocated about 30% of the money to mitigate risk ▪ More money you spend the more risk you can reduce What are some sources of risk of failure in an IS project? o Key staff leaving the project and or the company o Poorly defined project scope o Inadequate risk management o Poor system and user documentation o External to organization ▪ Beyond the control of the project and the organization ▪ Things like changes in government policies o Internal to organization but external to project ▪ This could be like the organization decided to merge with another organization ▪ Now the system needs to talk to another system from a different organization ▪ Changes the scope of the project o Internal to project but external to the system ▪ Project team changes ▪ The project team designer quits due to various reasons ▪ Now there are delays o System related ▪ The components of the system ▪ Hardware, software can change ▪ The software vendor decides to discontinue the software you wanted to buy

What is documentation and why is it important? o It contains reliable information for uses and mainly these documentations enable to track all development stated of the system o Helps to reduce the training time and cost o Helps users perform various tasks (eg: reference manual) o Help users to understand how to get the most out of the system What are the types and sub types of documentation? o System (technical): Previous phases, Future phases o User (Business): ▪ Reference manual: Specific task ▪ Procedure: Business process ▪ Tutorials: Teaching a user Can you provide examples of documentation for each type and/or sub type? o System (technical): Previous phases, Future phases o User (Business): ▪ Reference manual: Specific task ▪ Procedure: Business process ▪ Tutorials: Teaching a user

Co Conv nv nvers ers ersion ion sstr tr trat at ateg eg egyy •

Do you have an overall understanding of what is entailed in a migration plan?

Do you understand each conversion strategy component? o Style ▪ Direct: Direct cutover/ One day using the old next day using the new ▪ Parallel: Old system and the new system overlaps during a small period. Then changes to the new system o Location (Where/ Which) ▪ Definition: Different cities/ countries or different departments/ faculties or time as in semesters or quarters ▪ Pilot: Something like a testing layer • Before rolling out, just get tested at one location • Do the pilot in high risk location. Need to see the worst-case scenario ▪ Phased: Does it in systematically in locations that are more critical ▪ Simultaneous: role out in every location o Modules ▪ Whole system ▪ Modul by module ▪ Defined module

o And the relationship between one another

o And their role in the risk vs cost and time trade-off

Can you recommend or comment on a conversion strategy for a specific scenario to best suit needs and constraints?

Op Oper er erati ati atio ons an and dm main ain ainten ten tenaance (a (and nd een ndin dingg the SSDLC) DLC) •

• • •

What is a productivity dip? o Drops in productivity because people must get used to the new system. So, things are bit slow. That is why productivity dip happens. o Slowing down in productivity o Provide as much support as possible ▪ Level 1 support (80% of questions are answered by them) ▪ Level 2 (have more experience and knowledge) What does the “productivity vs time” graph look like during the postimplementation phase?

o Training and preparation will help to reduce the dip What is the goal of the maintenance phase? o The maintenance phase involves making changes to hardware, software, and documentation to support its operational effectiveness. It includes making changes to improve a system's performance, correct problems, enhance security, or address user requirements. What are the types of maintenance tasks? o Corrective (20% of the budget): ▪ Typically to do with bugs in the system ▪ Deals with these types at the beginning (Right away) o Adaptive (25% of the budget): ▪ Requests enhancement to the system ▪ New requirements from the users ▪ Can be either a major or a minor o Perfective (50% of the budget): ▪ Possibly adding a new function or a feature ▪ There is a better way of doing things so adding a new functionality that does the same requirement efficiently/ better o Preventive (5% of the budget): ▪ Very minor ▪ Updating documentation is an example for this Can you provide examples of tasks for each type? Level 1 support -> Level 2 support -> problem report -> Change Request What is a “change request”? o A change request is a proposal to alter the new system. This can happen because the client wants to change something from the initial deliverables or involves a small correction to an existing requirement Why is a change request like a mini-SDLC? o Because it has the same stages as a SDLC. ▪ Identify potential change (Planning phase)

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Analyze change request (Analysis phase) Plan change (Design phase) Implement change (Implementation phase) Review and Close change (Handover and project assessment)

Ending the SDLC • What happens when maintenance ends? o Hand over (pre decided date) happen to the system owners. Typically to the IT team of the company o Asses and evaluate the system. This provides ▪ Learning points ▪ Future actions • What happens when operations end? o Writes a system review. Helps to see how the functionality aligns with the business needs

Sec Secu urity •

• •

Why is security a consideration in the SDLC? o Especially in terms of cost and risk? ▪ Including security early in the SDLC will usually result in less expensive and more effective security than adding it to an operational system o How can we determine the value of security in a system? How does security affect usability or productivity in a system? o Adding extra security layers can affect the usability What does CIA stand for? o Confidentiality ▪ Rules that limit access to information ▪ Protection of information from unauthorized access o Integrity ▪ The assurance that the information is trustworthy and accurate ▪ The condition where information is kept accurate and consistent unless authorized changes are made o Availability ▪ A guarantee of reliable access tot h information by authorized people ▪ The situation where information is available when and where it is rightly needed What does violate CIA of information mean? o Can you come up with examples of C, I, and A in the context of a scenario? ▪ Confidentiality • Data encryption • User ID and password • 2FA ▪ Integrity • File permission and user access controls • Version control • Backups ▪ Availability • Hardware and software components (Firewalls/ proxy servers) • System upgrades up to date • Minimal or no downtime • Early detection of a Denial of Service (DoS) attack o How do we address C, I, and A? ▪ Managing information back ups ▪ Backup site (hot-sites/ warm-sites)

▪ ▪

Implement data replication and redundancy Dispose of the legacy system one it reaches EOL (End of Life)

Agile •

What is agile development? o Iterative development approaches to a system development. o CICD: Continuous Integration and Continuous Development o Agile development responds well to change How are agile methodologies different to “traditional” methodologies? o Waterfall ▪ Waterfall passes each phase to the next. It is very leaner ▪ Risk start to increase with each phase ▪ Need extensive documentation ▪ Each stage is signed off before the next stage is started ▪ All the requirements are known o Agile ▪ In agile, each person does a little bit everyday ▪ While the designer is designing the button, the coder is coding the basic function of the button ▪ Working software in every iteration ▪ Review and refine requirements regularly ▪ Risk is distributed throughout the development

What is the Agile Manifesto? o Individuals and interactions over processes and tools o Working software over comprehensive documentation o Customer collaboration over contract negotiation o Responding to change over following a plan What are the implications for a BA in agile development? o With reference to “Discovery” and Delivery” ▪ There is a difference in techniques used ▪ Working through all the phases fast ▪ Less documentation ▪ Discovery and Delivery happens at the same time not at two different stages ▪ Requirements are made using user stories

o What is dual track development?

o Two tracks not teams. o Not two processes, two parts of the same process ▪ Discovery • Goal is to maximize the learning velocity • Speed you learn about the project • Three underlying principles o See the whole ▪ Problem or vision statement ▪ Data flow diagram ▪ Metrics ▪ Process modeling ▪ Sta...

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