Exam View - Chapter 14 QA exam notes shortcuts question and answer great for practice before the exam and during course PDF

Title Exam View - Chapter 14 QA exam notes shortcuts question and answer great for practice before the exam and during course
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Exam View - Chapter 14 QA exam notes shortcuts question and answer great for practice before the exam and during course...


Chapter 14: Complementary and Alternative Strategies Edelman: Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 9th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following statements best defines the concept of holistic nursing care? a. Holistic nursing care is a family-centered approach to care. b. Holistic nursing care relies primarily on alternative medicine. c. Holistic nursing care takes into consideration all aspects of a person’s life. d. Holistic nursing care focuses on wellness rather than illness. ANS: C

Holistic health considers the whole person and how he or she interacts with his or her environment. It em mind, body, and spirit. Holistic health is a system of preventive care that takes into account the whole in responsibility for one’s well-being, and the total influences—social, psychological, environmental—that nutrition, exercise, and mental relaxation Holism entails a focus on proactive, healthy living and conside also the root cause of the illness. Holistic nursing care takes into account all aspects of a person’s life experiences including environmenta spiritual, and psychological constructs. DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension)

REF: p. 333

2. In contrast to holistic health care, Western or allopathic medicine focuses on the a. mind–body connection. b. impact of family relationships on health-seeking behaviors. c. symptoms and disease. d. environmental impact on health. ANS: C

Health care and delivery in the United States, is most often allopathic medicine, a system in which medi healthcare professionals, such as nurses, pharmacists, and therapists, treat symptoms and diseases using lasers or surgical interventions. Allopathy is also called biomedicine, conventional medicine, mainstream medicine, and Western medicine. Holistic health care focuses on the whole person, mind, body, spirituality, and so forth. Western or allop mainly on physical aspects of disease. DIF: Cognitive Level: Remember (Knowledge)

REF: p. 333

3. A nurse is discussing holistic health care with an individual. Which of the following explanations should

discussion? a. Empirical research has consistently demonstrated the value of alternative/complementary therapy. b. Many herbal remedies have side effects and drug interactions. c. CAM providers must meet required training, testing, and continuing education to practice. d. FDA requires proof of efficacy and safety for dietary supplements. ANS: B

Most CAM therapies lack a strong scientific evidence base, as many have not been studied with rigorou trials. The NIH is sponsoring research to fill the knowledge gap and build this foundation for safety, effi specific conditions. Herbal medicines may act on the body like prescription drugs and may interact with prescription medica elicit a full profile of what care recipients are taking and in what doses as part of medication reconciliatio The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates dietary supplements, but the regulations are les prescription or over-the-counter medications. For example, safety and efficacy do not have to be proven once on the market, it does monitor label claims and inserts. Most CAM providers are not credentialed i system, so credentialing regulations and standards vary nationally. Some require training, testing, and co most do not. DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 343

4. The nurse is conducting a community health-education program concerning alternative/complementary t

following should be included in the presentation? a. Alternative/complementary therapy is primarily used when conventional medicine has failed to achieve desired results. b. Alternative/complementary therapy is used in both hospital and outpatient settings. c. Alternative/complementary therapy was popular in the late 1980s but is rarely used today. d. Alternative/complementary therapy primarily focuses on herbal remedies for common health deviations. ANS: B

Alternative/complementary therapy is gaining popularity in both hospital and outpatient settings. It is us traditional medicine and focuses on all aspects of being (e.g., environmental, spiritual), not just herbal pr Alternative/complementary therapies involve a wide variety of formats and modalities discussed through therapies are but one component. Interest in alternative/complementary therapies has not waned. A 2012 Survey identified that people in the United States use CAM modalities and they spent $33.9 billion out-o Alternative and complementary practices are moving into mainstream medical practice. Many traditiona include a holistic viewpoint and integrative therapies, including Harvard, Stanford, Duke, and the Mayo DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 333

5. Which of the following complementary/alternative therapies involves emphasizing healthy lifestyle, stre

the body, and noninvasive treatments? a. Homeopathy b. Naturopathy c. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) d. Ayurvedic medicine ANS: B

Naturopathy is guided by the healing power of nature. Practitioners do not use prescription drugs, inject instead use a variety of complementary and alternative medicine modalities, emphasizing healthy lifesty cleansing the body, and noninvasive treatments. DIF: Cognitive Level: Remember (Knowledge)

REF: p. 338

6. A nurse is discussing aromatherapy at a community health fair. Which of the following aspects of this te

stressed? a. Aromatherapy can be used by individuals without special training. b. Aromatherapy requires that the care recipient have an acute sense of smell to be effective. c. Aromatherapy uses herbal scents in candles or incense as the primary method of delivery. d. Oils used in aroma therapy carry specific warnings and have contraindications. ANS: D

Aromatherapy, also referred to as essential oil therapy, is defined by the National Association of Holisti and science of using naturally extracted oils from plants to balance, harmonize, and promote the health o The therapeutic use of the oils may be via inhalation, external application, or ingestion. The use of arom complementary and alternative medicine modalities, without professional clinical training is strongly dis have this training to know the specific warnings and contraindication for each oil, as well as to understan Individuals must have this training to know the specific warnings and contraindications for each oil, as o reactions or other undesirable side effects. The oils need not necessarily involve inhalation or even a sen ingested or applied to the skin. DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 339

7. A nurse is instructing a person on the use of breath meditation. Which of the following instructions wou

person? a. “You may use this form of meditation when walking down the street.” b. “The best time of day to engage in this form of meditation is while you are doing chores.” c. “Watching the sunset and reflecting on its beauty is a great way to use breath


d. “It is important to observe your breathing when using this technique.” ANS D

8. A nurse is teaching a person about the technique of breath meditation. Which of the following aspects of

nurse stress to the person? a. Hold your breath for short amounts of time in order to regulate your breathing pattern. b. Focus on calming thoughts that come to mind during the meditation. c. Practice this technique when sitting and when walking. d. Concentrate on the breath. ANS: D

This technique should be practiced when standing, sitting, or laying quietly. Thoughts that emerge durin let go, so the focus is on the sensation of breathing. Holding one’s breath is not part of the technique. DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 340, Box14-5

9. The nurse is teaching imagery as a method to reduce anxiety in preoperative individuals. Which of the fo

nurse stress when teaching this technique? a. The benefits of guided imagery are primarily psychological. b. This technique promotes a sense of well-being. c. A “prayer circle” is needed for imagery to be most effective. d. Imagery has not been scientifically studied. ANS: B

Visual or guided imagery encourages clients to relax by focusing on calming thoughts or experiences. Im powerful technique that focuses and directs the imagination” in order to, among other things, promote a help people relax. In a randomized control study, men with prostate cancer and women diagnosed with b chemotherapy had a better quality of life, less depression, and some positive impact on laboratory values training and guided imagery, compared to the control group. Imagery is an individual exercise and does not include a prayer circle. Imagery has, in fact, been studied trials with cancer patients. DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 340

10. An individual asks the nurse to explain yoga. Which of the following statements would be made by the n a. There have not been studies involving yoga but care recipients speak favorably of b. c. d.

the practice. Yoga, while largely beneficial, is decreasing in popularity as other CAMs emerge. A major benefit of yoga is an increase in flexibility. All of the above statements are correct.


Yoga is a meditative movement practice that originated in India as a form of spiritual practice, and aids i balance, and relaxation. Many types and branches of yoga exist. Several studies of individuals with a va documented several health-related benefits from the practice of yoga, including reducing stress and anxi management, flexibility and the NHIS reported yoga use up from 6% in 2007 to almost 10% in 2015. G practice in traditional medicine centers, the prevalence of yoga will likely rise. DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 340

11. Which of the following statements is correct concerning energy therapy? a. One of the goals of energy therapy is to reduce blockages. b. Body energy is strongly suspected but not yet documented. c. Seasonal affective disorder has been successfully treated with laser energy. d. All of the above statements are correct. ANS: A

Certain types of body energy are well known. Electrical energy in the body is reflected in diagnostic stu electrocardiographic, electromyography, and electroencephalographic tracings. Lasers, focused light ene types of surgery and to treat other disorders such as psoriasis. Light energy is useful in treating seasonal basic goal behind the various modalities of energy therapy is to release blockages to energy flow, stimul and rebalance life energy. DIF: Cognitive Level: Remember (Knowledge) 12. Which of the following states is correct concerning Qi gong?

REF: p. 340

a. b. c

It is one of the several forms of yoga. It is a movement therapy. It is a form of energy therapy to balance life energy

13. The nurse is asked to explain acupuncture to a person. Which of the following statements concerning acu

include in the explanation? a. Acupuncture lacks empirical evidence of efficacy; thus is rarely covered by insurance. b. Acupuncture manipulates life energy or chi. c. Acupuncture focuses on meridians which are defined as points of diseased tissue. d. Moxibustion is the term used to describe a disturbed energy flow, which results in disease. ANS: B

Acupuncture manipulates life energy, referred to as chi or qi in some cultures, by stimulating precisely m surface. The points overlie the channels, called meridians, through which chi travels. The channels are n affect, such as the lung meridian, heart meridian, and kidney meridian. When stimulated, the valve may excess chi or close to allow chi to collect if chi is deficient. Stimulation of the points may be accomplish include burning herbs on or over the points to increase point stimulation, a technique called moxibustion the efficacy of acupuncture in a variety of realms and the cost of treatment is often covered by insurance DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 341

14. A person asks the nurse to explain the difference between acupuncture and acupressure. Which statemen

response by the nurse? a. Acupressure uses massage and oil aromatherapy to stimulate meridian points. b. Acupuncture but not acupressure has been shown to relieve nausea and vomiting. c. Acupressure stimulates meridian points via pressing and stretching movements. d. Acupressure is achieved by applying more pressure to the fine needles inserted as part of acupuncture. ANS: C

Acupressure is a form of acupuncture, were the meridian points are stimulated with pressing, rubbing, sq movements. The technique is taught in some massage schools because it is often used along with massag body’s energies. Shiatsu uses a sequence of rhythmic pressure on acupressure meridians. Massage oil is not used during acupressure therapy. Both acupressure and acupuncture have been shown vomiting. Acupressure involves pressing, knuckling, rubbing, squeezing, and stretching. It does not invo needles inserted during acupuncture. DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 341

15. The nurse has just discussed reflexology with an individual. Which of the following statements made by

demonstrate that learning has taken place? a. Reflexology uses upper back massage to control tension and stress. b. Reflexology uses the body’s natural reflexes to optimize positive energy flow. c. Reflexology uses pressure applied to hand and foot areas to relieve tension. d. Reflexology uses massaging and stretching motions to the lower legs and feet to restore a positive energy flow. ANS: C

Reflexology is a mixed method of CAM as it involves a type of manipulation and the concept of energy applies pressure with the thumbs to mapped points on the feet or hands, or both, by pressing deeply into and stimulate circulation of blood, lymph, and energy. Reflexology is more than massage because practi points correspond to the organs of the body and that stimulating the points will stimulate the organs to h Reflexology is a hand pressure technique applied to the hands or feet. It does not involve massage, sque acupressure. Neither does it involve the back or legs aside from the feet. Natural body reflexes are not a DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 339

16. A nurse has completed an educational session about touch therapy with a group of adults. Which of the f

by an individual would demonstrate understanding of this topic? a. “Shiatsu is one of the more popular forms of touch therapy.” b. “Touch therapy is effective because deep massage relaxes muscles.” c. “During touch therapy the therapist’s hands may not actually touch me.” d. “Both statements A and B demonstrate correct understanding.” ANS: C...

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